title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Just Another Weird Wednesday!

So, the new neighbors are having a cement slab under their storage shed, but.....not under their house?  Weird.

I sat here watching and soooooo wanted to go over and put a nice big hand print right in the center of the wet cement, but.............they kept coming back and "floating" it again and again, to make sure it was smooth while it set up.  RATZ!!

My sister said, "What would even make you think of doing such a thing?"

She doesn't know me very well,  you see.  BECAUSE--we always did that.  When Daddy poured the cement slab for the new back room, I got to put my hand print in there and my initials--1949.   When we put in a sidewalk at our new little home in 1959--Gary and I both put our hand print on it.  When we moved to my Grandma's farm and had to put in a cement back porch, Gary and I put our hand prints, plus Mark, Pam, Karen did theirs and baby Jennifer's small baby foot print-1972.  They are all still there, where Pammie lives.  I love to look at them whenever I stop by.

When we put in a "fake" fireplace in Grandma's house, my Mother suggested I put a sign on the wall board before they put in the fireplace.  It read, "This fireplace was installed on April, 10th, 1967," and we all signed our names.  Twenty years later, when Pam and her husband tour it out to put up a whole wall entertainment center, she found the sign, remembered the day and has the sign in her memory box.

When I lived in Saginaw, and redecorated Ernie's bathroom (2001), when he took the medicine cabinet out of the wall, someone else's initials were in there.  So, I made a little sign and pasted it to the wallboard.  "This bathroom was redone by Judy Miller in 2001."

To me, it's like an old form of what the prehistoric people painted on the walls of their caves.  It proves I was here.  

I told my sister, "For archaeological purposes."

A million years from now, when the people that live on another planet, come to earth and dig through the remains of our buildings--they will wonder what our primitive hand prints mean.  Why we did it.  Is it a clue to our life style.  They will say, "What strange names these people used."

Anyway, I didn't put my hand print in the neighbor's cement slab--I think they should have, though.
Off to the dentist to get my toothies cleaned and checked.  Everything is great---EXCEPT--part of tooth #19 is breaking away.  Tooth #19 is just to the right of tooth #18, which I had crowned five months ago.  Tooth #19 needs a crown too.  I would love to get it crowned--would love to have all my double molars crowned, but.....at $850+ per tooth--it's not happening.  The dentist said it wasn't critical, but I should get it done in December or January.  I know it needs it--that tooth has been sensitive and hurting for over a year.
Tomorrow Pam and I are taking the kids to play a game of Putt-Putt.  If they move, at least they will have one more memory of having fun with Mimi.
What a weird happening.  I was sitting watching Wheel of Fortune and in walked Pearl.  

"Merle is sitting in his chair...sleeping.  That makes me so mad, I decided I'd come down here and chat with a live person."

"C'mon in.  Oh, I love your new hair cut!"

"My hair is falling out and I'm tired of messing with it, so I told Tracy to just cut it off."

"Well--it looks very nice.  Makes you look younger than when you had it in a long Bob."

All of a sudden, I hear Dar calling out, "Judy, are you home?"

Pearl whispers, "I am staying right here!"

"Please do," I said.

Dar came in, sat down on the couch and said, "You seem depressed, so I had to come over and check on you."

"No.  I'm feeling fine, I might have been................"

"Oh, I gotta tell you girls!"

Pearl's head snapped back and she turned to look at Dar.

"I am going to be working thirty hours over time all next week.  So, if you see me not able to get out of my car, come over and help me into the house."

Pearl:  "Do you get paid for the over time?"

Dar: "Yes!  I will make about ninety dollars more next week."

Me:  "Wow--that's great."

Pearl:  "I think you will get more than ninety dollars for over time, if you make........."

Dar:  "Oh, I gotta tell you.  I'm worried.  None of you know where the extra key to my house is.  I have a motion light and there is a metal box on top of the fixture and an extra key to my house is in it."

Me:  "And we need to know t his...why?"

Dar:  'Because, if you don't see me outside, you come and check.  Just unlock my house and walk in."

Pearl:  "Can I call first?"

Me:  "Yeah--I'm not going in your house alone and find you dead on the floor....just like..........."

Dar:  "I have great news!  I'm getting a raise!"

Pearl:  "Well, that's just............."

Dar:  "I need you to go into prayer."

Me:  "Because of your raise?  Or...hm-mm..."

Dar puts her hand up to stop me, "No for my daughter-in-law."

Pearl:  "What's wrong?"

Dar:  "They think......" just then her phone makes a noise

Dar: "Now..what does that mean?"

Me: "What?"

"Dar:  "My inbox is full and I have to clean it out or it goes to my Face Book and I don't know how....now how do I do this............?"

