title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Day In The Life.....

Today's high temperature was: 79 degrees
Today's humidity was:   62%
Go Away!!!


Very disappointed in the tender loin filet I purchased.  I grilled it on my George Foreman electric grill--which did a great job of cooking it, but.....it has no taste.  I have found this out recently.  Beef just doesn't have the flavor it use to.  Maybe it's my taste buds dying off, but...I think it is more that I am spoiled.  I always had 1/4 beef in my freezer--cut just the way I wanted it--from when my Daddy had an animal butchered.  It was wonderful.  Four years ago, Fred and I both ordered a nice sirloin at Applebee's--tough, tasteless.  I had a Whopper a couple of months ago, craving that great taste I remembered--grey meat, tasteless.  I should have taken the $20.00 left on my Outback gift card and just got a carry out of the Victoria Filet Mignon, baked potato and salad.  I would have enjoyed that $20.00 more then what I spent for this tenderloin.  BLECH!!

I have noticed a lot of my favorite things taste all wrong.  Potato chips, still salty, but not as tasty.  I think it is because now, the government demands things like that have all trans-fat removed.  The only real tasty hunk of beef nowadays, is from a GOOD restaurant where they inject it with tastiness before they cook it.  Wonder what's in that stuff?
Didn't do much today.  I sold another box of books on E-Bay (that makes 3 = over $100.00) and had to wait for the mail lady to pick them up.  Then ran up to Brighton to Cartridge World--AGAIN!  Just there Thursday to buy a color and black inkjet cartridge.  I printed out two pages of a letter, with pictures of Fred's grave stone to send to his kids==total 9 pages, and two pages with the pix of his and mine, to put in my scrapbook and the dang color cartridge was empty?  I wonder if it was completely full to begin with?  When I got to the store, I asked the clerk if she could weigh it because it seemed to have run out too quickly.  Sure enough--It was more then 1/2 full, but had "died" electronically.  So I hummed Taps and she laughed and  gave me a new one--free.  They are real good about things like that--plus, I give them a lot of referrals and business.

I stitched on Evan's Elmo pillow.  I had a hard time deciding on what color he is suppose to be.  Some images show him as red, others as orange.  Pammie told me that Evan's favorite color is orange--he always wants to pick out his orange t-shirt to wear, so---creative license enabled, I put an orange strand of floss with a red strand and I think it is going to work.  Evan likes orange, so his Elmo will be orangeish.

I cross stitch the grand kids "prayer blessing poem acrostic" and give to them, framed, on their first birthday.

Sample: In case you don't know what an acrostic is:  The letters to their name goes down the left side, with a poem attached.  Not too hard, except for Alexander--what in the heck word starts with "X" ?

Alexander Chaston

A  lmighty God, to thee we pray,
L  ead our dear boy in your way.
E  ver keep him free from strife,
X  tend to him a happy life.
A  lways keep him safe from harm,
N  estled in your loving arms.
D  reams so peaceful every night,
E  very day sunny and bright,
R  eveal to him what’s good and right.

C  ourage to him as he grows,
H  ealthy, strong and free from woes.
A  ngels send to guard his ways,
S  tay nearby through all his days.
T  ruthful may he always be,
O  pen and kind to those in need,
N  othing but love in all his deeds.                                                                     
          In Jesus name, Amen.


E  ternal Father, we ask of thee,
V  aliant may his whole life be.
A  lways keep him safe from harm
N  estled in your loving arms.

E  ncourage him to live your way,
R  each out and protect him every day.
I  nspire him from up above,
C over him always with your love.
                                In Jesus name, Amen


A   lmighty God, to thee we pray,
N   ear our dear boy closely stay.
D   raw your angels near to keep,
R   ound him as he gently sleeps.
E   ver keep him safe each day,
W  hile he goes about his play.

 C   over him with your love,
H   old him safe from up above.
R   escue him in times of need,
I   nspire him to live your creed.
S   tay nearby throughout his life,
T   o keep him free from any strife.
O  pen up a future bright,
P   leasing to all in your sight.
H   old him close in time of fears,
E   ver guard him through the years,
R   everently, we ask this of you
           In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

E   ternal Father, to thee we pray,
L   ead our sweet girl in your way.
I    n your arms, secure and warm,
S   afely keep her from all harm.
E   ver may her days be bright,
A   always peaceful sleep at night.
N   ear to her stay, so she knows,
N   othing but love as she grows.

           In Jesus’ name, Amen.

