title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Each Day Is Much Like The Other

Today's high temperature was: 29 degrees
Last night we set a record low at: 10 degrees
Sunny all day
I had a good night's sleep last night, as witnessed by the condition
of my bed covers when I got up this morning.

as opposed to what it looks like when I have had
a restless night

I was struck by a weird thought this morning, as I was getting dressed.  Why do I put my underpants on first and then my bra? (I get these weird kinds of ponderings at times.)  What under clothes do you put on first?  Curious.

At least Jackie wasn't out trying to fall down this morning, so I didn't have to get dressed until 10:00.  

Pearl called, "Why did you want?"  (I had called her three times last night and left messages.)

"I can't remember now, but it seemed important at the time.  Did you have your phone off?"


"When I called, it went immediately to voice mail so I figured you either had it off or you were charging it.  Why don't you charge it during the night when you won't get any calls."

"That's when I do charge it.  I plug it in just before I go to bed."

"I called at five and seven and again at eight.  I guess you had the phone off."

"No...I didn't.  It was sitting right here next to me and it never rang."

"Hm-mm, that's weird."

"Oh, I hate this phone and I hate this laptop.  None of them work right."

"I thought they were brand new."

"They are, but something is wrong with them."

"I'm coming to visit if you are home this morning.  Around 11:30?"

"Yes.  Merle has to go to the Chiropractor, but I will be here."

So, up I went.  I showed her my finished baby quilt and she showed me the work she's done on their little bedroom, her craft/sewing/desk/book shelves room--where she wants to put a twin bed, but Merle doesn't so he tells her there isn't room enough.(But there really is).

We sat down in her living room and she started in on..."I hate these electronic things!!!  My daughter came over yesterday and showed me how to get on the computer and find Face Book and all my games and she showed me how to get messages off my phone, but...when I try it, they won't work."

"Hm-mm.  That seems weird."

"I know it.  They work for everyone except me."

"It must be a PEBCAC problem,"I said.

"What's that?"

"P.E.B.C.A.C...problem exists between chair and computer."

She thought for a moment and then threw a Kleenex box at me.

So we yakked for about 90 minutes until Merle got home--it was nearly 1:00 and time for me to come home anyway.

I am worried about Pearl.  She had a "sore" under her left breast that the Dermatologist burned off--twice.  Now that sore is bigger and there is a hole in the middle of it.  She has recently had two basal cell carcinomas removed from her face and I am afraid this is more serious.  It looks terrible to me, but...I really don't know anything about skin cancer.  I am not real trusting of her Dermatologist--have heard bad stuff about him.  I go to a different one...because of what I heard about hers.  

Dar goes to the same one Pearl does and it seems all he does is keep burning these cells on her face and leg and rarely thinks of cutting them out--having biopsies and the like.  Dar has had four sessions on a spot on her face and one on her shin--they aren't healing.

Pearl's going to him tomorrow and we will see what he says.  The only reason she had the one on her forehead surgically removed is because she was in our general practice doctor's office and he told her to quit messing with it and have surgery.  If it weren't for him, I think the Derma guy would have just kept spraying it with liquid nitrogen.  

Sometimes it seems, on an older person, some doctor's only want to patch, or put a band-aid on a serious condition, thinking it isn't worth the time and money to FIX something when the patient may die within the next decade.  Ever get that feeling?
I came home, put some peanuts out for the squirrels, filled the bird feeders and that was all I did--other than watch TV and cross stitch.  

This is a very lazy week for me.  I feel like I am waiting for something to happen.  Something like really nice warm weather and flowers emerging from the frozen ground and....getting out my pots and cleaning out the shed and stuff that two years ago, when it was in the 80's this time of year, I already had done.  Just waiting for a real spring.  AND--we are getting snow tomorrow.  Not much, but still...

Which reminds me.  I am so glad my blog buddy, Marcia from Cape Cod is away on vacation in the nice warm ocean water because the Cape got hit with a massive snow storm with hurricane force winds today.    
Also feeling so deeply sad for the people in the mud slide.  They interviewed one lady--her 4 month old baby was staying with the lady's mother.  They found her mother's body--no sight of the baby and the way one newscaster was talking, there may be many people who were just obliterated by the crushing weight, earth and rocks.

On the other hand, these people had to know they were in a dangerous zone and yet, they continued to build homes and live there.  Probably a man's idea.  I can just hear the conversation now.

"Honey...I don't know if we should live here at the base of the hill.  What if we have an earthquake and an avalanche or mud slide or something."

"Good Lord woman!  That mountain's been there for five thousand years, it ain't going to move now."
Bad fire in Boston.  One of those Brownstone's caught fire in the basement and soon spread all the way up to the top floor.  Beacon Street--a really nice (expensive) part of Boston.  I was just glad that the way the houses out there are built, hooked on to each other, that the whole block didn't go up.  Three firemen died however.  

Sad--all these things are so sad.  

Wars and rumors of wars.  Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and famine.  Government's rising up against other government's--nation's against nation's.

Seems like I read about this sort of thing somewhere in a big book I have.    

Then there will be a very large disappearance of many people from the earth.  I hope I am in that group!!!  Because, it is suppose to get way worse after that.


  1. That dermatologist guy of Pearl's sounds like a quack!

    I know it seems like the world is folding in on itself...but I think we have always had "wars and rumors of wars. Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and famine. Government's rising up against other government's--nation's against nation's." It's just that now with our 24/7 world wide media coverage we hear about those things more often than we did in the days when the news was just a half hour a day on three channels.

    By the way, I meant to tell you that like Jackie, I love Crocs. BUT I'm smart enough not to wear them on ice and snow. Well, except I do have winter Crocs boots and rain rubbers that are safe. I can't wait until I can wear my summer Crocs.

    1. But Jean--you get no good foot/ankle/leg support with Crocs (or Flip-Flops) and that is bad for your hips and back. Really! Honest!! Jackie's are pink and the other day, I watched as she swept the snow off her driveway, making a path to her van and got in and drove away--wearing her Crocs and no sox or anything. I go barefoot in my house, but wear tie shoes when I go out. Or sometimes, my Penney Loafers.

    2. Not all Crocs are the same. They make a line for nurses, waitresses and others who have to be on there feet and they have a lot of support. Very comfortable. You can get a style that are made to be used with custom made inserts from your foot doctor. I love them too. I have a dozen pairs of Crocs. But my foot doctor agrees with you on the run of the mill Crocs. He says they are better than going barefoot BUT he prefers me in tie shoes all the time. I use my tennis shoes for walking any distance and for shopping. I hate flip-flops.

      Oh, and I meant to answer your question....I, too, put my underpants on before my bra, probably because as kids when we were learning hot to get dressed we didn't wear bras.

  2. My undies first too. Sometimes my socks, though depending on how cold it is. LOL Margie, Arkansas

  3. I agree, there's been such sad news lately; my heart goes out to all.
    Well, you know I wear flip flops: the end!

  4. I do it just the way you do it, but why? I have no idea. Maybe it's in our female DNA?

  5. I put my panties on first, too. :)

    I wear flip flops in the summer, but my sister keeps warning me not to. I know she's right.

    Pearl needs to try a new doc. That's nothing to play with.
