title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, February 16, 2015

It Was A Nice Day, Until.............


"I haven't heard a thing about Jeff, so I can only assume that he is still in rehab."

"That's a good thing, isn't it?"

"Yes.  I just wish there was someone I could talk to....or read a book on what a Mother is supposed to do when her child is in drug rehab.  What am I supposed to do when he gets out?  How it feels.  I need to read something that someone who has gone through it writes about."

"Oh---that's easy.  I can search and find you any number of blogs written by Mothers about that very thing."

"Oh no.  I don't trust blogs."

"You don't trust....what do you mean?"

"You never know who could be writing them."

"It's like a journal.  People write what their day is like, or how they are feeling, or how they cope with problems. They have Christian blogs, they have gardening blogs....they have blogs about everything."

"Yeah, but what if...what if it's a man disguising himself as a Christian woman and writing a blog?"

"A what?  Okay---let's say a man is writing a blog and his is pretending to be a Christian woman..which I can't even imagine happening, but what if it did.  How is HE going to hurt you?"

"He could figure out where I lived.  You notice, I don't leave many comments on Face Book."

"You don't have to comment on a blog.  You can just read it for whatever benefit it brings.  It's like reading a book."

"I don't care.  I don't trust them."

"Ah---well---okay then."

I should have figured out by now that Dar is also paranoid, but I guess I'm naive'?
It is bitterly cold here, as you all know, but it has been sunny, which, to me, makes up for it.  I went to Michael's yesterday and Wal-Mart today.  I DID wear my coat, but it wasn't buttoned up--no hat, gloves or boots.  I like the really cold, clean, crisp air on my skin and in my lungs.

We had a lot of snow on Saturday, but Neighbor John came along Sunday mid-morning and cleared us all out.

Tomorrow is a stay at home and "soak" day--just sitting in my chair and crocheting.  I have a newer cute pattern for slippers and I am making them out of cotton yarn (which wears like iron) for the girls for Christmas.  I made a pair for me last year and they are so warm and comfy and don't wear out, so I thought what a good gift.

I'm not drifting or meandering, I'm just soaking in relaxation. :-)


  1. How nice of Neighbor John!

    Some people who are not familiar with blogging can be very skeptical about it. I don't think they realize that most bloggers are regular people who write about their daily lives.

    Enjoy your stay-at-home day. If we get the snow they're calling for tonight, we'll stay at home tomorrow and enjoy some chicken n' dumplings... as long as the power doesn't go off.

  2. There are tons of books written like Dar wants to read. She needs to go to the library and ask the a librarian to help her find them. The place where her son is at would have staff members who could probably make recommendations, too. I'd be really surprised if at some point they don't ask her to come in for a few sessions, for 'family days'.

    That's really funny, what she thinks of blogs. She hasn't got a clue or she has them mixed up with dating site profiles. LOL

  3. Calling neighbor in the morning to have him drive truck down my drive
    to make tracks - cannot see it. 3 feet of frozen snow in front of garage
    and to think that Wednesday below zero.
    Growing up in Michigan was use to this kind of weather
    but not now. Will be weekend before I can leave home - hopefully..

  4. What a great day - Sunshine and crochet. Enjoy.

  5. Can handle pretty much anything if the sun is shining!

  6. No, you're not drifting or meandering. I trust you are content. :-)

    About Dar... you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. As Jean wrote, the facility treating her son will have recommendations. Do you think she'll listen and learn from anybody?
    Good news about her distrust of blogs - she'll never lurk about in here.
