title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, November 4, 2013

Scary Kid!

Today's high temperature was:  46 degrees

While I prefer the "fall back", rather then the "spring ahead", these time changes always mess with my Circadian Clock and I am discombobulated for a few days--a week.

I like waking up in the morning, thinking it's 8:00 and seeing the clock say 7:00--early for me.  However at night, it is real dark at 5:00 but I am ready for bed and the clock says only 9:00.  My cat's get their nightly treat at 9:00, so now, Buddy starts complaining at clock time, 8:00.  Such a mess.
I walked up to Pearl's and we had a good chat this morning.  She is finally going to get a new computer and wants me to go along to help with what she needs.  We decided to go to the movie this Friday--I want to see "Last Vegas" and she agreed.  I need to see a funny movie where I can laugh and laugh.  The time change does not bother her in the least.
Went to the dentist for my 4 month cleaning at 2:40.  Today the hygienist decided we needed to "chart" the depth of my "pockets"--that is always unpleasant because I have about 4 teeth with deep pockets and when she puts that sharp metal instrument to measure them--it touches the nerve and has me jumping.  She finally got done, I was sweating, a tear had rolled out of the corner of my left eye and she was busy apologizing.  Hey--it has to be done and my teeth are beautifully clean from the ultra sound cleaning tool AND some nice scraping!

I had to get home as Pammie was dropping Andrew off so he and I could go out shopping and supper for his birthday.  He was 12 yesterday.

This kid scares me!  I mean really.   We had a fantastic talk--we forget to eat we were talking so much--which is great--when I could understand him.

He is going to go to MIT for college.  Jen has a couple of clients that are big wigs at MIT and they have sent Andrew a paper with the requirements he will need.  One of the projects he is working on now--building a super computer that will only be used for gaming.  He explained how it worked and the components he needed--and lost me about fifteen minutes into the explanation.  

(Remember?  He is the one who invented a marshmallow toaster when he was 4--and it worked great!!!)

Then we had a conservation on Global Warming--did I believe it or not.  I tried to explain to him that Mimi is not a black or white person.  There are a lot of grey areas in life and yes--I did believe in Global Warming, but I am also convinced it is also part of a Geological sequence that comes around every few centuries.  We talked of how the glaciers are disappearing and I told him I had seen that with my own eyes out in the Teton Mountains, but it could also be a Geological cycle.  Global warming may occur and then we will probably have an Ice Age--as the earth has undergone before.  

He said, "There is a girl in my class from California--she has that kind of accent.  She said, "My Mom doesn't believe in global warming and...like... neither do I."  How can she be that dumb?  To just take her parent's viewpoint and look at the scientific proof.  Science never lies!"

So I said, "Well of course your parent's have a lot more experience then you do and they are more educated and know more about life.  You need to respect their views.  You will find out as you get older, that they are really quite smart.  But...you will also come up with your own views as you get older.  You will find your own beliefs and that is the way it should be."

"Yeah, but...can't she see the scientific data?"

"I know...it is probably difficult for you to be with other kids that aren't quite as smart as you are.  There are all different kinds of people.  Some are really smart in math and science and some are really smart in writing and spelling.  How are you in writing and spelling."

"Not too bad.  The teacher can't read my writing and, sometimes I mess up in spelling."

"Well--you are a "left brain" person.  I am heavy in the right brain things.  See how my head always tilts to the right?"

He laughed.

Then he asked, "Do you have Windows 8 on your computer?"


"What are you using.  Vista?"

"Nope.  I still use XP."

"XP!  Mimi--that was around when I was a little kid!  You really need to download Windows 8."

"I thought they were having problems with it."

"No.  They got them all fixed.  What do you use your computer for?"

"Nothing real scientific.  Games on Face Book.  I use Excel for spreadsheets."

"What kind of spreadsheets?"

"Oh--lots.  I have one for my checking account.  I keep track of my expenditures in my check register in my check book and then also on a spreadsheet and the two have to match, along with the checking account balance at the bank. I have one where I put the results of my blood tests--year after year, so I can compare them.  I am doing research for a friend right now.  I have spreadsheets with the information on them.  I am trying to find out what it really costs me to live each month, so I have just made a spreadsheet to track my November expenditures--down to the penny."

"That's...well...kind of obsessive...isn't it?"

"Yes.  I do have an obsessive nature."

"Yeah...me too.  I like things very organized."

"Well, I think you come by that genetically.  If we don't have to wash our hands fifty times a day, I guess we are all right." 

Then I asked him, as a scientist, how could he put science and religion together.  Was he an Atheist?  Of course not--he explained it all to me very simply and very logically and how of course there was a Big Bang, but that was when God created the earth.  That he has read many biographies of scientist, who were Atheist's and then through study and proofs, have turned to Christianity--that's the word he used not religion or God, but Christianity.  

Then we talked politics.  I told him of how my interest in politics and the workings of government started when I was his age.  He kind of wrinkled up his nose and said, "All I see about politics is people wanting to fight each other and not compromise a bit.  They want to blame each other instead of working together to find a way to fix things."  (12 years old!)

Then I asked about his school and church--he had some views about religion that I could tell were very Lutheran--seeing's as how he goes to Lutheran school and church, it was expected.  He is quite a spiritual boy.  Then he told me that now, he sits in the balcony and runs the technical side of the service--the computer system, sound system, video system.  12 years old.

What scares me about Andrew--he is so smart.  His mind is constantly thinking of inventions, how to do things, science questions.  I want him to be more well rounded.  He does like football and baseball and soccer, but I am afraid he will be perceived as a real nerd.  He wants to be the next Steve Jobs!  His manners are impeccable--he is very polite, holding the doors open for me, talking to the waiter very grown-up like and thanking him.  He speaks up and doesn't mumble.  

Maybe I am just worried.  I just don't want him to be one of those "know it all" kids!  He seems way to mature for his age--a lot like his mother was at that age.  I don't want him growing up to be a snob!!

I'm 5'10"--how tall is he?

Oh well--I had a wonderful evening with him.  An amazing evening actually--a conversation like I would have with an adult friend.

Next week, I am taking Elise out for supper and see what is going on in her life.  Much different I imagine.  Probably all drama and girl gossip--like a typical nine year old.  I sure hope so!!    



  1. Oh my
    he is smart
    My grandchildren also
    Wonder if they go some of that from us :)
    Spread sheet
    you are smart
    I just try and watch everything
    and it has been a bad money year for me
    with hospital, health and upkeep here in the woods.
    But I feel so good at the moment
    and hope it last.
    I am in bed by 8:00 and up at 5:00.
    This works for me....

  2. What a great grandson you have! And smart for his age. Don't worry about him being a know it all. He'll find his circle of other smart people who will respect his knowledge base and challenge him to be the best he can be. He has his church and sports to keep him grounded.

  3. Thank you for taking us along on that wonderful "date" with Andrew. He is a very remarkable and thoughtful young man, and it seems he is already quite well-rounded. How wonderful to share such an in-depth conversation.
    The time change has us all "off" a bit, too. A little better today although I still woke up at 4.

  4. What a wonderful kid. I know you're proud. It must be so much fun for you to spend time with your growing grandkids. Mine are still little and I always wonder what they will be like when they grow up. I think you get a snapshot of how they will be. I know Andrew will be amazing.