Pearl gives me the look that says, "this woman is NUTS!"

So Dar's interruptions and crazy talk went on for the next forty-five minutes!  She finally left.

Pearl says, "That woman is wound tighter than an eight-day clock!"

Me:  "That's just about to have it's spring, sprung."

Pearl:  "Boinggggggggg."


"I thought she came over to check up on your."

"Nope--that was just a pretense and then, when she saw you were here, she decided to entertain us."

"I don't know her that well....you've told me, but I never realized.  She really has mental issues."

"Ya think?"

Then Pearl and I spent another hour having a nice, two-way conversation.  She is very worried about Merle and figures he is dying.  He gets the results of his last tests on Friday.

"Let's not bury him until we get those test results," I said.

"I've been with him for over sixty years.  I have never seen him this weak, this tired."

"That's because you've never seen him at age seventy-eight."

"Sixty years.  I never thought I'd see him like this."

"You never thought he'd get old?"

"No. What would I do without him?"

"I think that is a question every person who has been married since they were teenagers asks themselves."

"But---what would I do?"

"I guess you'd do what every other widow has had to do.  You get through one day at a time."

She is coming into the realization that he is going to die--someday.  Although all his tests so far have shown nothing.  His heart is perfect, as are his lungs, all his internal organs, his brain.  Because it is the first time she has seen him start to become old and a bit frail, although he works everyday and rides his bike every evening, she is in shock.  She is into the "what ifs" stage.

So, I have one friend who is nuttier than a fruit cake, right now.  And I have my best friend who is worrying herself, based on nothing, into an almost continual state of diarrhea!

I can't be saying, "Not my circus", because both of them are going to need me to be calm and sane!!!  No matter what is going on in my life--I am right here, in this place, for a reason.
BTW, Dar makes $8.50 an hour.  Thirty hours overtime is way more than ninety dollars.  


  1. Your house is like Grand Central Station lately. I can't believe there isn't a law about having to put a slab under a mobile home. Maybe they had to lay the cement for the storage unit in the back before they could do the other one more forward?

    Worrying about the health of your mate sure can take a toll on you. It's easy to say, "Live in the present and don't borrow trouble from the future" but that's easier said than done when you see someone slowing down before your eyes.

    1. I was told that only cement footings are now required--on which the cinder blocks will stand, on which the house will stand. The footings don't "heave" in the winter, like our homes on the slabs--when it is zero for a few days, our cement slab will heave and the doors won't close or open properly--fun times. I agree with you, but Pearl already has him in a wheelchair, or dead. One reason she got her hair cut short today? "I won't have time to take care of it when Merle is bedridden." She thinks he has ALS or MS and if they get that diagnosis on Friday, he will be bedridden on Saturday and dead in 3 months time. He is still her strong, able to do anything, high school sweetheart and all of a sudden, she realizes that 60 years have passed and what happened. Even if the diagnosis comes in that nothing, but old age, is wrong with him, she KNOWS he is very ill and dying. Anything is going to be hard on her==she is not equipped to do anything for herself.

    2. Wow, she really is obsessing about his health! I hope she moves past that stage soon, She won't be doing either one of them any good if she doesn't get her worries under control. I do understand the mindset, I really do...with Don right side paralyzed for 12 years and with a bad heart...BUT fear brings on its own kind of paralysis and the only way to live with a sick spouse is one day at a time.

      Interesting about the cement slab verses the footings for cinder blocks.

    3. I know this well--I watched every breath Fred took for the last year of his life. It got so he slept for hours and hours--congestive heart disease and COPD just wore him out.

  2. I actually have no words. But, I'll be back. :)

  3. Pearl will be lost if Merle goes first, you'll have to lead her by the hand, and she'll be arguing with you the whole way!

    Dar is a nutcase!

    Putt putt with the grandkids! Lucky you!

    1. Yes--I will lead her and yes--she will be arguing with me. I will keep an eye on Dar too, any day I expect to look out and see her naked, on her roof, trying to fly.

  4. I feel the same way about the concrete thing - my girls have their initials and handprints in their great grandmas driveway granted somebody else lives there now but it's still cool!

    memories with grandma are the best and they will treasure them!

    dar is def not in possession of a full deck

  5. I swear, Judy, you have the best blog. I laughed my head off during that three-way conversation. You better keep your sane head on your shoulders and stay put. They will need you and you may need them.

    We used to measure my son's height and write the date on the wall just inside his closet. We had to leave it when we sold the house. I'm sure it's been long painted over. I think you should have gone over and left your butt cheeks on the wet cement. :)

    1. I don't have any butt cheeks! Flat as a pancake! Now my boobs on the other hand--that would be interesting. Two big holes--they could have used as their rain gauge?
