title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Friday, August 29, 2014

A Really Nice Day

High temperature today was: 73 degrees
Sunny with a nice breeze.

33 years and 5 kids ago, this young couple were married,
at 4:00 in the afternoon, at the MSU Alumni Chapel
They sure got it right.
Wonderful marriage, kids and life.

Then, this morning I find out on Face Book, that
grandkid #1 and #3 are in Spain!

A friend of mine--much younger, was on Face Book telling a story about her grandma and after I commented, she commented back this.  How very nice of her.  My mother has been gone 44 years and it is always a thrill when someone remembers her and tell me what a lovely lady she was.  <sigh>
  • Patricia Adler Judith Miller . HERE is a story for you. When I was,a little girl there was a lady at my church who was tall, beautiful, and was,always dressed in lovely clothes. I thought if I could grow up and be like that kind gracious lady I would be so happy. That was your Mom. I still think she was a lovely person.

I'm not a spontaneous person at all!  I like things scheduled--I like to plan.  My little sister called today at 12:45 and said she was coming this way to Bed, Bath and Beyond and JoAnn's and wanted to know if I wanted to run into town with her.  I had to think about it for a few--which is just so stupid of me!

"Sure," I said.

"Okay.  I'll pick you up at two,"

"Good,  I won't have to miss my Soap."

"Oh!  Good Grief!" she said as she hung up.

She arrived at 1:58.  Then realized, she had left her JoAnn coupons at home.  So, I jumped on the computer, found them and printed them out and we were on our way!

We weren't gone very long and only spent about 90 minutes total time together, but we sure enjoyed it.  She got me out of this house--which is important.  As the older sister, I have always felt I had to take care of her and make sure she was always all right.  Now, it seems the roles have reversed.  

I'm watching the first MSU football game tonight.  I can just imagine how my Brighton band kids feel, that got accepted for the MSU marching band.  I'll bet when they stepped out onto that field for pre-game, their hearts were pounding!!  Not really my grand kids--but friend's of Maddie's that started calling me Grammie and I loved, as much as my own.

Got an e-mail from Karen.  "We are all fine.  On our way up north for the weekend.  We've been so busy."

Apparently way too busy for a 10 minute call, once in a while,  to see if Mom is still breathing?  Someone said, "well,  you call them!"  Every time I try that, they either aren't at home, or I leave a message and they forget to call me back.

I am getting more and more discouraged that my own children somehow don't have time for me.  They encouraged me to move down here to be near them and their children--so, here I am.  Where are they?


  1. Since I got texting on my phone I get a lot more contact with my nieces. Young people like the little short notes back and forth more than phone calls. They can do two things at once.

    Beautiful family photos above!

    I'm the same way about being spontaneous and I'm trying to change that. Sometimes I think we put up stones when we should be building bridges. Good for you that you got out with your sister!

  2. Karen and her husband look like KIDS when they got married, and both very attractive! They've made such a nice life together.

    I wish my sister lived close by, I know she'd never let me sit alone as I so often do now. We've always been so close.

    Our Children. We want them to go out there and create a happy, successful life. But we don't want them to forget about us!

  3. Such a beautiful bride! Her hubby looked like a baby. :)

    I know the feeling, Judy, but I try to remember I always wanted them (well, Patti, Britt and Ben) to independent. Well, HA! That hasn't exactly worked out. But, it's all good and I feel so very blessed to be able to help when I can.

    I want a SISTER!!!

