title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Really Nice Tuesday

The high temperature today was:  82 degrees
Today's humidity was: 67%
Sunny--kind of.  Cloudy at times.  Humidity is hanging heavy!
Hate this weather!
I just looked at the title.  The only thing wrong with it, is it is Wednesday and that means garbage take out day and it is going on midnight and I forgot.  So----I'll be right back.

"Where do I begin, to tell the story of how great a" .......never mind.  If you read music you will see that those notes are not the correct ones for the song...........anyway....

The new meds--working better--not so crooked in the head in the morning.  However, for about two hours after I wake up, I have like this 4 inch wooden block squarely in the middle of my forehead--between my skull and my brain.  Ever have that feeling?  I sleep well with them, but I am very groggy and I don't wake up very early.  This getting up at 10:30, means by this time of night I am just getting started, which in turn means I got to bed around 3:00 a.m., which means I get up at 10:30--see the vicious circle here?

I just found out that there was a small tornado in Brighton last evening--when I was seeing the yellowish-green sky to the south?  When I read the account and saw where it hit--just 2.5 short miles south of me!  YIKES!!!  Over by the high school AND I just got a Face Book message from my grand girl Madeleine that they were at marching band practice on the football field, exactly one mile from where it made its touch down.  She didn't say if they ran for cover--but I think with the torrential rain we had, they had to do something.  Maybe run under the bleachers--or into the bathrooms?
Merle has had: EKG's, Echo cardiogram, CAT scan, x-rays, blood work ad infinitum, stress test, both with the treadmill and with the Thallium and...NOTHING IS SHOWING UP!!!  They are mystified.  I think he probably should get a heart catheterization--maybe they will think to do that--I sure hope so.  (But I am not mentioning it!!!)  He's been having A-Fib episodes for the last six months!  They need to find out why and correct it--in my opinion.

Pearl is not liking sleeping alone--the first time in 5 years since she was in hospital for a few days.  I turn on my bathroom light and bedroom light which she can see from her bedroom, so when she goes to bed, she knows I am still awake and not far away if she needs me.  Hey--I'm up until 3:00 anyway.

I went to the Rich People's store today--so much fun!!  The new meds seem to be working as I picked up a cat toy--so cute and then thought, "You do not need that," and put it back.  I was also looking on line for something and found it and filled in the order information and then thought, "You do not need that" and clicked off.  One of my problems the last six months is the buying of things I do not need--want perhaps, but do not need.  It has scared me.  Picture this, awake at 2:30, on the internet and found a really neat (I can't even remember now) something and ordered it.  At 6:00 I woke up again, ran in her, turned on the computer and quickly canceled the order.  HOW NUTZ IS THAT!!!  Manic behavior, I think.

I also have not said anything outrageous or inappropriate since last Friday at the shrinks.  I still think them, but I don't speak them.  I would walk by people in the Wal-Mart and say stupid stuff.  Like, one time, a fat guy at the milk chest, he was holding two quarts of milk in his hand.  One was Fat Free, the other was 2%, so as I stroll by, I say, "Better get the Fat Free."  GOOD GRIEF.  He did laugh and didn't punch me out, but that sort of thing comes out of my mouth.  Or post links or stupid, idiotic things on Face Book and then go back in a few minutes and delete the post.  OR--my all time favorite--A lady was in the Wal-Mart toy section and when I came around the corner, I saw her stuff something in her pants pocket.  So I casually walk by and say, "Don't forget--camera everywhere.  Big Brother is watching."  Schizophrenia? 

Anyway, I am not doing that kind of crap anymore so I am grateful for the new meds.  I will get use to them so they don't bother my balance as much in--oh--about two weeks?
Sweet Cherries or Bing Cherries--whatever.
The cherries the first of the season were from Washington state.
Then in July, I got some Michigan cherries.
Now--coming to the end of the season, these are from British Columbia, Canada.
So far--the ones from Washington state have been the best.
Did you know to put all your fresh veggies and fruit in a tub of water with 1/2 cup white vinegar to get any germs/bacteria off?  Also takes off the wax they use on cucumbers and apples, etc.  I just found out about it and do it all the time now.

Have you ever seen a brick of gold?

Why is this rotated the wrong way?
$19.99 a pound!!!!
I paid $13.00 because of my store card.

Tender Loin--Filet Mignon

Look at how thick that is.   (Quit drooling on your keyboard)!

It is the end of the month and I had grocery money left over, so..........................protein.  The first nice hunk of beef I have had in a very long time.  Should get two meals off it.  A once a year treat?  However I can justify the expense!!!

