title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Friday, August 23, 2013

Thank Goodness For the "Delete" Button!!!

Today's high temperature was: 77 degrees
Today's humidity was:  36%
Sunny, a nice freshening breeze from the north-east

I wish I had a delete button for some of my daily issues :-)  

I am a bit pissed off right now--sorry for the crude language, but it's the only "nice" word I can think of.  I saw a link on my Face Book page about "Gospel Prosperity" preachers like Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyers.  While I have watched and liked them both at times in my life, I do not always agree with their thinking.  So I shared the link and stated how I felt.  A friend of mine, commented that she agreed and why.  Then this other "person" on my friends list came in with a comment that the first comment meant, "You mean we can do anything we damn well please and we will get into Heaven?"  Now, the first comment and my comment didn't say that, didn't infer that.  I have no idea what the second woman was saying, but I know her and I know--it matters not what I post on Face Book--if it is the least thought provoking, the second woman will blast me, or get into arguments with my other friends that post positive comments.

She also commented that "with that kind of thinking, no wonder you right-wingers are all nuts."   What?

I don't know why I just don't block her from seeing any of my posts--I've blocked me from seeing hers on my page, because they are so negative, ugly, wanting to start a fight.  No matter what you might say back, if you disagree in the least, she will nail you to the wall with her venom.  Some of you that are on Face Book have seen some of her comments to me, so you know who I am referring too.  

I have only met and talked with her twice in my life.  Somehow these people get on our friends list.  Friends?  People we don't know--some we haven't met and yet they are friends?  

Before the last election she got on me big time when I inferred I wasn't going to vote for Mr. Obama.  I didn't say I was going to vote for Mr. Romney either, because I wasn't really planning on voting for either one.  Man alive!!  She jumped on that comment and told me, "All this time I thought you were an intelligent woman.  It breaks my heart to realize how stupid you've become.  Why would you vote for someone who is going to take away women's right?  Repeal Social Security and Medicare?  How could you be that ignorant?  I thought you were Pro-Choice!"

Well--her comment hurt deeply as I had never said any of that, nor had I inferred it.  I didn't respond right away, but later, went back and said, "I didn't say I was voting for someone who would take anything away from anyone.  You have inferred that I am not Pro-Choice!  I am pro-choice!  and my choice is...not to vote for Mr. Obama!"

I should have blocked her right then, but I didn't want to appear as petty as she is.  So--today, after seeing as how she was trying to bait my first friend into a theological/political argument--I just deleted the link, the post, and the comments!  Gone!  Off into the ether where no one can see it.  Then I private messaged my first friend to tell her what I had done because....I sure didn't want HER to have to endure what I knew was ahead of her from the second woman!  She is very good at baiting people--trying to argue--trying to get you to slip up--so she can come down on you with both feet.  I will NOT play that game with her!!!!
So--today I went to see the PsychiATRIST.  The MD.  The PhD.  He was actually very nice.  I was precise in telling him why I was there--that I couldn't get the correct drugs from my primary care guy until I had a diagnosis from him.  Of course, I handed him my HUGE list of all the diagnoses and drugs I have taken over the last 40+ years and why they did not work.  He actually thought the list was great.  "Don't you think that is obsessive to work on a list like that?"  I asked.  "A bit," he said.  

Of course, he didn't give me a diagnosis--do they ever?  I want a nice tidy diagnosis of what is wrong with my head, so I can become obsessive and research it to death.  Oh no--not that simple.  We have to "discuss" the whys and wherefores and the years of what I had gone through.  No. No.  Here is all you need to know--just give me a diagnosis and prescribe something you think will help these weird thoughts/feelings/reactions I am going through.

After an hour, he gave me a few tests--like him giving me a list of numbers that I had to repeat back to him.  And three words, Purple, Tree, Honest--that half an hour later, he asked me to repeat.  I suppose he was checking for Alzheimer's?  In the middle of one of his numbers list--he asked a question and I answered.  Then he asked me to repeat the 7 numbers back to him and I did.  He said that my memory was outstanding and that my I.Q. was very high.  "Huh?"

He said, "by this list of yours, it seems you have been told you have every mental illness except Schizophrenia."  

I said, "Well, I sometimes wonder about that, but I'm not paranoid.  I don't think the NSA or the FBI are spying on me and, if they are, I don't care...so I guess I'm okay."

He said, "You do seem sort of hyper today."

"Yes--I know.  I have been talking fast and furious because I am trying to go over 74 years of my life history in the fifty minutes I am allotted!"

"You are confusing, that's for sure."  (Whatever that meant.)

I didn't get to really tell him of the way I am feeling NOW.  The irrational thoughts and actions.    He asked me if all this planning of my death and funeral was really about ME or was it about making things easier for my family.  "Have you ever really thought about taking care of you and not everyone else?"

Well, hell no!  I was a daughter, then a wife and then a mother, then an employee, a care giver and a grandmother.  When did I ever think about what I wanted?  It's just not my nature.  

