title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, December 2, 2013

Children's Book


My children’s book that was in e-book format, has just come out as a printed book.  

Rather then have you order it from the publisher’s site, which would cost more, if you would like a copy, I will charge you exactly what it cost me to get it printed and shipped.     $7.00     

If you'd like, send me a check and I will mail the book to you.  
Judith J Miller, 6413 Lakeview Lane, Brighton, MI 48114.  Suggested ages for readers: 4-10, but adults have told me they enjoyed it also.  This book is not just for boys!

“On Saturday morning, Matthew would rather play or do anything rather then clean his room, but his mother is determined that he clean up the disaster zone.  The mess under his bed has become downright scary!  Matt finds a way to overcome his fears and discovers that hidden treasures are to be found.”


  1. Congratulations, Judy! What a great accomplishment! I love the cover art. Very nice!

  2. Wow, Judy. Congratulations.

  3. That's awesome, girl. So proud of you!

    (P.S. I'm sorry not to have sent you what I promised, but now have your addy and will).

  4. This is awesome, Judy. I love the cover right down to the freckles.

  5. Wow, Judy, really nice....happy for you. I'll be sending along a check today!

  6. Fantastic! Congratulations! Is the boy on the cover modelled on anyone you know? Jx

  7. Congrats! What an accomplishment!

    Love the cover too!
