Today's high temperature was: 54 degrees
Sunny and bright all day
I went to church yesterday. The roof is still intact! I haven't been since the second Sunday in December. Of course I sat in the same pew I always sit in--it seems most people do that, don't they? The couple behind me said, "We've missed you. Have you been in Florida?"
I replied, "Nope. I've been in lazy mode."
It felt good to be in church--even though I was sleepy from the time change. Singing the old hymns, the sermon was wonderful. The minister is using Lent to give a series of sermons on Heaven--how Jesus promised it to us, how wonderful it is. He said that this week, he wanted us to think about Heaven.
When I went through the hand shaking line I told him, "You will be you grow older you will think of Heaven a every day. We wonder how soon we are going to be there...some days...we even wish we were there!"
I did a Dar sort of thing yesterday. When I got up, I noticed that Pearl's blinds weren't up yet. When I went to church, I drove out the other way and not by their house. When I got to church, they weren't there, so I brought a bulletin home for them. I stopped at their house. Both vehicles were in the drive...their storm door on the porch was open, but their inside door was locked. I figured they had gone somewhere with their daughter. So I stuck the church bulletin in the door and came on home.
Around 2:00, I called Pearl, but the phone went straight to voice mail so I knew she had her phone turned off. At 4:00, I tried again...this time it rang a bit and then went to voice mail and I left her a message.
At 6:30 I had to run up to the gas station, when I came back, it was getting dark. I noticed that someone had closed the outside door on the porch. There were no lights on in the house--the TV wasn't on--it looked like no one was at home.
SO--of course, I jumped to conclusions!!!
SO of course, worse case scenario came to my mind. Merle had another heart episode. Pearl had a stroke. Pearl had fallen and broken her hip. They wouldn't stay away all day unless something was terribly wrong. I didn't call the local hospital to see if she had been admitted--but I thought of doing that.
At 8:30, I called again. Pearl answered the phone.
"What is going on?" I asked
"Oh. Not much. We are just sitting here watching TV."
"You're both all right then?"
"Well...let me check. Merle? You all right? Yeah, we're both okay"
So I told her all what I had gone through and that I was scared something had happened.
Well, she got to laughing and said, "You remind me of our neighbor."
Come to find out, she and Merle went to another church with their daughter, then out to lunch. Then they all went shopping because Pearl wants a storage cabinet in her little bedroom. When I came back, after dark, they were in that small bedroom putting the thing together and no lights on in the rest of the house.
I told her, "Well at least you know someone cares what happens to you..Sniff."
Dar came over early this morning. Oh, by the way, she cancelled the endoscope test she was going to have today, because, "I only had that acid reflux for one day, so I think I'm all right."
She had just returned from Art Van's where she purchased her third recliner. She has had two in the last three weeks and returned them both. She hopes this one is what she wants.
Apparently she is afraid she is going to be (unjustly) fired.
"I have several complaints against me, from other employees, who have told our manager."
"What kind of complaints."
"That I am bossy and hard to work with and make too many mistakes."
Apparently twice now, she has hit the wrong button on the computer thingie and it read that she gave two customers $150.00 each--cash. She realized her mistake and the customer's didn't get the cash, but....her "drawer" showed up $150.00 short each time. The other day, one of the other cashier's (Kila) came to her line and told Dar to take a break. She asked why and the girl said, "Because Lloyd wants you too." (Lloyd being the manager.)
Dar asked why and Kila said, "we've had two complaints from customers that you talk too much, too loud and you slam the groceries into the bags. Lloyd wants you to go to his office."
Dar talked to him and explained that yes she had made mistakes, but they had been corrected and that the young employees were "out to get me because I am their grandma's age and they don't like me telling them what to do."
Then Dar went on to tell me that "someone" in the family now has her daughter-in-law mad at her. Her DIL sent her a text saying, "You are not ever going to take my children away from me and we want no more contact with you."
I guess at a Christmas family thingie, Dar made mention that her son and DIL didn't take very good care of the children and, "If I had the room and was younger, I'd sue to get the kids." A niece-in-law was at the gathering and happens to be best friends with the DIL and told her what Dar had said.
Then, the DIL found out someway that Dar had purchased a new bed for one of the bedrooms and the DIL thought she was preparing the house to take the kids.
I guess she and Dar talked it all out. The DIL ended their phone conversation with, "I never knew how dysfunctional this family is." Dar replied, "You never asked or I would have told you."
She finally went home at noon, I jumped into the shower, then ate lunch, watched my soap and at 2:00 took off for my Chiropractic appointment. Man--it was so hot in the car!! I turned off the heater and opened the windows. What a gorgeous day.
I am so much better that I can now go 3 weeks between appointments--sort of on a maintenance course now.
I stopped at Meijer's on the way home. Gas is $3.75 around here and they had it for $3.55 and I had less than a quarter tank, so I put my monthly allotment of $40.00 bucks in the tank. Filled it up!!
Then I went to the store and got some food and cleaning products. When I went to check out, I got in the lane with a really nice cashier. Guess who? Kila--Dar's nemesis. LOL She was very nice and put the food gently in the bags and even double bagged my Pepsi without me having to ask.
When I got home, I left the front door open so the cats could look out the storm door and the sun could come in. It was just so nice! Everything dripping off the roofs. The ice melting away. I even poked around in the side garden looking for Crocus.
While I was eating supper and watching the news, the weather forecast was given. 4-6 inches of snow Tuesday night into Wednesday.
Oh March, ye are a fickle
It's such fun to read your posts; you never have a dull moment! You make me smile.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure you're not living in Dysfunction Park ad you're the token normal one? LOL You crack me up and just for the record, you could never pull a 'Dar' kind of thing. You are way too level headed for that.
ReplyDeleteI laugh out loud at your blog - it makes me so happy.
ReplyDeleteMy grandson is visiting here in Florida and while his little sister was napping I tried to get him to rest - no way, he is 5 and does not need a nap!! I told him I had a special book to read to him - yes, yours! I told him to lay down beside me on the bed while I read it. He kept getting up so I said maybe he didn't want to hear the rest of the story about the hidden treasure - he was right back beside me - he couldn't wait for the ending. Since then we have read it many times. Thanks again.
WOW!! So glad the grand boy likes the book. It is hard to keep a 5 year old boy interested in anything longer than 10 seconds before they have to be off and running. This makes me feel so good!!
DeleteAlways excitement of some sort on your blog! I think its your way of writing! Boy just to see and hear the water dripping helps the mood so much! Emma too has been laying by the open back door just waiting for the green grass! Enjoy your day judy!
ReplyDeleteI jump to conclusions like that too. I'm not sure why I always have to zoom straight to Worse Case Scenario, but I do.
ReplyDeleteSun was glorious! I had the window down too! Ah, the snow is coming back - I'm not a fan, but we get what we get. Makes me that much more ready for gardening!
ReplyDeleteWhat's the deal with these "sermon series" that are all the rage?? I really don't like them. First I feel I am getting a "canned" sermon, second, with us being gone at least one week from church, I feel we don't get the full impact!
ReplyDeleteI had the air on in the car, and the heat on in the house. Go figure!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't sound like Dar's going to keep that job. :(
I feel like a blooming idiot for not sending you a check for the book, and I've asked you a dozen times for your address; then I can't find it, then I forget. I am not old though dammit!
I think one day I'm just going to end up on your doorstep! Would you let me in? HEY! Now, that would give Dar somethin' to talk about. :)