title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rain, Rain, Go Away..We Have Had Enough Today

Today's temperature was: 82 degrees
Today's humidity was: 67%
Sunny, T-storms, sunny, rain, sunny T-storms.

There is a cold front coming through later (YAY), thus the thunder storms preceding it.  
This late afternoon
Coming down hard!
I got up fairly early, from an all night sleep, did a few of my morning chores and headed up to Pearls'.   

"What are YOU doing here," she asks.

"Well...what a nice greeting!"

"No...last night you said you weren't going to be around today because you were meeting your cousin and your sister for lunch."

"Oh yeah.  I forgot I told you that.  My cousin and her daughter were in Fort Wayne yesterday, they stopped at a restaurant before they started home and almost three hours later, my cousin realized she had left her purse in the booth.  So--they turned around and drove all the way back."

"Had it been turned in?"

"Nope.  Cousin asked at the front and it had not been turned in, but...the girl went to the booth they were in and...there was her purse."

"Wow--not a very busy restaurant."

"Anyway...it was too late to start home so they just got a room and came back this morning.  She was too exhausted to do lunch, so............that's why I'm here, but I will leave if I am bothering you."

"Get your skinny behind in here...I need help with the labels I am trying to do."

So we went back to her bedroom and the computer.

"Look at this," she says and holds up a page of labels--all off center--way off in the margins.

"What happened?"

"I don't know."

I go into Word and the label page and notice she has a different label size template.  "Remember I told you to look on the label to see what size to use?  You just used the wrong label template is all."

"I think I can use some of them.  I can cut out the little part that is on the next label and then paste them together on the envelope."

I picked up the label page she had printed out and wadded it up.  You should have seen the look on her face.  It was priceless.

"Those cost money!"

"I will give you a new sheet.  Now, get over in this chair and we are going step-by-step and make a new page of labels."

...and we did.  Then she wanted to know how to scan a photograph.  So I showed her that and how to save it and how to send it to her daughter on Face Book.    By then, it was noon, so I scooted home.

I watched the weather report, threw in a load of laundry, watched my Soap while I cross stitched, turned on the dishwasher, separated my tops in the closet by color, sorted out my DVS and put them in their new storage boxes all labelled and in the bottom of the TV armoire. 

I sat back down to watch the baseball game and the thunder started.  Put my ear plugs in and waited.  The sun came back out, so I unplugged my ears, put away laundry, the thunder started again, so I put the plugs back in--on and on for over two hours.

Just about the time I wanted to go out to get a Subway, we had a gully washer.  BUT--there were severe storms south of me and north of me, none here, Thank You Lord! A lot of flooding.  The road in front of my park--the main road to get anywhere, is called Grand River Road.  This evening, it had turned into THE Grand River.
Something happened today that not only was weird, but kind of scary.  A month ago, I bought a white, a pink and a navy blue T-shirt.  I have wanted a navy one and could not find any last summer, so was glad to find one, that fit and I could afford.

Today, while I was arranging my tops, I wondered where the navy one was.  I knew I hadn't worn it--thought the tag was still on it.  I pulled everything off the closet floor, assuming it had fallen off the hanger.  Nope--but I did collect my four travel bags and going to put them in storage.

I called Pearl and told her and she suggested that because of the cool/hot weather we had--when one day we'd wear t'shirts and the next day, sweatshirts, that it had gotten hung up with the sweatshirts.

Back to the closet, where I pulled everything out from front to back.  No navy t-shirt.

I was doing laundry and putting my tops and pants away.  The last load was a pair of blue jeans and a pair of navy shorts.  When I pulled them from the dryer---there was the navy t-shirt.

Okay--what is scaring me is---I DO NOT remember wearing that shirt last week.  I did not wear it to the dentist on Wednesday, I did not wear it on my birthday.  When did I wear that damn thing?  Why can't I remember?  I DO remember wearing two different pairs of white shorts last week--one to my birthday.  Apparently I wore the navy shirt when I wore the other pair of white shorts?

My mind has always been sharp--my memory amazing to a lot of people and now---I can't even remember what I wore?

As I was picking things up in the bedroom, I found the tag off the shirt laying on top of my dresser.

Spooky and I DO NOT LIKE IT ONE BIT!!!

Then Pearl called.  "Did you take the labels home with you?"

"No.  They are sitting on your window ledge back by the computer."

"Well--I've looked everywhere in that bedroom and they aren't there.  Are you sure you didn't take them?"

"I'm positive.  They are sitting between your monitor and your printer."

"NO THEY AREN'T!  I am standing right here and they are no where to be seen!"

"Did you use them after I left?"

"No.  I was stacking stuff up and.....wait a minute."  Silence on the phone as I hear her walking.

"I found them."


"On the washer."

"The WHERE?"

"Never mind....bye."

At 8:00, Dar called and asked if I would take her up to the gas station to get some cigarettes.  It had quit raining, so---why not.

She got in the car and proceeded, for the two miles there, to tell me of her horrid week at work.  

"I tell you...I am so on the ball that management comes to me with THEIR problems.  I could run that place blind folded!  It's a good thing I'm there or that place would fall apart.  So..I am really acting manager, but not getting paid for it.  Oh well, I wouldn't want that responsibility."

We get in the gas station, she pulls out her charge card to pay for two packs of ciggies.

"Why don't you let me pay for them--you can pay me back and not put them on your charge."

"This isn't my charge.  I threw it away in the garbage yesterday--my daughter got the number. This is my debit card."

"Ah...look at the card.  It is a charge card from the bank...I have one just like it."


All the way home she just went on and on.  I told her to call the bank and get a new debit card--no big deal.  Then I giggled and giggled.  I told her about my navy t-shirt and Pearl's labels and said, "You have made me feel a whole lot better.  Obviously we ALL are losing our minds!!!  It must be a "seventy" thing."

She was not amused.  LOL.

Wait until I tell Pearl!


  1. Oh, my God. We are all losing our minds. I'm always forgetting where I put something. It's so funny that Dar is still the top dog at work in her own mind. I hope I make myself look good to myself when the time comes. :)

    Pearl is a lucky lady to have you close by.

    You're organizing looks good. Those plastic boxes are great for that kind of stuff.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. oops..deleted my first comment because of a typo! Anyway, I call those little mishaps brain farts! Happens to the best of us!!

  4. Thank you, thank you, Judy, you just gave my sanity a boost....I thought I was the only one having these moments!! LOL, you are the best.

  5. Happens to me all the time!

    I'm thinking about moving there; you guys have so much fun. :)

