title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lots of Pictures--Not Many Words

Today's high temperature was: 70 degrees!!!
Sunny, but windy
When I went out to get the mail, this is what I saw in my side garden.


My wind chimes and flag blowing in the wind

I did not mop the kitchen floor, like I was suppose to.  I did not vacuum the carpet, like I was suppose to.  I did a lot of watching the show on my deck.

Little red squirrel came in for a snack.

Then big grey squirrel came in for a nosh

The fur kids watched the show.  Buddy hunkered down because he's scared of squirrels.
Maggie ready to go through the partially opened screen to chase them.

I saw a recipe on Face Book for Cinnamon Roll Cake and I've been craving Cinnamon Rolls, so I attempted to make it.

It turned out great!!  I put raisins in the cake because I like raisins in my cinnamon rolls.  As you can see, I got a lot left over.  I took down 4 squares to Merle and Pearl's.  They were gone, but house open wide, so I went in, petted Tiger, their cat and set the storage dish on their table.  I think these will freeze real well and when I get a craving for a "T. J. Cinnamon's"--I can nuke and eat.  YUM!!

This is what Buddy is doing tonight.

Just a peek to make sure I am still in my chair where I belong.  Can you tell, he is one mellow cat?

Note to Charlotte:  I have started the baby blanket.  You are right, the yarn splits!!  I have used this brand of yarn for many years--I always use it to make my baby afghans, sweaters, booties and bonnets with no problem.  I use white, pink, and blue and love it because it is so soft.  I think it is the variegated yarn.  Something with the different colored yarn put together?  I don't know, but it is a pain.

I forgot--Throwback Thursday.  Back in the day, we didn't take our newborn babies out in public right away.  We waited a couple of weeks so they would be more resistant to germs--I guess that's why we waited.  My son Mark is 21 days old.  The first time he has met my sister and my Daddy.  As you can see, Susan is closer to his age than she is to mine, LOL


  1. Wow, I can't believe you have a wood pecker that comes up to eat bread off a window sill. I wouldn't have believed it without pictures.

    Love your cats watching the show. I'll bet they're a lot quieter doing it than my dog.

  2. Love the pic of Maggie and Buddy watching the squirrels. They are so cute.

  3. Good Morning,
    I just love how thoughtfully, you have arranged amusement for the kitties. Buddy is so funny. Does he think by lowering his ears, that he cannot be seen at the door?? Ms G does that, too. She tries to go through the door like your Maggie.

    I adore raisins in my cinnamon rolls, too. Could you post the recipe. I would love to try making those, too. Cinnamon is just so delicious.

    Still waiting for some warm weather here.....have a great weekend.

  4. Great entertainment for the cats!

  5. The cinnamon roll cake looks delicious! I love watching cats when they're watching the birds and squirrels. My dogs just bark and bark, but cats observe....and sometimes 'chatter' a bit.

  6. Judy, I'm currently using white yarn and it splits too; I'm forever having to take a stitch out and start it again. It IS a pain, but I love it's softness; just can't go as fast, but then I'm slower these days anyway.

  7. Love your pictures especially of Susan and Mark. He sure was a beautiful baby boy. Your dad looks like he kinda liked him too. Sweet pics.


  8. Yummmm! Cinnamon cake looks amazing. Is it on your facebook page? Share please?
