title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Today's temperature was: 80 degrees
Today's humidity was: 55%
Rain in a.m., sunny with a breeze, cloudy in evening.

I woke up in the middle of the night, not feeling well.  A little pain in my right side and kind of nauseated.   I  did a "plop, plop, fizz, fizz" and went back to sleep.  I had my alarm set for 7:30.

I woke up and felt worse.  The pain was kind of dull and right under my right rib-cage.  I walked around for awhile, drank my usual morning cup of warm cocoa and took my morning meds.

My best friend Bethie's only sister passed away last week and I wanted to attend her funeral.  It was about an hour's drive north and I would have to leave at 9:30 for visitation and the funeral.

I just felt rotten.  I didn't know if it was my gall bladder or my colon--but something in there hurt.  I have never had a gall bladder attack, as far as I know.  I do have kidney gravel that passes occasionally and I know that hurts like heck, but this didn't feel that sharp.  

I laid back down, on my left side and fell asleep and didn't wake up until almost 10:00.  The pain was still there and I felt sick to my stomach, but not as bad as earlier.  Too late to call Bethie and tell her I wasn't coming.

I got dressed and cleaned out the cat's litter box and sat down in my chair and read for awhile.  Then fell back alseep again.  About noon, I got that bad feeling and rushed into the bathroom and had explosive diarrhea (I know--too much information!)  I had diarrhea off and on for another hour and then--I felt better.

I have no idea what that was all about!  I'm glad I didn't try and go to the funeral--I would have been in big trouble!!!

I've just sort of sat around all day--haven't even gone out to get my mail.  Don't feel sick--just tired and kind of tummy yucky, sort of a headache.

I haven't been anywhere since last Friday, so I don't think I had a virus, but who knows!

So-what did you do today.  Hope the day was better then mine!!!


  1. No fun. I'm glad you're beginning to feel better. That same thing happens to me sometimes and I always wonder if it's related to my diverticulosis.

  2. Maybe a mild case of food poisoning? Anyway, glad you are feeling better!

  3. Well, that doesn't sound like a fun time. Hope today finds you feeling much better. I had a similar thing Monday afternoon/evening, and feel it was directly related to a salad I ate but you just never know.

  4. Poor Judy....hope you are feeling better.

  5. Oh! I hate that. Who knows what caused it. I hope it's all gone.
