title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Saturday, May 25, 2013


I got nothing--it was that kind of day.

I think my tender Rosea Vinca got bit by the cold last night.  GEEZ!!

I fell asleep, in my chair, around 4:00 and didn't wake up until Pearl came down for a visit at 6:30.

Groggy the rest of the day.

Wasted day all around.

The high was 43 here today.  GEEZ

P.S.  In regards to my doctor's report--I have lost 30 pounds and I think that is why my blood work was so good.  The other reason--it's good genes.  I must have inherited that from my father's side of the family--he lived to be 92.  His grandparents lived to 88 and 96.  The greats were in their late 80's.

I should not be that healthy--I smoked for over 50 years--never drank alcohol, but smoked--and yet my lungs don't look like it.  But lung damage from smoking is an accumulated thing.  One day, the lungs can look good and 6 months later--you've got COPD.  I have never inhaled smoke into my lungs, but I'm sure the bad stuff got down in them.

There is no cancer gene in my family on either side--that doesn't mean that in this day and age with all the preservatives and the air, I still couldn't get it, but for 6 generations, there has been no cancer--we just have crippling arthritis.

So--it is nothing I am doing right--it's just dumb luck :-)


  1. I'll take dumb luck and good genes any day of the week. Dad lived hard, ate everything that's bad for you and drank his fair share. Look at him. He's a little worse for wear but his mind is still clicking along just fine. Not bad for almost 96. You've got a lot of years left, Judy. I want to be reading you twenty years from now. Wouldn't that be sumthin'?

  2. My grandparents and aunts late 80's and early 90's. My mother was 82 but had smoked a lifetime and my father was 58 but ate everything in sight. Have taken care of myself, diet good, exercise, need more rest but an autoimmune disorder has come about.
    So guess I have to have something :) Interesting to see how long
    we last.. Know I need to rest more. Have worked outside all afternoon, 10 quarts of berries in freezer early, made salmon croquetts - but will have something good to eat for a couple of days.

  3. also made a pie - which really messed up kitchen but so good.
    strawberry with cream cheese filling on pie shell then berries
    in a jello sauce. will cover with whip cream and eat away..
