Today's high temperature was: 73 degrees
Today's humidity was: 33%
Morning showers, sunny and breezy rest of day.
Pearl called early this morning. "Have you paid your rent yet?"
"Nope. I don't get my social security until the third."
"Well--don't forget it went up."
"Yep--ten dollars more from now on."
"No! It went up twenty dollars a month."
I opened my desk drawer and found the notice from the park and......
"Oh. I've got the notice they sent to all of us and my notice says, ten dollars more."
"What do you pay a month?"
"I paid three hundred and fifty-seven. This month I will have to pay three hundred and sixty-seven."
"Yes--that's what I paid yesterday. Three hundred and sixty-seven."
"What did you pay before?"
"What did you pay last month?"
"Three hundred and forty-seven."
"Well, then this month, you only have to pay three hundred and fifty seven."
"Why would I pay less than you?"
"Because your trailer is smaller."
"What difference does that make?"
"Your place takes up less ground space than mine does. Darlene has a double-wide and she has to pay three hundred and seventy-seven dollars rent. Last month she had to pay three hundred and sixty-seven. She has to pay more because her house takes up more....ground space."
"Well. I wrote out a check for three hundred and sixty-seven dollars....because our rent went up twenty dollars for everyone."
"I don't know, Pearl. I think you paid too much. Why don't you call the office in the morning and ask."
"I will, but.....I know I'm right."
Now I understand why, at age 78, Merle still works half-days. He needs to get away from all that.
Well now--look what I saw on Face Book. My old pal Richard. He's on his way to KC for a Corvette Convention. He was on Our Time looking for a younger women. Looks like he found her.
I so wanted to comment under this picture,
"Oh, are you traveling with your daughter?"
Actually, the more I look at him, the less I like him. He was adorable and charming when he was 18, now, he is only charming. Just another old guy--who still thinks he's 25 and thinks if he has a younger woman on his arm, he is still a stud.
I jumped in the shower and when I went into the bedroom, to get dressed, this is what I saw. My reactions was, "What the heck?"
"Someone" had pushed the screen out. It wasn't like that when I got up this morning, so.......
"Maggie...did you do that?"
Neither one wants to look at me.
I know it was Maggie, as she sits in that window.
She must have seen a bird she was trying to go after.
One good thing? Neither one jumped outside.
Hope it isn't bent.
Hope I can just slide it back into place.
Oh--the A/C inspection guy left the fuse box open. Idiot!
Close the fuse box cover
Slide screen in--not broken.
We live to fight another day!!!
I wonder--now that she knows she can do that--will she do it again? I do have white duct tape I can always tape the outside so she can't push it out. ANIMALS!! Worse than kids!!=======================
When I sit at my computer, this is the scene in front of me. If I just look up through the top part of the windows, I don't see anything except trees and clouds--no houses, I like it that way best.
Pearl called this late afternoon. She and Merle went shopping for their "tomb stone" as she called it. I am glad!!! I have been encouraging them to do this and get the stone set on their cemetery lot. One less thing for their kids to worry about...and she and Merle can pick out exactly what they want. Not as much fun as picking out new furniture, but...............necessary.
Old guys who go after younger women and younger women who go after older guys make me disgusted. She's after money and gifts and he's after a different kind of 'gift' and an ego boost.
ReplyDeleteLevi does that same screen trick as your cat. I'll have to try the duct tape trick. Darn squirrels and rabbits tease him so much.
I'm so glad neither of the cats jumped out the window!
ReplyDeleteMen, they're a different breed!
Does your lot rent pay for water? It just seems high, but what do I know?
ReplyDeleteThankfully, my "arrangements" are already paid for except minister and flowers. My mom did that for me; I guess she thought I wouldn't be able to and she would have been right. When it's paid that far in advance, it's also less money than if I'd have waited. You know, Judy, I have a personal question for you - if you don't want to answer it's okay, or you can just delete my comment. I was wondering why you were responsible for Fred's.
Okay, new subject:
Have a great night and a safe 4th.
I'll be glad when it's over; these crazies and their fireworks the whole week. :)
Sally, in answer to your personal question--because I am an idiot!! When Fred and I met, he had a good job and was paying for half our expenses--more than half at times. Then his company closed down. After 6 months, he started getting SS--which was a nice sum--not a lot, but more than mine. BUT--he had no credit and I had an 800 FICA rating. So--when the car broke down in Wisconsin and needed a new transmission, it went on my credit card. When he had to have all his teeth pulled a dentures, it went on my credit card. When he had his heart attack and a lot of medical bills, they went on my credit card. He was paying me back at $250.00 a month. No problems. His oldest daughter had assured me that if anything happened to Dad, they would pay for the funeral. He wanted to be cremated, so it wouldn't be too expensive. Fred also assured me--he had talked to his four kids and all would be taken care of because--not being married, it was NOT my responsibility. Then, he died. His two Michigan kids met me at the funeral home and I let them make the kind of arrangements they wanted. They felt we should have a visitation before the funeral so that his two Florida girls could see their Dad. So--that meant embalming, and all that goes with making the person ready for a visitation. One hour visitation before the funeral--dinner afterwards. When the funeral director came in with the bill, he handed it to me and I handed it to his daughter. "We don't have the money right now--what are we suppose to do?" I took out my credit card and handed it to the funeral director. "We'll pay your back, Judy." My daughter's paid for the minister and the funeral dinner. When all his kids got together at my house afterwards, we all sat down and figured out how much it would be to pay off the $6,789.30 funeral bill. "Half in one lump sum and then $400.00 a month until it's paid." His oldest daughter said, "Let me know when you get the first statement and we will send the money." Exactly 9 days later, her daughter was killed--they had to finance that funeral. Then his son was hospitalized with a rare and almost deadly heart infection and lost his job. By the time the first statement arrived--in came the excuses. They did not have the money--could not pay. I asked if they could send me just $25.00 a month--which would equal $100.00. The price of fast food meal--from each family--nope--they couldn't afford even that. None of them wanted his ashes--none of them worried about a grave for him or a marker. Fred still "owed" me nearly $5,000, plus now I had his funeral expenses. and, that's how I became responsible--it is on my credit card, in my name. Not to be crass or anything, but all I could think of--Fred's dead body is laying in the back of the funeral home. you gotta do something with it!! I should have had him put in storage and walked away and let his kids handle it, I guess--but you know--I loved him more than my own life.
DeleteWow! What a cautionary tale for seniors living together. Things get messy don't they. Judge Judy has cases like this on her show all the time and I could never figure out how so many people could not do the right thing..his kids should be ashamed of themselves for the rest of their lives to burden you with the cost of Fred's funeral like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteWe need to make our arrangements. We're being cremated. Dad took care of his arrangements years ago and it made things so much easier.
ReplyDeleteGlad Maggie didn't jump out the window. Whew!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that Fred's kids pawned it all off on you. If it's anything like my mom's family, you know that is NOT the way they were raised. Fred would be so disappointed in them. You are a good wife and friend to him. Even if there was no piece of paper, you were his wife. Our government has really screwed up the world.
Very nice post.
ReplyDeleteThings to do in NYC