title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, March 17, 2014

Someone Got a Bit Feisty Today

Today's high temperature was:  38 degrees
Nice and sunny all day

Our weathermen around here always show the yearly snowfall and the records we have set.  Or the record lows we have set, or how many days we have had snow on the ground (76), but---I think they should also keep track of how many sunny days we have had since January 1st.  February always gets me down a bit, but this year, we have had so many days of sun that I didn't feel a bit depressed.  February is usually a grey, drab month, with dirty snow and mud patches, but this year, we had so much snow on the ground and new coming every other day, with the sun reflecting off it--it was a rather nice, bright month.
I got up at 9:00 and looked at my "to do" list.  Laundry, dusting, vacuuming, tidying up the kitchen, unhooking my VCR.

I had the vacuum sitting in the middle of the living room,  my chair pulled out because today I was vacuuming all floors, furniture, under and behind furniture--polishing the mirror behind my chair--on and on and....in walks Darlene.  I was way in the back filling up the washer with bedding.

"Oh," she says, "Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"I was just getting the laundry started.  I was so lazy this weekend that I need to do a lot of cleaning today.  To get ready to be lazy this coming weekend." 

"I need a favor," she says.

What's that?"

"I need you to get on-line and order one of those magnetic chair pads for me.  My back is hurting again."

I came into the study and told her to sit down in my chair in front of the computer.

"Why am I sitting in your chair?"

"I thought you wanted me to show you how to order on-line."

"Oh Honey, no.  I want you to order it and I will pay you."

<say what?>

"Why can't  you order it?"

"Well...I know you order stuff all the time on-line and...well, I don't want my information anywhere on line."

<okay--this is not happening>

"You want me to order something that you need and...charge it on my credit card and then you will pay me back.  Right?"

"Yes.  Exactly!"

"I'm not going to do that.  I am not using my credit cards anymore.  I don't want any more charges on my cards."

"But--I will pay you back."

Yeah...I know, but...I don't want to charge anything."

"Okay--then use your debit card and I will pay you back."

"No way!  I don't ever use my debit card on line.  I do not want my debit card, which is linked to my checking account information, on line either!"


"You don't want your information out there and...neither do I."


"I can show you how and then you can go home and use your computer to do it."

"Nah--I'll get Sheila to do it for me.  She'll do anything for me that I ask for."


She leaves pretty quickly after that.

So I seethed as I vacuumed every room and the chair and couch and behind the chair and couch and my mattress and made my bed and fumed as I ate lunch and then...calmed down as I scrubbed the washer and dryer.  

Then I called and made a hair cut appointment for tomorrow and started making a grocery list.  

Of course, the minute I got everything cleaned up and vacuumed everything, put the vacuum away and when it got quiet around here, the creator of all of the cat hair I just vacuumed up,  decided it was time to deposit a fresh coating of hair on the rocker cushion and take a nap in the sun.  



  1. Photos like that make me wish I could have a cat.

    I'm glad you didn't let Dar talk you into what she wanted you to do. It's kind of insulting, too, that she doesn't mind using you in a way she thinks is dangerous if she should order online, but she doesn't mind exposing you to the same supposed danger.

  2. That Dar is something else! Love the Buddy picture!

  3. Buddy cat is the coordinator of your aerobic fitness program....he makes sure you expend all that energy cleaning up all the fur he deposits!! What a cat....he is so beautiful and smart.
    As for Dar.....a character to say the least. Glad you told her like it is.
    You are right about the sun and brightness. Blessing of snow.

  4. Wow - Dar - a trip! :)

    Love seeing the sun on your beautiful cat.


  5. Beautiful kitty pic. I wish I could be that peaceful.

    Dar is too much by half. I swear.

    So glad February wasn't so bad for you.
