title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, March 31, 2014

A New Week--Catching Up

Today's high temperature was:  57 degrees
Sunny and beautiful

Saturday morning, I was sitting here, minding my own business and the phone rang.  It was Pammie!!!  She has the Turbo Tax software and she had her taxes all done, but in order to do her Michigan ones, she had to connect to the Internet and...she doesn't have Internet...so...she wanted to know if she could come here and use my computer!!  I was so happy.

She came and worked in my nice clean computer room, while I watched the DVD of "Hitler's Last Ten Days".  I could hear her in here, muttering to herself, an occasional "damn"--it was great.  Then, when she went to print out the forms, the black ink jet died--luckily, I had a new one.  Then the printer ran out of paper--luckily, I had a whole ream of printer paper.  

We yakked for awhile after she was done and I sent her home with the Hitler DVD and a bunch of other movies she has never seen.

I felt all warm and smiley the rest of the day.

She and I ought to live together in that big house of hers--I could take over the 3 rooms upstairs and she could have the 1st floor and we probably wouldn't see each other, BUT--she enjoys living alone as much as I do, so-----even though it would be financially smart for both of us................
I got up Sunday morning and felt just awful.  I have no idea why, but at one point I thought it might save time if I just drove to the funeral home parking lot and sat and waited until I died.  I was real shaky, I felt like I couldn't walk in a straight line, I was dizzy and I just wanted to go to bed.

I missed church, which I didn't want to do.  At 2:20 I started watching my Spartan's play in the tournament.  After the first half, I had to leave to drive on over to the high school to watch a ballet production of "Peter Pan'", which grand daughter Madeleine was dancing in.  Luckily, I missed the second half and my Spartan's lost.  I'm glad I didn't have to watch that close finish.  They turned the ball over too many times to come back for a win.

I got home in time to watch the last half of the Michigan game, they lost too, which made me feel a bit better.  I did start feeling a little better Sunday evening.

Susanna--Maddie's best friend, danced the part of Tiger Lily and Maddie was one of the Indians.
You've seen the two of them before in ballet costumes.  Susanna is my pseudo grand daughter. :-)
It was a very good production.

I would have gone to the Saturday night ballet, but I thought Jennifer was going then.  I asked Karen Sunday and she said that "no" Jen didn't come Saturday night, but that about 10 minutes before the performance started on Sunday, she called to see if there were tickets at the door and Karen told her, I was at that performance--so Jen didn't come.  

How stupid can this continue to be?  There were a whole empty section from about 10 rows back and the balcony was completely empty.  Jennifer could have attended and I never would have even known she was there!!!  That girl is as stubborn and unforgiving as her Father!!!

He and I could have a minor disagreement that would soon turn into a real argument because he'd bring up something that had happened a decade earlier--which had nothing to do with this disagreement, but....oh--I have no idea why he did that, but............

Nice to live along and not have to worry about any of these kinds of things!!!

I must have slept wrong last night because I woke up this morning with a terrific pain in my neck and shoulder--luckily I already had an afternoon appointment at the Chiropractor's.  I was also out of food, milk, Diet Pepsi--everything it seems.

Dar came over, just as I was getting ready to leave.  We are planning on going to the Cinema (as she call it) on Thursday to see "Noah".  I'm not really "into" seeing it, because I hear it is full of controversy, but I need to see it and judge for myself.

I got worked over really good by the deep tissue massage.  I hurt more when I came out then I did before I went in...but tomorrow I should be much better.

Stopped at Meijer and...THEY HAD DIET PEPSI LITERS ON SALE!!!  10 for $10 with an 11th one free.  YOWSER!!

Then I stopped at JoAnn's to get some embroidery floss for the baby quilt I am working on.  All I needed was three shades of grey (not 50) and---they had none!  I could not believe it, so I walked down to the Michael's store and found it there.

You know how JoAnn's and Michael's stores are?  You can't just walk up to the cashier.  You have to get in a line and walk up to a certain point and wait until they call "Next".  Michael's was not busy at all.  There was one lady at the cashier, and I proceeded to walk along the "trail".  Well--there was a woman following me, but when we got up to the exit line, she just pushed her cart under the rope and stood in back of the lady at the counter.  There I was, waiting patiently to be called and she just walked right up there.  So--I was "first in line", but she managed to get ahead of me.  No big deal, but, sometimes I wonder how people can be so rude and impolite and it doesn't seem to bother them at all.

I headed home and one car in front of me wanted to turn left, but when she tried to get over into the turn lane, she left the back end of her car sticking out in my lane.  A quick brake, wait and then proceed.  Once again, I wondered about people who don't really give a rat's patootie about others around them.

