title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nothing Sunday

Today's high temperature was: 24 degrees
Sunny, windy and cold

I woke up Thursday morning with severe in my hip--on the bottom where I sit.  I could barely walk.  i couldn't turn.  I thought the joint was loosening or I had displaced my hip.

I haven't done a thing heavy or strenuous, so I couldn't figure out why it hurt so bad--sharp pain.

I spent most of the day just sitting or laying down.

Friday, it was much worse.  I couldn't get into the orthopeadic surgeon's office.  Friday night, I took a Tylenol 3 to sleep.. I had to lay flat on my back, which is not easy for me to sleep that way.

Yesterday, I took an anti-inflammatory (Naproxan) in the morning, rubbed the area down with the horse liniment Fred swore by and spent all day in my recliner.  Took another Tylenol  3 last night and slept quite well.

This morning, I had bad back pain on the left side--it seemed to be going down into my hip.  I decided it was probably my back causing the pain in my hip, but didn't know for sure.  I took another Naproxan, more liniment and again, stayed in my recliner all day.

The weather has been very cold and miserable and there was no reason for me to go outside anyway.

Tonight, I put my T.E.N.S, device on my left back for 30 minutes and then moved it down to my hip bottom and the top back of my thigh.  

It seems a bit better tonight.  I don't think I have done anything to my hip--I think IT IS my back causing the problem.  I will see how it goes tomorrow and maybe go in for an x-ray just to make sure the hip is in place.
I woke up this morning practically paralyzed with fear that I had kidney or liver cancer.  I must have been having a dream or something, because it felt so real and I was scared.  

My blood pressure and heart rate are still low--have been more months.  I feel good, but they shouldn't be that low.  My primary care doc says everything is okay, but I have research and read and the heart rate should not be below 60 and mine is running in the low 50's.  I still think I need to change my HBP meds--and I am in the process of doing that right now.  I take three different ones!  I have cut out my water pill in the morning, because the other two meds have diuretic in them.

I have an appointment with my cardiologist the first week in January.  

In the olden days, our primary care/family doctor took care of everything.  He delivered our babies, stitched up our cuts, performed surgery, set our bones and cured our heart attacks.

Nowadays, we need an ENT, a pulmonologist, an allergist, a cardiologist, a hematologist, an enterologist, a neurologist, a rheumotalogist, an orthopedist, a podiatrist, a dermatologist and a psychologist, just to name a few!

The primary care doctor has turned into someone who sends up off for tests and writes prescriptions.  They know a lot about a lot of things, but not much about any particular thing.

I just want to feel better!

At least, I am almost done with my Chiropractor's receptionist baby afghan :-)


  1. Terrible. Hopefully it isn't your hip. How is your mattress? We're ready for a new one.

    I was just saying the other day how PCPs coordinate our healthcare rather than treat us for anything more than a cold or conjunctivitis or offer us flu shots. Then the nurse actually gives the shot. Mine PCP is very nice, but she only listens to my heart and lungs, gives my throat and eyes a cursory glance and spends the rest of the time entering data in the computer. Of course, she gives me my scripts. Specialists, phlebotomists, techs who do the tests and lab rats do everything else. Everything is compartmentalized, computerized and specialized. I'm okay with it, but it is quite a change from old Dr. Crawford who took care of my brother in 1951 on the day he lassoed a knife that was deeply embedded in a tree. It landed in his eye. We're not in Kansas anymore, are we?

  2. OUCH....that sounds awful, Judy. Hoping you can see someone very soon to check things out. I know how your mind can go crazy with ideas of what could be causing the pain. Soothing thoughts to you for relief of the pain soon.

  3. Hope you're feeling better today, Judy.

  4. I hope it turns out to be nothing serious. At our ages aches and pains can come and go for no apparent reason and by the time you get into a doctor about them, they often disappear!

    I hate the compartmentalized medical system right now! As our population grows older it's getting harder and harder to get appointments. No to mention we almost have to diagnosis ourselves to know who to call.

  5. Ooh - that sounds really painful. I hope that you're starting to feel a bit better soon. Jx
