title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Today's high temperature:  45 degrees
November and February--two of my very least liked months of the year.  Everything is dead or dying and the weather is cold and grey.  Nope!  Don't like it--besides...I'm still waiting for the summer we really didn't have.

My view out these front windows
The arthritis, that destroyed my hips and affects my neck and spine, has now decided it will attack the knuckles on my hands!  I have two knots on my left index and middle finger--it is also making my index finger crooked.

On my right hand, it has already affected my thumb, and taken away my ability to write long-hand, by pulling it in toward the palm of my hand--so far no knuckle bumps on my right hand.
That reminds me--today is the 66th anniversary of my stubby index finger.   I missed the Halloween party of my 3rd grade that year because I was in so much pain I couldn't attend.

Anyway--my hands are beginning to look like my Daddy's--and with good reason.  The arthritis comes from his side of the family.  Plus, it aches.  When I type, my left index finger hurts--and you know I do a lot of typing.  RATZ!

Gosh--I have awful looking hands!You can pull the loose skin up into a "tent" like you used to do with your Grandma's!
My sister has just recovered from some sort of upper respiratory virus that is going around.  She felt pretty good yesterday, but every time she got out of the car, the wind made her cough.  She was flat in bed for 5 days!  

My neighbor, from when I lived in Saginaw, calls me every Tuesday.  Every Tuesday--of every single week!  What is there to talk about with someone I haven't seen in eleven years?  She has a card, with people's names on it.  She calls certain people on certain days, and I am a Tuesday Person.  I usually don't have too say too much, as she is quite talkative--like Dar--so I just listen and put in an occasional, "You're kidding!", or "OHMYGOSH!"  She never, ever asks me how I'm doing.  Never!

So, she called me today.  Kind of threw me off as it's Wednesday--I think.  She has also had the respiratory virus and was out for 6 days!  She went to the ER on Sunday and they put her on a Z-Pack, Flonase and Claratin D, because the virus had worked it's way into a sinus and ear infection.

I got my flu shot 14 days ago--it takes two weeks for it to become "good", so--I think I am now protected.  And yet--I hate to go shopping or to the doc's office, or anywhere there are people.  I am not a germaphobe, but I certainly use the sanitizing wipes on the grocery cart and Purell when I get in my car and wash my hands when I get home.  Hm-mm, maybe I am a germaphobe?

My sister gave me some gas money so this afternoon, I went up to the Meijer gas station.  Their gas is always lower than any other place.  It was $2.91, but because I put in my MPerks number, I got it for $2.71.  Then I stopped into the store (wiped down the cart handle with a wipe) and got a gallon of milk, some baked beans, potato salad and my little cake--that I haven't had in over a week!  GASP!  They had a sale on Halloween candy--bags of fun size--buy 1 get 1 free.  I don't ever have any kids come to the door, but........I do like candy bars, LOL.

I had my $18.00 food assistance, so it cost me nothing.  
I haven't heard a thing from Dar in two days--which is good.  I also haven't heard from Pearl in two days--which is bad.  I'm sure she saw Dar and I leave together and then come back and Pearl may be a bit put-off by that.  I am planning on walking up to her place right after supper tonight.

Sometimes, this whole thing reminds me of elementary school.  "Why did ya pway wif her at recess?  I fought you were my fwrend!"



  1. I'm sorry about the arthritis, Judy. :(

  2. Regarding
    my whole body is now aching
    Not painful just aches
    and hope the pain of the last year
    does not return. The pain that took
    me to ER 4 times :(
    Told it is just inflammation and do
    all I know to do and just keep
    The 2 months I do like are January
    and February. A lot of alone time.
    Take care...

  3. Meant to say that January and February
    are my least favorite months.
    Habit of being on computer at 5:30.

  4. Hi Judy,
    I so empathize about the arthritis in your hands. The pain from it is so demoralizing. I have it, too, as well as in my left knee which will be replaced soon. It is constant burning. Just touching the swollen knuckles is painful but if they are accidentally hit, OMG.
    As you say, Onward and Upward....all we can do. Advil helps for a while but then brings on other issues.
    How nice you got your things you needed. Your sister is wonderful and I really loved that ride you took the other day. I must do the same type of trip soon.

  5. Yes, I already have arthritis in both my hands, it seems to just be in the knuckle of my index fingers. I'm almost sure I have it in my hips, knees and shoulders too, plus my big toes...LOL. My dad was all crippled up with the stuff.

    I don't like this drab, cold weather either!

  6. My arthritis is much better due to going to the pool. I just do my exercises and bob around keeping on the move the whole time I'm in the water. Joe is better too...he does his exercises religiously. Somedays it's more social than others, some days we are the only ones in the water. There are so many old people there who are in much worse shape that we are. They come as we are leaving. A special class for arthritis sufferers.

    There's a pool at our high school, that costs Sr residents nothing....we go to a pool in another town and have to pay for a membership.

    I also have some DVD's that we exercise to in the winter. I guess we'll be starting those soon. Anything to keep moving.

    Have you ever tried gloves especially for arthritis? Just an idea.

    When I was a tech in physical therapy...we had a paraffin bath where people could dip their hands in hot paraffin and form layers on their hands. They would do this daily for several times. it helped too. Just keeping the hands warm gives some relief.

  7. I know all about the loose skin on hands and also purple spots every time they get a little tap. Your thumb looks a lot like my mother's thumb; however, she kept quilting with it.

  8. Wish you could the paraffin bath for your hands as your friend, Balisha, was talking about. I bet that would help you so much, Judy.

  9. Ouch! It's like we can actually WATCH our appendages change before our eyes. Growing old is NOT for the feint of heart ...

  10. Don't forget you can get voice recognition for computers now, so you can always have a presence in the blogger world no matter how bad your hands get.

  11. I'm with you - this weather is not enjoyable. I had to wear my WINTER coat! Ick. Sorry about your hands. I hope this doesn't happen to me, but I don't have good genes, so probably will.
    Thinking of you - stay warm and keep busy.

  12. Arthritis is an awful thing. Sorry about your hands, Judy.

  13. Thanks for your post. I love to research ancestors and visiting old graves. Now you have me looking at my old hands and seeing if I have tents! Halloween was so cold here in N. Illinois, but at least we only saw snow flurries. Made me quickly get the patio chairs put away. Hang in there and keep writing. You make simple things in life appear like great adventures.

  14. I'm sorry about your hands. I hope they don't ache too much. I am starting to get a touch of arthritis in my hands now, too. I now can relate when people say that they can tell when it's going to rain by the way their arthritis acts up!
