title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Those Dang Monkeys!!!

The high temperature today was:  too hot (90)
The humidity today was:  too high (48%)
Coolness promised for the rest of the week.

What a weird night last night.  To bed at 11:30 and fell right to sleep.  Woke up at 12:15--like I had had a nap and wasn't tired anymore.  GEEZ!!!

Got out of bed, took a Benedryl, went potty, sat up for a bit, went potty again and back to bed.  Rolled back and worth, trying to get comfortable.  I have tried 4 different pillows and they ALL make my neck hurt!  Finally, I glanced at the clock, saw 3:30 and must have gone to sleep.

The alarm went off at 8:00 and I got up because, NO MATTER WHAT I was going to the doc's office to get blood drawn so I can check and make sure my Potassium is at a good level.

Stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home--turned in my pop bottles-$2.60- and picked up my antibiotic that I have to take before going to the dentist.

Got home by 10:00 and wanted to go back to bed--but I never do that and I never take a nap, so now--I am so sleepy.

I have been having trouble with my eyes again--they feel sticky all the time--like there is gunk in the corners, or a film over them.  I rub them all the time and that just irritates them more.  No, I don't have allergies.  This happens from time to time during the year.  I guess I need to mix up some Boric Acid with sterile water and wipe them several times a day.  That usually cures them.

Did I tell you that my next door Tami's husband had a heart attack Sunday?  I think I mentioned that two weekends ago, he was playing catch with his daughter and he stopped, bent over and was holding his left shoulder.  He had a hard time walking back across the street.  Tami was too busy to notice him, so I wrote her a message on FB and told her to go in the house and check him out.

I try to stay as far away from her life as I can.  She is one weird woman!  When she talks, she paces back and forth and does a lot of gesticulating with her hands and arms.  She is constantly moving while she is talking to you.  She will ask a question, then when you go to answer, she interrupts and starts talking about something totally unrelated.  She has to check her cell phone constantly--I am not kidding--constantly.

Anyway, the way her hubs was looking reminded me of how Fred used to act when he had pain in his chest, so, I thought she should know.  Well, her hubs said he had hurt his left arm throwing the ball--even though he throws right handed?

Sunday night, she is on FB asking for prayers (this is the woman who practices mild witchcraft) that Ron was in the ER, had a heart attack and they were taking him down to Ann Arbor to St. Joe's (where Fred always went),  Long story short, he had to have two stents put in and came home today.

What grinds me, is she has to work nights, so today at 4:00 I hear a knock on my door and there she is and shoves a key to her house in my face.

"I have to go to work.  Ron is sleeping and I locked up the house.  He has your phone number if he needs anything and here is the key so you can get in."

"Wait a minute.  Why did you lock him in the house.  What if he needs to call 911 and he can't get to the door to open it for them?"

"That's why you have the key!  So you can go over and unlock the house if he calls you."

"But--I turn off my phone during the night."

"Well, leave it on for the next few nights--just in case he calls."


I am not a nurse!  If I had wanted to be a nurse, I would have gone into that career 50 years ago!  If he gets into trouble during the night, he can call her at work!  GEEZ.


Taking my computer back to the shop tomorrow morning so they can load on some of the files I lost when they built this new one.  Just GET 'ER DONE!!!


  1. Wow - you've got some weird neighbors to say the least!

    I hope you get some good sleep tonight.


  2. Wow, I second what Sally said. It's one thing to ask if you'd keep an eye on someone but to just assume you will like she did really takes the cake.

  3. Some people are so presumptious!

    You might try some refresh drops in your eyes. We get eyestrain that causes symptoms like that from doing things where we don't blink normally (like stare at computer screens or reading).

  4. Hope the computer has been restored.
    As for the MONKEYS.....they've been trying to get in here, too, but last night, I managed to secure the door tightly enough and I slept right through from 9-5 without moving. Hope they didn't come back to your house.
    They are trying to rattle my plans for moving, etc. Not going to happen!
    A peaceful and beautiful day to you!

  5. I do that business of falling asleep for a couple of hours and waking, too. What a pain. I also get that icky stuff in my eyes and the film, too. I got pinkeye a year or so ago and my eyes have never been the same. They are glued shut in the mornings. Will try the boric acid.
