title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Night Terrors-Nightmares--Night Phenomenon That Feel Real

Today's high temperature was:  20 degrees
Sunny all day

I don't know what causes them.

I don't know why I can go months without them and then, have them night after night.

Monday, sometime during the night, I had a nightmare--I guess.  It all seemed very real.  My left eye hurt and I got up to go into the bathroom to look at it.  When I looked into the mirror, the left side of my face looked like a skull, but my left eye was in place and it was red.  Around it was blue and green and purple--jewel colors.  I woke up and my mouth was wide open like I was going to scream and I was sweating and trembling.

Last night, sometime during the night, I had a night terror--I guess.  I heard a loud noise and I knew the furnace had blown up.  I was trying to get out of bed, gather up the cats and run from the house, but I couldn't move.  I knew I had to move, but I couldn't.  I woke up yelling "Help", only it sounded drawn out like "Hhhhaaalllpp."  I was thrashing my legs which were tangled up in the sheets, the bedspread over my head.

I know that nightmares and even middle of the night panic attacks are caused by unresolved issues in life.  We either don't want to think about them or work them out during our awake hours, so when we go to sleep and get into the REM phase of sleep, our subconscious brings all these issues to the forefront of our brain and we try and work them out in our "un"subconscious state.  I know all that, when I was having middle of the night panic attacks--a psychologist explained it to me.

Of course, the questioner, the ponderer in me is trying to figure out what is going on that is causing these middle of the night things.  I got nothing!

I'm as bad, in the middle of the night, as Dar is in the daylight!! LOL

My big Buddy has taken to laying on the back of my chair.
He is so heavy that he almost tips us backwards.
He likes to paw at my hair and sniff my ears.

Then, when I get up and leave, he immediately jumps down 
on the seat and goes to sleep.
Isn't it amazing how fast cats can go to sleep? 
When I return to my chair, I say, "Off" and he hops down.
Good Boy!

Now this one, Maggie, owns the couch.
If I wanted her "Off", she wouldn't move.
If I reached down and tried to move her,
I'd probably lose a finger or pull back a
bloody hand.
She IS getting better, but still can use her
teeth and claws to show disapproval. 

If I am in the study in the evening, Buddy comes in and
sits here on the cart and stares at me.
He thinks it is time for his supper.

I have tried to explain to him that he gets his supper when the Cuckoo clock cuckoos nine times.  I always wait for the Cuckoo clock before I get up and say, "Ready for some food?"  and they both run into the kitchen and stand by the refrigerator for their tablespoon of wet food.

You would think he'd know by now how to count cuckoos, but he doesn't.

All he knows is, it is dark outside, he is hungry, therefore, it must be supper time.

....and, like a lot of us, if we think it is true, then to us it IS true.


  1. Loving these kitty photos this morning. Buddy is so funny....love the way he sits on the back if the chair and then all tucked in on the table. I think he is soaking up some heat from the lamp, too. Ms G does that and we ask her if she'd like to go to Palm Beach...crazy people we are, that is for sure.
    Those night terrors sound so awful, and I am sure they must be heart-racing traumatic when they happen. I have had them years ago. I do find I always wake all tangled in the covers, as you did. Hope they are gone after this last one.
    We have warmth promised for tomorrow. We shall see. Cold this morning!

  2. There have been times when I've thought about putting my voice activated tape recorder next to my bed to see if I talk in my sleep which could give me some clues about why some of my dreams are so intense. I hop your nightmares stay away for a long, long time. I quit watching crime-detective shows before going to bed because I didn't want them to fest inside my subconscious.

    Dogs could be trained to eat with a cuckoo clock chime. Are you sure you don't want to trade those babies of yours in for a dog? LOL

  3. I try to give our cats their food at about 9:00 at night but my one cat, Smudge, starts to walk across me and meow at least a half hour before that! I finally cave and they eat at about 8:45!

  4. Your night terrors sound awful. I hate waking up like that in terror; trying to figure out what's really going on.

    You could set a clock by my dogs. They know when it's time to eat and start bugging me. Bella is more accurate than Emma, she's never off more than five minutes (always EARLY).

    I let my dogs on my bed, but not my couch/chairs. I think if I let them on the couch, there would never be room for me!

  5. Hope your nightmares stop and you can get a full night's sleep. Cats can sleep anytime they rest. Wouldn't you love to be able to snooze like they do?