As  you can see, Evan's and Elise' were much easier.  I almost chocked when Karen told me she had named her last child: MADELEINE SOPHIA.  Then Jen got in the habit with long names.  GEESH!!

On their second birthday, I always give them a small pillow with whatever "thing" they are into at the time.

This was Andrew's:

Elise's. because it looked like her.

and I did this picture when she was 4, because it looked like a portrait of her.

Alex's pillow as he was into Match Box vehicles.

 I just happened to find this pattern, free on-line.  
Evan's Elmo

When I was in town, I stopped at the gas station to get a bag of chips.  I got eye-humped again!!!  There was an old guy pumping gas into his truck (old guys are the only ones that notice me anymore) and as I strode by I saw him turn his head to look at me.  I had on my skinny jeans (because all my shorts were in the washing machine) and I was striding along with my long legs as I normally do.  It probably wasn't my jeans, but my new, lifter-upper bra, that puts the girls back, close to where they belong.  It isn't perfect, but at least I don't look like I have two huge tumors on my waist!

What was funny is, he was unaware that I could see his reflection in the glass front of the store.  He was watching me and was nodding his head(?)  I have no idea what that means, but I smiled to myself.  Eye-humping--a non-contact entertainment--which is the only kind I care to take part in anyhow!!

When I got home, I went outside to get my handy-dandy snaky hose to water, and found more Stink Horn Mushrooms.

I had never seen these until last late summer.  I think the spores
may have been in the mulch the kids put on my island garden, last year?

Then, I decided to fill up the bird feeders.  Not many of the summer birds around.  Baltimore Orioles, I haven't seen or heard in a couple months.  I am getting Cardinals, Woodpeckers, Chick-A-Dee, Titmice and Nuthatch.

and of course, the Hummingbird's still come around.

I came in and decided it might be a good day to empty and wash out the cat litter box.  I have a rather large one to accommodate Buddy.  I also scrubbed down the wall behind it.  Can't get down on my knees and crawl under the counter table, so I sprayed with Fantastic and then used my floor mop to reach under and scrub away.  "Necessity is the mother of invention."

I scooped out all the "bad" litter into a plastic bag, as normal.  Then I got a Glad Super Tuff-Strength of Steel, kitchen garbage bag and scooped the rest out--I could not lift the box to dump the remaining litter--so heavy.  When it was empty, I hauled it out to the outside hose.  Sprayed it with Fantastic and let it set.  Scrubbed it with my toilet brush, rinsed and rinsed and rinsed.  Then filled it with water and put some bleach in it.  Rinsed and rinsed and rinsed and........let it set in the sun to dry, while I scrubbed the wall.  I was so afraid that they'd need to go potty and no bathroom for them.  Buddy did look a little worried.

All this was accomplished, making my back hurt like sin!!  I got it back inside, dried it off with an old towel and filled it with new litter.   20# of new litter, which also made my back scream when I tried to pick it up and dump it into the box.  But all is well.

It is one of those long plastic storage boxes to use under a bed.  It has wheels on it, so it is easy to pull out to clean.  I also vacuumed the carpeting while it was drying.

Wall is all scrubbed, as is the box, back in place.

Buddy seems to approve.

I no more got sat down at the computer and....he climbed in and did his thing.

.See ya later!!!


  1. Medications can effect the way your food tastes. Perhaps that's what's going on here.

    I'm glad you're doing so well selling your books on eBay. I have several boxes of autographed romances that I need to put on eBay someday. They are in mint shape, too.

    Your Elmo pillow case is going to be very cute!

  2. I commented, didn't I? Good golly, I'm more forgetful than I even knew.

    LOVE the pillows you make for the grands. You're so talented, Judy!

    I hope you have a blessed Sunday, my friend.


  3. Those mushrooms are a riot. I commented on your last post. I'm a little late, but I'm so happy about your letter from your granddaughter.

    I believe you about the meat. That goes for a lot of things. I remember reading the Stephen King novel 11/22/63. When the character traveled to the past, all the food tasted better. My family is in the seafood industry, and I can't stand buying seafood from grocery stores. It never taste good, and I have no idea how long it's been around. I bet it's the same way with the beef. You've had the good stuff and nothing else will ever rise to the occasion. Once you know the difference, you simply know the difference.

    Those pillows are a very special gift. I know people who've received quilts from their grandmas and they never let them go. I don't know if it's because it's comforting to get a homemade something from your grandma or what, but people love them forever.

  4. Aw - Buddy knows he's loved! JX