Of course, now all those things I WAS--are gone away, so...perhaps this is the reason for my mental turmoil?  (I thought of this after I got in the car).  I sure hope he doesn't try and make me come up with what I want because---I haven't a clue!  I don't want anything!!  and please...don't make me go to the Senior Center...or a bus trip...or go out each week to eat in a restaurant all alone.  No. No.  

I do not want to socialize--especially with people I don't know.  I would prefer more family time, but other then that, I vant to be alone!

He thinks I may have a death wish.  I told him "probably", but I wouldn't do anything active to bring it on.  I am not suicidal, but...I wouldn't mind if all of this was over with."  He frowned.  

So, 90 minutes later he said, "I think Risperdol will help.  The smallest amount---at bedtime.  Stay on the Celexa."

At least I got something and I go back in a month.  He also wants me to go back into talk therapy with Lynn--the one I went to for 3 months after Fred died--she is in the same building.  We shall see.  What a bore!!  I hate going over all this crap since childhood and how did it make me feel and why did I do that, and...and...  The hurt little girl never heals, okay? She is always there in my mind and soul.  Just give me a damn pill to straighten out my chemical imbalance or something.

Oh yes--and he wants me to keep writing to get my thoughts out.

You poor readers!!!

Bye Bye


  1. I used FB for a very short time and found that it wasn't for me. I do understand how it could be good for distant family members and friends to keep in touch. It just isn't my favorite way to keep in touch.

    I hate those short-term memory tests. My brain remembers words and faces. I'd have difficulty with recalling numbers. Right brain versus left brain I suppose, or maybe no brain. :)

  2. I'm not fond of FaceBook and all the political and religious baiting that goes on there. I use my Mary Poppins persona there and if I find my blood boiling too much I just take the offender out of my daily feed so I don't have to see what they post. I also make good use of sorting people into categories like friends, family and acquaintances so I can pick and choose who sees my posts.

    Much of the "crazy stuff" you say is running in your head seems perfectly age appropriate and normal to me. Mental turmoil comes with transitions in life, and losing a spouse while facing growing old IS a major life transition. We want the world to think we're handling it just fine but are we really? Big strong women we are, we are the caregivers to the world but we can't/won't take care of ourselves. Hang in there, Judy!

  3. I've found Facebook irritates me more and more all the time. I deactivated my account a few years ago for about 6 months but went back when a middle school reunion was being planned so I could connect with some of those people. Now I'm considering deactivating again but I like to see posts about my great nephews who I don't get to see that often. I think you should completely unfriend that nasty women who comments on your blog. Some people just look for controversial things to post comments to! You don't need that in your life! I have a certain family member I've blocked because I got sick of all the religious and political postings. They don't know their blocked, though! They must wonder why I never comment to any of their posts! LOL! Facebook...you either love it or hate it!

  4. I am terrible going to any kind of a doctor's office. I need to be in control ... and I will tell the doc what I have and what I think needs to be done! I'm the same way at the vet when I take my dog in. God they must hate me! But that is the only way I can survive the visit. No wonder I was diagnosed with "White Coat Syndrome :)

  5. Judy-I take celexa, elavil and trazadone at bedtime. I also have xanAx that I take a small dose at bedtime. I feel better (in my head) than I used to. So, maybe this new prescription will help you. I hope so.

    You are still a mother and grandmother; that hasn't changed. I can also relate to liking to be by yourself. Now that P & I live together, it's good. I don't get in her way, and she doesn't get in mine. This won't be forever (I don't think) but we respect each other's privacy. She know how much I love to read, and lately she has taken it up also again (the first time since the tragedy). It sure helps me to keep my mind "still" from things I could let drive me nuts.

    As for FB, I don't have that many friends and/or family members but I do find that if I wasn't on there, I wouldn't know much about what's going on. My blog is not known to any of my family; they know I have one but don't know how to find it. The thing is, I've written quite a bit on the blog, in days of old, and that has also helped me. I hope you do continue this journey with your journal. You always have something to say that I enjoy hearing. You're a good writer.


  6. Well, I certainly like the advice to keep on writing. Your words have given my sanity more comfort than anyone else's, that's for sure. Hope the new combo will work to calm the noise in your head. I have the same thing...I, too, would be perfectly happy to have my time here end at any time. meantime we do our best.

    I really detest the issue based FB posts and they, as well as the contributors, are deep sixed off my timeline posthaste. I subscribe to some uplifting and interesting pages, and communicate with my children and grandchildren on FB but will not allow anything of a controversial nature. Those creeps are just looking for any place they can start a nasty conversation.

    Love the hummingbird shots. Great entertainment!

  7. Keep writing, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. As for wanting to be alone, after listing all those things you have been, I think it seems completely reasonable to want to be alone. I have that feeling more than once a day! I agree with the Facebook junk, but I do enjoy the fun things about family and friends. I just close the door on those who are irritating. That's my way of dealing now - just avoid those who drag me down. Hope you are feeling better. Enjoy what YOU want to today.
