title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, October 20, 2014


Earthly Angels

Jackie's son, grandchildren and great grandchildren
came to rake her leaves

...26 bags ready for tomorrow's pick-up 

I have an earthly angel in Wisconsin, who sent me an e-mail, telling me they were praying the 9 day St. Jude Novena for me.  St. Jude being the Helper of the Hopeless and the Saint for Desperate Causes.

I have an earthly angel in Texas, named Christine.

I have an earthly angel in Indiana, named Marla.

I have an earthly angel just up the street, who invited me out for pizza tonight and...they picked up the tab.

I have an earthly angel from Brighton, who brought out 10 cans of wet cat food and left them on my porch.

Earthly Angels all around me.

I am so blessed!  


  1. People look out for one another. I'm so happy you have angels in your life.

  2. You are very much loved. VickieOkc

  3. I love how God's angels work here in earth - I think it's part if His provision for us - our Daily bread. Thinking of you!!

  4. We all need angels sometimes. I'm so glad you have them looking out for you.
