title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sinful Sunday

Today's high temperature was: 73 degrees
Today's humidity was:  30%
Sunny with a really nice breeze

You remember that old philosophy question:
"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
So I wondered this morning, If I died during the night and no one was here to know, would I really be dead?

No, I didn't have a sinful Sunday, but, for the 9th Sunday in a row, I did not go to church.  I feel guilty about it, so I suppose it is a perceived sin in my head.  My Catholic daughter would class it as a "venial sin", I suppose.  There is a lot of street construction between here and church, so I am using that for an excuse--so--I am lying to myself.  

I went to the doctor's, through the construction zone.  I went to the dentist's, through the construction zone.  I went to Wal-Mart to get my prescriptions, which is on the corner of the construction zone.

When I do go back to church, the couple I usually sit next to are going to ask, "Where have you been?"  and in all honesty I am going to have to answer, "Where have I been?  I've been lazy."  

I know if I went, I'd feel better.  I love singing the old hymns.  Thank goodness I have a church that has separate services so I don't have to go to the Contemporary service with the songs up on the screen, and repetitive verses over and over and over--geez.  I like a nice tidy old hymn with 4 lovely, heart filling verses and a nice repetitive chorus.  The sermon would be good, as it always is and it would make me feel renewed. 

I have used the excuse to Pearl, who also has not gone to church for two months, (their car was gone this a.m., so maybe they went?) that I have no summer clothes to wear.  Which is not a lie.  None of my last year's summer clothes fit--way too big.  But, last week I ordered and received some nice summer slacks and a couple of tops, so................and God wouldn't care what I wore anyway.

I read my daily devotional and then opened my Bible to see if there was a verse with meaning--and found this on first sight--"What sorrow awaits my rebellious children," says the LORD. "You make plans that are contrary to mine. You make alliances not directed by my Spirit, thus piling up your sins."

I promise--I will go next week--honest!

Dar came over about 11:00--I was in my bedroom, getting dressed. I had heard a car honking earlier and when I looked out my window, I noticed the car was parked in her driveway.

"Did you go to church today?"  I asked.

"Nope.  I slept in."

"I saw a car in your drive, I wondered what was going on."

"Oh that was Russel and Sandy.  They come pick me up every Sunday morning.  I slept in today, so I had to go out and tell them I wasn't going."

Hm-mm.  Never thought to call and tell the people?

"It was only two miles out of their way, so it was no big deal," she says.

Hm-mm--I wonder if they felt that way.

She stayed about 90 minutes and I finally got dressed and something to eat around 1:00.

Sat down to watch the baseball game and pretty soon, Pearl walked in.

"I told Merle I had to get away from the game.  They are going to lose.  They are so stupid! Oh, you've got it on too."

So, I hit the mute button............

"Did you go to church this morning?" I asked.

"We did."

"What was the sermon about?"

"Oh...I can't remember.  Something about how God will help us through the construction zones of our life.  It has to do with the construction that we have to drive through to get to church."

"Did they sing good hymns?"

"I don't remember.  Couldn't tell you what we sang.  I saved the bulletin, I will give it to you tomorrow."


"Oh," she says.  "Did  you hear all that honking this morning?"


"People over in Dar's driveway.  The people that pick her up for church.  They beeped and sat and then beeped and sat---she finally came out of the house in her pajamas, laughing that loud horse laugh of hers.  They finally drove away.  The guy driving didn't look too happy."

"I think she should have called them and told them not to stop."

"Oh...that woman!  She thinks the world revolves around her!  It's always all about her---to heck with anyone else!  I think she needs mental therapy."

"Well, she does have a strong sense of entitlement..for sure," I said. (We were gossiping, and I think that is one of the seven deadly sins, isn't it.  I am in such big trouble!!)

We chatted for about 45 minutes, about books and some of the DVD's I am getting.  She borrowed one.  Then I said, "I have to go to Costco tomorrow, do you want to go along?"

"No...I do need some salmon, if you could pick that up for me.  They are salmon patties, in the frozen food section."

"Sure.  I gotta get bathroom tissue and Kleenex and...I gotta get milk...oh, and batteries--got to remember to get a big box of double A's."

"Oh, I need milk too," she said.  "Well, rather then have you running all over the store, can I go with you?"


"Are you going after your Soap?  I do better in the morning."

"Okay," I say, "I will pick you up at 10:00."

"Oh--right.  Ten?  I will expect you at ten-thirty, eleven."

"No--I will pick you up at ten--just watch me and you better be ready to go when I pull into your driveway!"

She laughed, knowing how I like to sleep in.  She is always up by seven. So, you know what that means.  I better get to bed tonight by midnight, set the alarm for eight and get myself in gear.  I also want to stop at the rich people's grocery store.  Tomorrow is the first of the month and my grocery budget money has been renewed.  I want to get a whole bunch of food from their deli--salads of all kinds--fresh fruit--a slice of their really good cheese, a bag of sweet cherries and some pecans. 

Pea Cons, or is it pronounced Pea Cans, or is it like we call them- Pah Cons?    

No pictures today.  Every time I wanted to go out for a walk, some idiot was setting off loud fire crackers and you know the phobia I have about loud noises. 

I thanked God today that I live in the relatively cool state of Michigan.  My oldest grand daughter lives in Phoenix.  I don't see how she stands that heat--I don't care if it is a dry heat, 114 is like being in an oven!!!  I never would survive in Florida.  The humidity would kill me. So thankful my ancestor's were farmers and wanted to migrate to a place with wonderful forests and soil.  

Danke great, great, great, great grandpa Conradt!!! 


  1. You crack me up with "the rich people's store".

    Yes, we say Pah Cons, too. Of course, if I said that to Hunter, she'd correct me I'm sure.

    Oops, Britt just called; the girls are coming over. Guess I should take a shower and put on a bra. Love you.

  2. I live by the theory that God doesn't care if I'm sitting in church as long as I live a Christian life. I live by that theory as a way to tamp down the guilt for not going to church regularly.

    Dar is a study.

  3. I know what you mean about Sunday morning guilt!!!! Jx
