title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Friday, March 28, 2014


It seems, as we get older, there are so many sad anniversaries.  I think if I remembered every one of them, I'd be sad all the time.

Today is a special one, however.

My Very Best Friend died two years ago.  She battled Ovarian Cancer for four years--with never a complaint, always smiling and of good nature.

I met her the first day of Kindergarten.  She was crying because she missed her brothers and sister.  I was an only child and I was crying because all the kids and the noise scared me.

I was backed into the farthest corner and she came up, put out her hand and said, "Would you pway wiff me?"  I took her hand and didn't let go for 68 years.  

We did everything together over the years.  Double dating, band, proms, parking, family vacations, weddings, funerals, canning, Christmas cookies, sewing classes--on and on.

I feel lost not being able to talk with her.  She always had the words I needed.  

Love and miss you, Arlene

The last time Bethie and I were with Arlene


  1. What a nice tribute to a dear friend. You were both so lucky to have each other in your lives.

  2. People seem to say "you don't know how I feel" but in this instance, Judy, I really do; having lost my best friend several years ago, I still think about her a lot and remember so much of the past. I believe you and I were very fortunate to have that connection with our best friends.

  3. Very sweet tribute. You were blessed to have each other all those years.

  4. Lifelong friends are priceless!

  5. Longtime friends are irreplaceable. There's nothing like having someone in you life for that long. This is a beautiful tribute to your friendship.

  6. Very nice tribute. Vickie Okc
