title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

Today's high temperature was:  34 degrees
Partly sunny

I was 6 years old
My Mother had to make those ringlets every single morning.  My hair was curly/wavy and it hurt when she had to brush the snarls out of it and then make the ringlets.  They stayed in pretty good however.

This is shortly after my 6th birthday.  My Grandma had given me that gold heart necklace (I still have it) and took me to a photographer's studio to have my picture taken.  My Mother was going to have my hair cut a bit and get rid of the curls.  My Grandma cried--my Daddy cried.  First hair cuts must have been quite a ritual, back in the day, because I have glassine envelopes with my Grandpa's curls, my Mother's, my Daddy's and mine.

My Daddy at 5--just before he got his curls cut off

I went to lunch with my School Old Gal Pals.  There were 11 of us!!!  A couple of guests included in that.  It was a great time--the food wasn't too impressive, but it was expensive.  Nice of all the Pals to drive way down this way, but next month--I requested we go to the place in Durand--it is kind of half-way (although farther then half way for Bethie and me), the food is good and not so expensive AND--the method to my madness, I can stop and visit my Sister on the way home.  :-)  

No awful news--everyone had come through this winter unscathed.  We are all going to be seventy-five this year--well, a couple are already that age, but...supposedly this is our Ruby year?  

I said, "Well--we are all going to be seventy-five.  I guess that's suppose to be special?  I don't see a damn thing good about it!"  and one of the girls said, "The good is we're all alive."

Well--there is that.  We are all pretty healthy.  Yes, we have had some dear friends die, but not from age related diseases--like heart disease or stroke or anything like that.  

Then we had to comment on the shock we still get when we look in the mirror and see all the wrinkles.  I've got so many brown spots on my hands, along with my E.T. (essential tremor)--I had a hard time eating my soup today--guess I am going to have to start using my left hand.  I can hardly wait until my head starts shaking to and fro.  (NOT!!)

Bethie said that people don't look her in the eye anymore because of all the wrinkles on her face--I hardly think that is the case, but--we have all had the feeling that some don't even see us--we are becoming invisible.  BUT--not today!  We were vibrant and happy and joking.  It was a nice visit--AND Bethie brought me cat food!!!  Wet and dry, so...I can save on my groceries next month. 

Speaking of old--I sometimes have a hard time reading blogs when the font they use is colored or smallish--I suppose you have noticed that I use a larger font?  Makes it so much easier for me to see what I'm typing--and--maybe makes it easier for you to read?
Jean--the reason my crush--Greg Feith--is so tan is because, he lives in Florida.  

I am, once again, involved in watching the Basketball Tourneys.. MSU and U of M both won tonight.  (Daughter) Karen has them picked in her bracket, as the final two teams.  Now--wouldn't that be something?
I am feeling great tonight and yes...it is probably from the socializing.  Yes...I do tend to spend too much time alone.  It seems such an effort for me to get out and be with people, but once I do...I feel better afterwards.  I will try and remember this.  HOWEVER--I don't HAVE to go somewhere everyday, like "you know who."

See ya tomorrow--Jude


  1. Well, color me a snobby old fool for misjudging your crush. LOL He really is good looking and I love his hair...he's just not my type. He looks like a yuppie. Did I step my foot in it again?

    I love that photo of you at age six. And it's still easy to see "you" in that little girl's face.

    Glad you had fun at your luncheon. About people not looking you in the eye. I have found that it's me, not others. Once I figured out that I wasn't looking people in the eye anymore I now make it a point to make eye contact with everyone I talk to and it makes a difference...warms up the conversations even if it's just with a cashier.

    1. What do you think of his ties? They are Pancadi's that range in price from $132.00 to $175.00 each. I just heard his voice for the first time this morning and I have to agree with you on that, too. Great voice.

  2. I ran across your blog last week from another blog that I follow, and I hope you don't find that I'm being creepy, but I absolutely LOVE reading yours. You are down to earth, no covering up anything, and you write about everyday living- the real life. Hope you don't mind, but I plan on following you..I really enjoy it! thanks.

  3. I love that picture Judy...I have a similar picture of my mom at about the same age, with her hair exactly like that (only dark, dark brown and a bit longer). It's my favorite picture of her as a child.

    Jean - RE: the ties....that's one of the first things I noticed about the guy, love his ties!

  4. Sounds like you and your pals had a good time. I'm impressed that 11 showed up for it...
    Have a nice evening,By the way...love your hair back in the day.

  5. Love your little picture! My hair looked almost the same at the same age. Now it's difficult to remember it ever being any other color than white.!

  6. I'm going to make sure to check out his ties next time I see him.

    That photo of you and your curls is precious, and I can see the resemblance to you today.

    Glad your lunch was fun for you. There's nothing like commiserating with girlfriends.
