title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My Friend

Here I sit, posting inane, silly, at times stupid things in this blog, and our friend Balisha writes that she thinks, she has posted her last blog entry.  She has found peace in her decision not to seek treatment for Ovarian cancer.  She has such strong faith--I wish mine were as strong.  

When I first heard of her diagnosis, I got a very cold feeling.  I watched my very best friend in this world go through it.  All the horrible chemo and surgeries and....feeling sick...and...remission and then--a couple months later, it would be back and growing and worse.  You just can't ever beat Ovarian cancer.

Over the last years, I have read Balisha's postings.  She has made me a much better gardener--she is an awesome gardener.  She has shown me how a person of such strong faith can go through the loss of a child with such grace.  She writes the best real human poetry.  She'd write about days when she was young and take me back with her--because my childhood was so much like hers--we are of the same age.

I love her!  I am so sure Balisha will find so many blessings in the next few months.  Blessings that, perhaps, would not have happened without this circumstance.  

Thank you, Pat.  You have touched my life, like you have so many others.  Rest in the palm of God's hand.  He will keep you safe.

Beautiful Balisha  http://simplybalisha.blogspot.com/


  1. I read her post and now I wish I had kept up with her all these years. What a beautiful lady! I'm glad she feels at peace with her decision. I think I would too. Hopefully hospice care will keep her comfortable.

  2. How very sad! My thoughts will be with her, her family and you in the coming weeks.

    (Above post removed for spelling errors. Shouldn't post before my morning coffee.)

  3. You can't read her blog and not grow to love her :)

  4. H Judy,
    I know you are particularly saddened by Pat/Balisha's cancer and choice. Just want you to know, I am thinking about you through this. It is a strange place to be when our blogging friends suffer. Pat made the decision that lightens her heart right now and I think she is right. Meanwhile, please know, I am here, back better than ever with my new knee. I am home this afternoon in my recliner sort of in shock that it all went so well. Feeling so grateful.
    Love to you,

    1. I am not saddened by her choice--I think I would probably make the same choice. Hey--I felt amazed with my second hip surgery. Recovered quicker. I guess maybe it's because we know what to expect? I am so glad you are home, with the kids. Aren't you excited about how well you are going to be able to walk this spring? YAY!!

  5. I'm so very sorry to hear this. I'm sorry that you have a friend in distress. My thoughts are with her and you, Judy.