...and for dessert?  A slice of Cherry-Rhubarb pie from the
Grand Traverse Pie Company--warmed up a bit in the microwave?

and I STILL HAVE $15.00 left over in my grocery money envelope!!
                   which got put in the gas tank of my car because that dang yellow lighted up gas pump 
                   signal-emblem on my dash board needed to stop bugging me.
$3.79 per gallon--SAY WHAT??  Get that dang pipeline from Canada built and get some gasoline down this way!!  
On the way home I stopped at Pearl's and gave her phone back and chatted for awhile.  She was home for two hours and then going back up to hospital.  She is very weary!!  Remember--she can barely walk from her place, across the street to the mail box and now, she has to walk from car, to hospital entrance, another 50 feet to the elevator and then to Merle's room.  I have been trying and trying to get her to take Fish Oil/Omega 3 for her arthritis.  It would help her heart and most probably her memory.  She will buy some stupid diet pill off the TV, but she keeps "forgetting" to pick up a bottle of Fish Oil at the Wal-Mart.  I want to just buy them for her, but...............that "taking charge", being "teacher of the world", is also a bad trait I am trying to over come.
Oh--I gotta tell you.
       Two weeks ago Pearl signed up with Comcast.  She bundled her (non-existent) phone and high speed internet and TV.  I told you her computer isn't working--does not have enough memory for the high speed interest AND she had to go out and buy a land line phone, which also quit working last week.  SO--I suggested a whole lot of things, which she didn't want to do, so I shut my mouth--let her figure it out.

I brought her phone home with me Sunday, because, I had a feeling it wasn't the phone, but rather the phone line.  She was cussing it out.  "Brand new phone and the damn thing doesn't work!"  I pulled the phone cord out of my phone and plugged it into hers and got a dial tone, so I called her on it.  Apparently she didn't recognized (HER OWN PHONE NUMBER) caller I.D, so when she picked up, she said, "Who is this!"

"It's me.  I am calling you on your phone.  It works perfectly."

"Then why doesn't it work here?"

"Maybe something wrong with your phone line."

"I'm not using that damn phone or the computer ever again!!!"

"Good idea.  Now you can call Comcast and have them un-bundle you and just have cable for your TV."

"I can do that?  I don't have to have them all together to make the TV work?"


"Nope.  You will save money not paying for things that you don't need."

Then, her cell phone quit and she couldn't figure out why.  She needed a new battery, but her phone is so old that the battery place can't find one that will work.  So--today she told me, her daughter is going to get her a Smart Phone and she can make calls and she can get her e-mails and play her games on it and everything!

YAY!!!  Everything will be all right now--until the phone doesn't work like she thinks it should and she will start thinking it is out to get her (purposefully), like she thought about her computer.  She honestly thinks that when she turns on her computer and it doesn't work right--it is because, "it recognizes me and so it won't work just to make me frustrated."  Honest!

  I have my T.E.N.S. device on my left scapula and upper shoulder because, apparently someone thought that she just had to lift that heavy plastic storage box with 100 years worth of cross stitch books in it.  DUH!!

Judy--go to bed!!


  1. Sounds like you are really doing better with these pills. That's good news! The beef looks seriously delicious!! Jx

  2. That fillet is gorgeous. I remember when they were $3.99 a pound. We used to buy the entire loin and cut it up ourselves. Then I got my nose out of joint when the price creeped up to $4.99 a pound. We still bought the whole loin. Now it's sixty bucks or so for the whole loin. I only buy it once in a blue moon when the kids are coming.

    Hope the benefit of your new med offsets the block-in-the-head feeling you have in the morning.

    Love your escapades with Pearl. Hope they find a solution for Merle.

  3. I feel sure you'll get straightened out on the meds soon!

    Talk about making "manic" purchases; Judy, you wouldn't believe if I told you what I've done in the past. But, thankfully those days are over, or at least I hope so!

    We have a friend that has AFIB and it's taken care of by meds. She's 87. My mom had tachacardia for years, and it was scary until we found out that it wasn't life threatening, at least for her.

    I hope you got a better sleep last night.

  4. Do you think you could adjust the time you take your medication to account for the time you spend feeling groggy/not ready for bed? Like if you're taking it right before bedtime, take it a 4 or 5 in the afternoon?
    Just a thought. Glad you are safe from the tornado, and my gosh that beef looks great.
    Have a great holiday weekend!
