title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Today, I am so grateful that I was able to get out to get groceries.
I am also grateful that what I figured my groceries would cost, came in at $20.00 less.

Do you see any chicken in there?  No!  Chicken nowadays has too many growth hormones and liquid injected in them to make the breast plumper and larger.

Do you see any pork in there?  No!  I do not like pork--except for that box on the bottom of Jimmy Dean already cooked microwaveable sausage links.

Do you see pie and ice cream?  Yes.  Yes!  And a big bag of Cherry-Berry frozen fruit.

I also got a pound of ground beef to make more chili.  I think I'm good for a few weeks.
Daughter Karen and her hubs Mark picked me up at 6:30 and up to the funeral home we went for visitation for my Daddy's cousin--my 1st cousin once removed--or second cousin as I called him.

Youngest daughter, Jennifer had been there early and gone.  She had Bible study tonight.  Bible study?  I hope they were studying about forgiveness or honor they mother, or something like that.

Oldest daughter Pammie was there waiting for us to arrive as she had something to give to Karen.  My sister Susan and her hubs Chuck were also there.

As was my other cousin that I tried to avoid.

I talked with my cousins son and some of my other cousins--3rd cousins they.

The visitation WAS in the same room where Fred's funeral was held, but...it's been three years and it didn't feel bad to me.  Plus my cousin in his casket didn't look at all like Fred, so....I was good.

I sort of danced around the room, but when I sat down to take the pain off my back, the cousin I was avoiding came over to give me a hug.  I didn't even get up out of my chair.  I am so not nice!!

I think the reason it hurts so much is that of all my cousins, she is the only one my age.  All my Daddy's cousins were much older than me, but her mother was 42 when she was born and we are only 18 months apart.  She was out to visit my Grandma with her mother ( grandma's sister) and we spent a lot of time on the farm together or I'd get to go into the Big City and spend a week with her.

She read something on my blog--I was not even aware she knew I had a blog--and took it upon herself to call my step-brother-in-law to tell him to check it out.  He in turn told my daughter Jennifer--who was also unaware I had a blog-- to check it out and what I had written was something mean about my step-monster who had died.  It embarrassed Jennifer in front of the step-family, which in turn caused the rift between her and I.

I so want to call this cousin out, but I just can't.  I am not a confrontational person and do not like discord.  She would probably just make it worse by contacting Jennifer and try to patch things up and...that would just make Jennifer madder at me.  


The funeral is tomorrow at my church.  None of my kids will be there as they all work.  My sister is on the 3rd day of a migraine type headache, so they may not be there either.  I will go and represent my Daddy's side of the family, and everything will be just fine.


  1. Try the organic chicken some time. They actually do taste better and fresher and are worth the little bit extra that they cost.

    I see your cousin's part in the Jennifer thing differently than you do. You have misplaced anger, in my opinion. When we keep a blog that anyone in the world can stumble upon, how can we blame someone for finding it and pointing out something we wrote to someone else? Your cousin didn't write the words that embarrassed your daughter, and from her hug at the funeral home she may not even know about the rift that happened as a result of your words and Jen's reaction.That's the gamble bloggers take when we write. I know you regret what happened and would take it all back if you could BUT Jen is the one who is holding a grudge for an unreasonably long.time. Now, if your cousin had forwarded an email you wrote about your step-mother, an email meant for just her eyes and hers alone, then you'd have every right to hold a grudge towards her and blame your cousin for the way it all rippled out. But don't forget who threw the first stone that caused the ripple to start in the first place. Anyway, that's my opinion for what it's worth.......

  2. I'm sorry you missed seeing Jennifer and the grandkids. :(

    Take care, and I'm so glad you have a lot of groceries. :)


  3. Love the pic of the inside of your freezer. Isn't that weird? I'm a voyeur, I guess. I don't think I will post a pic of mine. It's an awful mess. Yours is nice and neat.

  4. Your freezer is so neat! Mine is a mess and since I live alone I have only myself to blame for that!

    Sorry you missed Jen and the kids!
