title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Sticks for my ladder.

I got so spooked early this morning that I went into this blog and put a couple of my last two posts back into draft format so they don't show up.  That of course means, I lost all your comments--I didn't realize that would happen.  I am so sorry and if you go looking back for those posts, you won't find them.  

I didn't delete any of the comments--I would not nor have I ever deleted a comment--oh wait--I did too. Some anonymous person left a comment about wanting to sell me something and I deleted that one--a long time ago.

Anyway--that's what happened.  As you can tell-I am not well emotionally right now and for some reason, in the middle of the night last night, I had a dream that Jen was screaming at me because she had seen the new posts--so I freaked out this morning.  

I am not too well physically today either--I have felt barfy all day--probably a nervous stomach from all of it?   I am going to bed now and I am not setting my alarm--I am just going to sleep until I wake up.

I did make 12 quarts of spaghetti sauce today and have it in baggies and in the freezer--for Christmas presents for the guys on my list.  I am wondering about Jen's husband--I always make it for him too and he loves it (and used to love me).  Should I?  Will he just throw it out?

Quandaries, quandaries.  My whole damn life is just one quandary right now!!


  1. On WordPress, you can mark any post private. It stays on your blog, and it does not delete the comments. The only difference is that only you can see it, and it has the word "Private" next to the title. You have to be signed in to see it. Blogger doesn't have that feature. I know it's annoying to have to open another blog in an unfamiliar place, but you could just create a practice one and fool around with it to see if you like WordPress.

    Good on you with your spaghetti-making project. I know your men will appreciate it.

  2. Have you ever thought about sharing your spaghetti recipe on your blog? :)

  3. I think you are beginning to find your sticks and making the sauce is one of them! What a great gift....and, yes, the recipe would be nice to have.
    May you wake with a peaceful tummy! It is OK to just "be" right now.

  4. I woke up at 5:00 this morning so I've been on playing on the internet every since. I hate it when I can't fall back to sleep!

    I don't think you'll lose your comments when you turn a post to draft. You can still access them from your dashboard page. It's just that the public can't read them. Those of us who've been concerned about you out here in the cyberspace saw them and/or understand your reasons for making the posts disappear, so don't worry about it. Do what makes you comfortable.

    Hope you feel better in the morning!!!!!!!!

  5. Yes, definitely give him some sauce. Whatever he decides to do with it is out of your hands. You have been the bigger person. Sorry for your not being well right now Judy. This too shall pass. If I can do anything for you let me know.

  6. Hi Judy...Get the rest you need. Things will work out in time. Good for you making all that delicious sauce. What a great idea for the men in your family. Hope you share the recipe.

  7. Sauce sounds fantastic. Can't wait to try the recipe I saw on another post! We are our own worst enemy - be gentle with yourself. How would you treat your sister if she came to you with the feelings you are having? Take care of you, friend.