It seems it is always an adventure when I have to drive in traffic and go to stores.

The traffic gets out onto the four lane road, the speed limit is 50mph.  I was in the right hand lane.  The cars in the left lane were going about 60-65, all I wanted to do was go the speed limit, BUT--the lady in front of me was on her phone and going 45.  The longer she talked, the slower she drove.  I couldn't pass her because the traffic on my left was continual and going fast!

I was at 35mph by the time I made it to Subway to stop and get my supper--still kind of fuming and wondering about STUPID people and walked in and there was a grandma, with 3 young children ahead of me.  I just smiled to myself.  Each kid wanted a different sub.  Each kid wanted a small plastic cup with pickles or cucumbers or olives.  Each kid wanted to sit by grandma and they were yelling, "You sat by her last time!"

The clerk looked up at me and said, "I'll be with you in just a minute."

I said, "That's all right.  Just take your time."

He finally got grandma and the kids food and off they went to the tables.  You could see she was tired and she told the kids, "You sit over there.  I'm going to sit at this table...by myself.  I'm sick and tired of your fighting!"

"I''m sorry for your wait," said the clerk.

"That's okay.  I'd like a foot long, on herb and cheese bread, Spicy Italian with Pepper Jack cheese, not toasted.  Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and onions."

We got done pretty quick and after I paid with my gift card, he said, "I am so glad every time I see you.  No matter how long you have to wait, no matter what, you are always smiling and....every time you come in here, it just makes my day better."


Some people are rude and impolite and then....there are some like that clerk who just made me feel appreciated the rest of today.

I forgot to tell you, I found out last Friday that I am getting food assistance of $55.00 a month AND they are going to pay my Medicare payment of $104.91 a month.  

I also found out that IF my furnace had waited until next month to die, DHS would have given me a one-time cash assistance of up to $4000.00.

Story of my life, LOL.  So now, instead of being $300 short each month, I will only be about $150 short and I think--if nothing else breaks--I can shuffle, juggle and tap dance enough around so I won't have to worry so much. 

Well--let's see what tomorrow brings.  Okay?



  1. Your posts always leave me with SO many things I want to comment on but I'd be writing a book if I did. Where to start?

    I'm glad you're going to get some help from the state on your bills. That should take some of the pressure off.

    The way your x-husband was with bringing up old arguments years later is the type of person I just can't stand. Don and I could always compromise, move on and continue to honor the compromise. Done and settled with no hard feelings. Your daughter learned good (or rather a bad thing) at her dad's knee on that score. Holding a grudge as long as she has certainly speaks volumes about her character.

    1. She also had a lot of training from my step-mother, who was her only grandmother. My step-mother was more subtle--she'd knife you in the back and you wouldn't even realize it for a few minutes--she also held grudges and lacked any forgiving features in her life. BUT--being so much younger, Jennifer saw her older sister's as an example and they are not in any way like this..and both are quite perturbed with her actions.

    2. That's really sad for everyone involved.

  2. you share good news
    and sad news
    we all have it.
    this morning I go to doctor for shot in arm and shoulder
    so painful.
    need to think of
    massage and acupuncture :)

  3. I'm glad you're getting some help with food and your medicare. Glad you're feeling better too. Now if your stubborn daughter would come to her senses.....

  4. I'm so glad you're getting some financial assistance. Evry little bit helps.

    Like you, I'm often amazed at how rude people can be, but I learned a long time ago to just let it roll off my back. No reason to let people like that get me upset and ruin my good mood.

  5. Glad the assistance came through. Every little bit helps. My luck also is that a big help comes after I have already paid!!!

  6. Good Morning,
    Catching up on your posts.....coming down to earth after the trip. I love the photos of you with Maddie and Susanna...so happy. Hope your neck is better. I always find I hurt after treatments, too, but then in a few days, I am pain free. Had a massage before the trip and I hurt like crazy for 3-4 days but was pain free on the trip. So worth it.
    So happy you got a little financial relief. The paperwork was worth it.

    May April bring you warmth, happy days!

  7. Judy,
    I'm so glad you're going to get assistance. I know it isn't much, but I hope it will help.

    I love Peter Pan. Maddie is adorable, and I'm impressed with the costumes they always have. They look so professional. If I lived near you, I'd be begging for an invite to attend her plays with you. I love plays.

    I don't know what to say about Jen. I hope she doesn't wait till it's too late to make amends. I'm not sure if her traits are learned or genetic or a combination, but it's a tough way to live. I know this is a huge pain for you to carry.

    Those rude people are everywhere! What's up with that? Crazy!
