title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Then--There's Always Another Way To Look At Life

Now, let's see if I can turn this whole Jennifer moving into something positive.  I will attempt too.....

1.  Eric's mother has a second home on the Jersey Shore--the kids are going to love that.

2.  Eric's mother has a third home down on Florida's West Coast--the kids are going to love that.

3.  Eric's father has a large farmhouse and "farm" (10 acres) out in the country--the kids are going to love that.

4.  The kids will be able to see all the culture and fun times in New York City.

5.  Eric's father has friends in the New Jersey Mafia--always a good thing, I suppose.

6.  Eric's father is very rich and likes to take his family on all expense paid  trips all over the world.

7.  There is a lot of historical places to tour on the East Coast.  They can go visit Boston and show the kids where they were married and lived and where Jen went to Law School.  Andrew can see where he was born in Salem, MA,  and the condo they lived in until he was 9 months old.

8.  They can all learn a New Joysey accent.

9.  Eric's father has provided full paid college tuition for the kids--Andrew wants to go to MIT, so he will like that.

10.  Eric's father is old and will die--eventually, .....leaving Eric and Jen multi-millionaires, which Jennifer will love!!!

What a wonderful, advantageous opportunity this is going to be for all of them!
I am NOT a paranoid person--really I'm not.  But---when a third cousin read my blog post in April of 2013 and then told my step brother-in-law, who then told Jennifer and made her think I had defamed her reputation to the WHOLE world, and I deleted my old blog and then three days later started this one, because NO ONE tells me I can't blog; I made sure it couldn't be found by any Internet search engine.

As far as my family knows, I do not have a blog.  I needed a blog!  I need to get these worries/feeling/emotions out of my head.  As soon as I have written them down, for all of you poor readers to peruse, then I feel better.  Your comments help me sort through and see things.  See where I might be wrong in my thinking or correct in my thinking.  It's like having a gab-fest with my friends.

Well--on bloglovin.com, there was a way to find my blog--if by chance you might know the name.  You just never can tell when some extremely intelligent, Internet savvy Grand Child (Andrew) might go looking.  I had followers, most I don't even know, but no one that is related to me, but if you clicked on "posts" you could read all of them from day one to today.  I have tried, with no success, to get bloglovin.com to delete my blog.

Yesterday, I sent two different e-mails to them, and had two different responses from them and this morning--TA DAH--if you go to bloglovin.com and type in this blogs' name, or my name--it says it cannot be found!  YAY!!
So--back to real life here--I went to the Food Bank this morning.  I am allowed 40# pounds of food and some stuff is "free" and doesn't count toward the weight.  Like--Peanut Butter, Jelly, Detergent, Bathroom tissue, baked goods.  Well, I don't eat much PB or J, but Pammie does!  and...there is no Food Bank in the county Pammie lives in!  and....is it stealing if I get some of that stuff for Pammie?  Is it morally, ethically wrong?  If it is--then I am going to Hell.

Today, I was told that they are upping my food weight to 60#.  I told them that I didn't need that much and could they just take the extra 20# and put it on a family's allowance?  They said they couldn't do that, but, also, because I am now 75--aged and feeble, I will also get some assistance on my rent and utilities!!!!  Now--that made me smile and "thank you, God," all the way home!

Then when I got home, I got the nicest surprise!  I parked, put my purse up on the porch, opened my car trunk and then decided to go over and talk to Jackie for a couple of minutes.  About 10 minutes later, she said, "Your neighbor's are getting worried about you."


"Dar walked over a few minutes ago and now she and Pearl are walking toward your house."

So--I ran out and Dar was shaking and Pearl looked worried.

Dar says, "OHMYGOD!!!  I was so worried about you!  I came over and saw your purse on the porch and thought you were inside with a dizzy spell or something.  So, I went in and looked and called your name and you didn't answer, so I went down to get Pearl's help because if you were laying on the floor or in the bathroom.....I didn't want to be alone!  I didn't know you were gone and just got home!"

Pearl said, "I saw you drive by when you came home and I figured you were okay, but maybe had to run into the bathroom real quick and left your purse on the porch.  I asked Darlene if she checked the bathroom and she said 'no', so here we are."

Dar said, "I was afraid you had passed out in the bathroom or in the shower and I didn't want to find you all by myself!"

So--Jackie and I laughed and then we all hauled my groceries into the house, sat down, and the four of us had a great hour-long chat.

Now--aren't I lucky that people care and keep an eye out to make sure I'm all right?  Of course, the four of us look out for each other too--we make a good team of friend-watchers.


  1. Glad you finally had some luck with Bloglovin.....

    Nice about the utility help from the food bank here. Some advantages to this time in life.
    I love that you have those neighbors to watch over you, too.
    Very funny about Jen's family options, but then for you it is not funny in many ways. May whatever happens be nice for you, too.

  2. Actually, there are a few advantages on your list above to be happy about...the paid college and being in the heart of history for example. You have no control over what Jen's family does so you might as well try to focus on the good and hope for the best on the bad.

    What a funny way of getting groceries, by the pound. I can't even visualize what 60 pounds of groceries looks like. I think if Pammie is the only person you're passing things onto, then you can live with yourself. She's smart enough not to to broadcast it to others which could get you in trouble and she could probably qualify on her own from what you've said.

    Some of your friends have quirky ways but you are a family that looks out for each other and that truly is a blessing.

  3. I agree with Jean on all levels. And SO glad you get some help with your utilities. Pammie will be so thankful, and I agree she won't be shouting from the rooftops. Now you have me worried about my blog, so off I go to investigate. Thanks for the insight.

  4. i agree that we should be able to blog any damn thing we want. and i do. well, mostly i do. there are a few things i can't say and wish i could.

    hugs, bee

  5. This is Margie in Arkansas. I have been worried about your family finding your blog again and have been looking for an email address to send you a little note. Anyway, when you closed your other blog, I really didn't have much trouble finding you again. I just followed a comment you posted on another blog and TaDa. Just a heads up. I do enjoy reading your blog, though. Have a great day.

  6. Oh, and it is better that you don't have your email addy on here as that could be located by an engine search too. Margie

  7. I love that you are getting assistance with rent and utilities, and more FOOD too. That's just great, you deserve the help.

    And I love that you have friends, right there, who watch out for you and check in if something seems amiss.

    I also love how you've tried to turn your worries about Jen's potential move into positives. Sometimes looking at the bright side (and there usually IS a bright side) can help us let go of our anxiety.

  8. In regards to Margie's comment about finding your blog by following comments you've made on other blogs...you might want to post your comments on other blogs as anonymous, with a message, this is Judy, or something? Just a thought.

    My blog is private, you have to be invited to read it, and I STILL worry someone will find it. Talk about a worrywart! That's me.

  9. Wow - now, this is a POSITIVE post. I love everything about it, Judy.

    I wouldn't worry about sharing with Pam, at all! And, so thankful to hear you will be getting some help with utilities. That's awesome!

    Glad you have a good family of neighbors! I guess I need to walk around the neighborhood and introduce myself!


  10. You do have a good group of friends. That's something to cherish. And that's great news about getting more assistance on your rent and utilities. I know it will help.

    Glad they blocked your blog. Whew!

  11. When I check in to your blog....all I get is a page of bloglovin stuff.
