title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Title For This Post Has Eluded Me. LOL

Today's high temperature: 86
Today's humidity: 72%

Who does this remind you of?

Karen's kids went in together and got her a Kayak
to celebrate her obtaining her Master's Degree

This sight greeted me, when I staggered out into the living room this morning. 

Apparently Maggie The Cat didn't care for the way I had them arranged?
My feelings are still a bit hurt.  I walked up to Pearl's.  She and Merle and I were standing outside, leaning on the car and just talking about the activity going on across my me.

Pearl said, "I broke off my thumbnail.  Right down to the finger.  It hurts like heck!"  and she laid her hand on the car trunk so I could see.

"Yikes!  That does look painful--it looks a little red."

"My nails had grown out so nice and long...and now look!"

I spread my hands out on the trunk and said, "I cut mine all back...really short last month,"

She looked down and pointed to my right index finger (the one that 1/4 is missing) and she said, "Why don't you do something with that one?  It looks so ugly..it about makes me sick."  

I was stunned.  I had no comeback, other than, "What do you want me to do with it?"

"At least, tuck it into your palm so people don't have to see it.  Yuck!"

Most people don't notice my finger and if they do, they don't mention it.  Once in a while, a kid will ask me what happened and I tell them, "I slammed it in a door.  So be careful.  Make sure you hands are out of the way when you close a door."  

I know it's weird looking, but I've had it since I was eight, so I guess it doesn't bother me.

After I came back home, I could think of all sorts of mean things to say to her---which of course, I never would.

"Why don't you lose some weight so you can walk better.  You're so fat you look awful."

"Why don't you wear your bridge so I don't have to look at all  the missing teeth in your mouth.  It makes me sick."

"Why don't you wear a bra so I don't have to look at those gross things bobbing around on your stomach."
Not much activity across the street this morning.  The "Not So Friendly" guy is still working on the forms for the driveway.

They are getting a new hot water heater,
which reminds me,  I need to drain and flush mine.

Dar came over.  She is now free from the Yellow Jackets.  She could actually hear them, chewing away at her wall.  We had a neighbor who had to take off a section of his outside siding to get rid of the nest he had.  They will eat right through the interior dry-walled wall.  Another neighbor had them between his roof and ceiling.  

I watched the guy when he came to Dar's.  He stuck a hose in the hole above her door, turned on a motor, waited two minutes, turned it off, coiled up the hose and was gone.  It took him seven minutes from start to finish.  $75.00 for seven minutes.  He sprayed a chemical dust in the hole which killed them all.

Merle stopped by, on his bike ride, to check it all out.

Half an hour later, the sirens went off.  Tami was at my door in seconds.  "Do I have to be worried?"
"I don't think so," I said.  "I was just looking at the radar map on my computer.  Seems to be a severe thunderstorm warning."

Then the phone rang--it was Dar.  "What does that mean.  Should we leave?"

"No.  Just a thunderstorm coming.  Turn on the weather channel."


"Channel 30."

Then I walked outside with Tam.  Dar, Jackie, Merle and Pearl were all out in the middle of the street watching the western sky.

Jackie:  "Oh Dear Lord.  Look at the sky!"

Dar:  "Do you think we should leave?"

Tami:  "I gotta go to work.  I'm going to run right into it."

Pearl:  "What do you think."

Me: "Look at the clouds.  See those--they are going south of us.  Those over there--are going north and already passed us.  I just checked the radar and there is orange to the south and north of us, but coming over us is only yellow.  So we should be all right."

Then the wind picked up, the rain started and we all scurried into our homes.

It blew and it poured, but it wasn't anything to be scared of.  I put my ear plugs in so I wouldn't hear any thunder crashes and watched out the windows.

I got my flowers watered and my windows washed.  It was great!

 The concrete for the neighbor's drive?  I don't think it will be laid tomorrow. LOL

P.S.  I really wish my neighbor's would just turn on their TV's to see the weather warnings, instead of coming to me to see if they're safe.  How the heck do I know!  I suppose if a tornado does come one day, it will be all my fault!!


  1. Pearl is losing her filter. Some older people do that. Dad's filter had so many holes in it, you could drive a truck through it. I bet most people never even notice your finger. Now, the age/sun spots on my left cheek are another matter. I need to get some of that cream. What is that stuff?

    I wish they'd change that front stoop. It's bugging me.

    I bet if you got a checker board, Maggie would play checkers with you.

  2. Why didn't the lay forms to put a sidewalk to their front and/or back steps? Crazy not to when they are laying a driveway.

    I opened my mouth in shock at what Pearle said. For one thing your finger does NOT look like something that should affect anyone the way she described and two, it's probably just another sign that the filter in her aging brain is malfunctioning and she didn't realize how hurtful her words were.

    Maybe your sea shells still have a faint smell of the sea inside that the cats wanted to explore? Or maybe it's time to buy a new cat toy. LOL

  3. How rude of Pearl. It's one thing for someone to ask about what happened, quite another to say something hurtful like that.

  4. That made me chuckle as I rarely had to wash my car this summer come to think of it!

    You should have given her your middle finger to look at all by itself, ha ha :)

  5. I really think it's just another sign that Pearl is getting more senile - her filter - whatever there was, seems to be gone. And, really, it's not your problem with what other people think - it's part of you and you are completely wonderful.

  6. I went through something similar with a crooked tooth for about 40 years; hurtful things that made me not want to smile with my mouth open. Comments from a child and then when I was getting ready to go into surgery, the guy preparing to put me to sleep even made mention of my crooked teeth. So at age 46 I got braces and was so proud to smile as big as I wanted to.

  7. Judy, so many people would have come right back at Pearl, but you're a loving friend to her. I've not heard about filters of the brain; maybe because I don't have any!

    Your hand/finger does not at all look bad to me! When Patti was about six, I was walking out the back door of church and not knowing anyone was behind me; the door caught her pinky finger. I cried more than she did. :)

    I love the video; watched it on FB. You're so smart.


  8. Of course you would not say any of those things to Pearl. You're too nice! She was rude and you took the high road!
