title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Friday, August 9, 2013

Pammie--My Sweetheart!!

Today's high temperature was:  77 degrees
Today's humidity was: 39%
Another, breezy, sunny, perfect day!

I think we are having the best summer we have had in years!!!  This gorgeous weather has been going on for two weeks and will continue--at least for the next seven days.  It is just plain perfect...and my electric bill shows it!  Last July I used 29.6 wattage hours or--whatever, and this July 10.1.  Last July we had almost two weeks of near 100 degree days and humid nights.  This July we had like 4 days of temps in the high 80's, low 90's.  So, the air conditioner hasn't run near as much as last year.  A truly windows and doors open kind of summer.  Kind of like I remember from the olden days--when NONE of even knew that air conditioning existed!!  Maybe in a movie house, but--no where else.  Not in hospitals and I know because, the day Pammie was born it was hot!  The hottest August in 43 years, which was the year when my Daddy was born.

I posted this collage on Face Book this morning, for all her friends on my "friends" list to see.

My Pammie--always happy, always smiling.  I think she
smiled when she was born and hasn't stopped since.
No matter what!

Then I drove out to her farm and visited with her.  My sister Susan came down the road to share the birthday.  I took a chocolate cake with me and the nine candles.  Plus a pair of those nice 1,600 count Egyptian sheets I got on-line.  I love them.  My sister loves them.  Pearl loves them.  I think everyone that ordered them, loves them and only $30.00 a pair and four pillowcases!!!  

Here she is at 6 weeks old.  She had such perfect skin.
I think she's even smiling in this picture.

Got her eyes closed, making a wish.
I hope she gets everything she wished for.
She deserves it soooooo much!

Then I told her to come sit on my lap.
"Momma, I will hurt your hips!"
"No you won't.  I don't care how old or how
big you are--you are never too old for Momma
to hold on her lap and love on you."

The idiot that is moving out was there and greeted me very warmly and I was nice to him, of course.  He has a home now, with a big fenced-in back yard and an empty vacant lot next door that goes with the property.  It is a two story older farm house and has a tree fort already in the back yard for his grandson.  It was a bank repo and he got it for...............are you ready?  $35,000.  Unbelievable!!!

I just wish he would get ALL his rusty vehicles and crap off her land!!!  But, at least he and his 5 pack a day cigarette smoking (dropping ashes and lit cigarettes on Pam's carpeting), and his incontinent old dog will be out of the house.  Pam was showing my sister and I the paint chips she has up on different walls of the house.  She really cannot wait to live alone!!!  

Of course, he is telling everyone it was his idea to leave.  That Pam was being a witch and he couldn't stand it anymore.  But, those people that know him and know them together--know he's lying.  Pam supported him for at least 6  years while he was trying to get disability, and loaned him money and got him a lawn mower--things like that, and had to go through bankruptcy because she lost her job and couldn't pay the creditors.

Man--I know how that is.  I went through the same thing 20 years ago--like I keep saying, she is going through a lot of what I went through, 20 years ago.  I just hope she makes it better then I did!!!!!
So then--Susan and I left so Pammie could do her lawn mowing and I drove up to Susan's place.  I had my Daddy's old straw farm hat and the seed bag I have and I wanted to get a picture of them with an old plow and by the Centennial Farm sign.  Well--Pammie has the plow in her side lawn and Susan has the sign, so I had to take pictures at both places and they didn't turn out like I had envisioned.

Today was my Daddy's birthday too, and I wanted to post a tribute to him--a lot of the kids on my friends list played ball for him and of course, lots of people remember him.
You gotta click on them to see better.

This farm, where Susan lives, has been in the family now, 
for 156 years.  Where my son lives and I was born,
for 75 years and the grandparents farm, where
Pammie lives, 93 years.  I happen to think that is very cool!

Then I posted those two pictures on Face Book with this tribute.

The old farmer took off his hat and put down the tools of his life,
and went to lie down to rest.
and...God said, "Welcome home, my good and faithful servant.
You have been a fine steward of my land"
Happy Birthday in Heaven, Daddy.
Aug. 9, 1916 - June 18, 2008

Well--you know.  I am not entirely sure my Daddy is in Heaven--I know that is not a nice thing to say.  I imagine when he got there, God probably got out The Book and questioned him on the way he treated his daughter, but--no one in or out of the family knew of his abuse.  He was a baseball coach for many years. He was a community leader, trustee on the Township Board--many, many awards for Outstanding Service or Citizen of the Year.  So--I put it on Face Book for everyone to see--because--well, you know-----
Balisha?  I have a question.  Do I have to bring my succulents inside over winter?  I used to have Hen's and Chicken's in my rock garden and they never died during the winter, but I am wondering about the succulents I have planted in the pots on my porch.  

See  you tomorrow--it promises to be another beautiful day!!


  1. Wonderful memories
    that we have
    have a wonderful day.
    My birthday girl and family come tomorrow
    and first time I am not cooking.
    Going to a special place
    out in the country to eat
    country food....

  2. I had no idea what was going on with your sweet daughter, Judy. But, I pray she'll be happy now and by herself. You're such a good mom!

    Love the pics! Actually, love anything country. :)


  3. Happy Birthday to your Pammie,
    As for your succulents...if they are winter hardy to your area they should be OK outside. Otherwise I would bring them in the garage. Or....you can pile leaves and mulch on top....but keep them in a pretty dry spot...so they don't get water logged. I keep my strawberry jar in the garage only because I don't want the terra cotta to crack. Once in a while I give it a little sprinkle from my wet hand as I go by it in the garage.

  4. Happy birthday to Pammie. Such sweet pictures.
