title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Service Call--No Charge

Today's high temperature was: 10 degrees
Sunny and Windy

The new furnace is so noisy--when the flame comes on.  It makes me and the cats jump.  Something I have to get used to?  Perhaps, but I called this morning with a question--which they would not answer over the phone--had to have Lance come back out.  A simple question and they have to send out Lance?  So--I had to wait around all day until he could get me on his schedule.  

So, Dar comes over.  She knows I am trying to get the cross stitch crib covers cheap.  She has a friend that works at the Salvation Army.  I found one there, once.  I told Dar that whenever I go there to check, they never have the covers and yet, she, Dar got a couple there.

Come to find out, Dar's friend sees them the minute they come in, never puts them out on the floor, but instead saves them for Dar.  So Dar now has three covers that she paid $3.00 apiece for--that she is going to stitch--someday.  But, she isn't in the mood right now.  

"No wonder I never get any!"

"Nyuck. Nyuck", she laughs, "I got 'em.  My friend, Bernice would lose her job if they knew what she was doing."

"Well ya..she is basically stealing from the charity."  <just like Dar did when she worked there.>

Sometimes...I just want to slap her!
Lance arrived around 3:00 and I told him this could have settled over the phone.

"Oh..really?  The dispatcher made it sound like a big deal."

We walked back to the furnace and I told him, "When the flame comes on, and roars into life, it sounds like a jet engine and startles the cats and me.  Plus--sleeping a mere twelve feet away, wakes me up off and on during the night.  Is it possible to put a piece of Styrofoam on the bottom of the closet door, where the burner is--to kind of dampen down the noise?"

"Sure it is.  You will still have plenty of louvers open on the top part of the door for air flow.  Hm-mm, or you could get some insulation or a pad and put in there."

So off he goes.

I immediately got in the car and headed up to Home Depot.  I had no idea where the Styrofoam or insulation might be, but I figured "building supplies" was a good place to start.  I walked all the way down to that aisle and snagged a guy in an orange vest and told him what I wanted to do.  He said, "The Styrofoam would work even better than insulation."

I had a choice of , 4' x 8' sheets or 24" x 24".  Of course, no sizes in between and since I knew--or was pretty sure I wasn't going to insulate my shed, I chose the smaller ones and got two.  

Even though I knew my plan would work, you notice I still consulted two "men".  I just had to make sure on this one, but I still smiled when I realized neither one of them had ever been asked the question or thought out how to fix the problem.  HAH!!

Stopped at Meijer's because I was totally out of cat food and milk, then came on home.

Measure twice, cut once--right?.

measuring stick, pencil and sharp utility knife

Mark it off and then score it with the knife.
I always lay the measuring stick on the line when I
cut--just in case I might slip and the measuring stick
might save me from losing a finger.

I scored it a couple of times and then...

put the cut part on the edge of your work place and hit
the part hanging over with your hand or fist.

Look at that, a fairly clean edge.  Good enough anyway.

Now to figure out how to adhere it to the door.
I have grey, red and white duct tape.
White will look nicer.
Duct tape solves many problems

Fits in there nicely, cut the next piece of the bottom
part and VOILA  we have a noise blocking solution,
right in front of where the fire box is,
with enough vents for air circulation.

Does it work?  Of course it works.  Now, when the flame comes on, it is much quieter and nobody is startled.

Yes--I am overly sensitive to noise--especially sudden noises.  Yes--I have a BIG startle reflex issue.
Yes--I am a nervous person.  
Instead of waiting to become used to the noise and waking up every time the furnace comes on, I chose to settle the problem this way.  When A/C season comes, I will only hear the blower and that is very quiet to begin with.  

I have another noise that is new since they installed the furnace.  I am going to check that out tomorrow, but I am going to have to move the couch and that is near impossible for one person.

I will let you know how it goes.

-10 tonight--I guess I better let the faucets trickle all night.


  1. My furnuse has been louder to since i got it fixed.. And i love duck tape! Maybe i will head down there wth the duck tape.... Glad you solved a noisy problem! Sleep well tonight!

  2. Between duck tape and bungee cords you can fix anything. When you're dealing with flames on a furnace, it was a good idea to double check with the experts like you did, but most of the time we women do just find figuring stuff out.

    On the news tonight they said to pay attention to weird noises in the house as signs of snow/ice damage over head. I've been hearing sounds around the windows of all places and the furnace runs almost continuously tonight. It's below zero and will be a couple more nights coming up. I am so sick of this winter!

    The next time Dar wants you to walk down the street in an ice storm to salt her walk and get her paper I'd be tempted to tell her the your price will be one unfinished cross stitch crib topper. No topper, no work from you. LOL

  3. You never cease to amaze me....what a great solution for the furnace noise and easy, too. My house has a gas furnace in the basement and it is noisy when it comes on, too. Luckily, except for the coldest of weather, like right now, I turn the heat off at night. The basement is warm and there is an apartment above me, so the house stays warm enough. I find the gas heat very economical.
    Duck tape is the best!!!

  4. I just wanted to add something--if your furnace is in the basement and it is noisy, imagine how I feel with this wall furnace!! Also--the furnace is all encased--I can put my hand on the front of any part of it and it is only, barely warm. I slept good last night!!! BTW--it really is called DucT tape as it is used to tape duct work connections. The only reason we now call it DucK tape is because the company that makes it decided to use a duck for its brand logo. :-)

  5. Our new furnace makes a lot of noise when it starts, too..Luckily its in the basement to we don't really hear it too much. Stay warm and good riddance February!

  6. Glad you got that noise GONE! I'm sensitive to light rather than noise. Our power went out last night, and when I went to bed I thought I'd turned off all the lights.
    When my very small lamp came on, I knew it immediately.

    I like it that you're smarter than a man!! LOL

    And, that DAR. What a trip.


  7. You are amazing. You really could give lectures. We love reading your home maintenance stories.

    When we had the water damage last year and the new kitchen countertops installed and the washer repaired, we actually enjoyed all of the young men who came here to do the work. We were pleasantly surprised by their work ethic and ability and how polite they all were.

    I can't leave without commenting on your house. No matter how cold it may be outside, you've made such a cozy space. It's so inviting and your new furnace will keep it nice and warm.

  8. That comment up there was supposed to be on the previous post. My computer sometimes changes pages with no warning. When it does that, I lose the entire comment. So then I wrote the comment again, but I had clicked on the wrong post (this post). So now I will read this post and comment. :)

  9. Okay, here I am again. This time I'm on the right post. H loves duct tape. What a great product. When my son went to college, they gave us a list of things every kid should pack. Duct tape was on the list. They said kids use it for everything and it's also a safety issue. They said to use it to tape around doors if there's a fire and it will delay asphyxiation until help arrives.

    I agree with Jean R. I can't believe Dar doesn't give you the option to at least buy an occasional crib cover.

    So glad you got the noise issue solved. Our unit is in the garage and we can only detect a purr when it turns on. I'm sensitive to noise, too. That would really bother me.
