title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Weather. What Else?

Today's high temperature was: 10 degrees
Sunny, snowy
I go to bed at night and this is what my car looks like.

I wake up in the morning and this is what my car looks like.

Yes--I like winter--always have.  I am snug and warm inside my wee home.  I have six inch exterior walls that are filled with blown-in insulation--as is the roof.  I have double pane windows with the gas in between the panes so they are warm.  When the sunlight streams into my front windows, it gets really warm in my computer room.  I feel better in the cold-dry weather--I can't really tolerate hot and humid.

I love to watch the snow fall and I am not adverse to getting out, cleaning off my car and driving wherever I have to go.


Even I am getting a bit tired of this winter!!!!!  We had no January thaw--which just isn't fair!  The North Pole air is riding south on the jet stream again this week--and that jet stream is dipping way down into Northern Florida.  We are expected minus 30 degree temperatures--of course, that is the wind chill, but still.....it is going to be really frigid REAL temperatures.

Earlier in the month I was saying, "Oh quit complaining.  We had winter's like this when we were kids!"  but I see now, I was wrong.  We are setting low temperature records and record snow fall and it makes me wonder......why?  Global warming causes climate changes.  Harsher winters and hotter summers.   Yes--I do believe in Global Warming--I however believe, it is a normal geological cycle that the earth goes through and I am not going to go out and buy an electric car, so my carbon footprint will be smaller.

So, I expect this July and August, we here in the north are going to see quite a few 100 degree days and drought conditions and that Dear Friends, is far worse for the land and crops then 50 inches of snow and -35 degree nights.

My furnace is coming on about every 12 minutes tonight.  I thought I saw a 100 dollar bill fly out the chimney flue!!  GEEZ!!!

Now, I am worrying about my southern friends as I see an ice storm is expected down south and snow way up to the Outer Banks.  You guys be careful because I know, you don't have a clue how to drive a car on ice--or snow for that matter.  
I was sitting here today, pondering while petting the cat on my lap and it occurred to me:  wouldn't it be fun if I took Catechism and membership classes at Jennifer's church?  Can you imagine the look on her face when her pastor mentioned, "Isn't it wonderful?  Your Mom is going to join our church!  She couldn't very well ban me from attending her church now, could she? 

No--I'm not going to do that!!  I don't even like her church, but it cracked me up and made me laugh to think about it.  Yes--I can have evil, vengeful thoughts at times--like those words you thought about saying--when someone was putting you down or in your face.  The "after the fact" words?  I don't act on the thoughts, so I guess it's okay?  

Karen called me on her way home from teaching today.  She is back in Grad school--going for her Master's, as is her oldest daughter, Helene.  She also told me that her second daughter, Susanna, who lives in Oregon and works for New Balance shoes, won a half-marathon last weekend.  Susanna and her hubs are going to run in the Boston Marathon this April.  Madeleine (youngest) will be dancing in the Peter Pan ballet the end of March.  Marcus (her third) is strutting around because U of M beat us Spartans Saturday night--he is the ONLY one in the family who attended U of M, and we threaten him and tease him all the time.  Now, it's his turn.

 Stephen, (her fourth) who goes to Michigan State turned 20 last week and has yet to thank me for his birthday card and $$.  Karen said, "I'm sorry, Mom.  I brought him up better than that!"  Which she did.  Her kids ALWAYS sent thank you cards.  I told her I'd get on Face Book and shame him a bit.  She said, "Go for it!"  I won't, but I will message him privately to see if he got the card.  Karen was in D.C. last week for the Pro-Life March--she said it was so cold, but they walked it all. So, I got all caught up on her life and the kids.  Her hubs is in D.C. this week.  He works for some secret government something and has to go to the "home" office occasionally.  Even Karen doesn't know exactly what he does.
Hey--I found the on-line forms for Pammie and me to make our revocable trusts.  

Well--wind chill factor of -35 tonight.  My water faucets will be on the trickle, cabinet doors under the sinks open--and we shall see what tomorrow brings!!  


  1. Good for you looking up the trust forms. It's so easy even I did it. LOL

    I don't know how you guys live there, but more "power" to you (my little play on words).

    Stay warm, Judy and please don't take any chances getting on the road.

    Doesn't look like we're going to get the bad weather (according to the weather guys, but heck they don't know EVERYTHING). LOL

  2. Thanks for thinking about me, and yes, we are fine here in Florida. I am glad to be here and not in freezing Ottawa, Canada. It has been cool here but I have still go swimming every day. The water temp. Is 86, so it is lovely. Getting out into the cool air is not fun but our condo is very close by, I am under the hot shower very quickly.
    Stay warm

  3. I had to start again, for some reason I couldn't type anymore!!
    stay warm and drive safely. I love your cross stitch picture of all your places - school, houses, cows, trees etc.

    Judy C

  4. I laughed at your musing about joining Jen's church. I've thought out things that way, too. Maybe it is a way to release the stress of the "loss" and I know it must be very painful for you and come in to your consciousness often.
    I heard a piece on NPR this morning a I woke up about how this cold front will impact TX, LA, AL,MS and the southern coast states. It really is a huge area of very stormy and cold weather and will hit laces not prepared at all. They are especially worried about trees breaking from ice. That same storm will impact southeastern MA, too, which means my area of Cape Cod will be affected, too. We are on alert for it. Got very cold overnight.

  5. I feel badly for those people in the south, too. I hope this super cold doesn't do too much damage to the citrus crops. Our weather man said yesterday that we've already reached our average yearly total of snow where I live. What's different here than other years is that we get no break in between heavy snowfalls and cold tempts. Our temperatures are getting up in the teens tomorrow---yeah!---so I'm going to make my great escape to the store then.

    I think we all play thought games similar to yours about Jennifer. It amuses us and maybe Kitty is right about it releasing stress. As long as our better self keeps us from acting on our vengeful thoughts---no harm, no foul. Isn't' that what makes us moral people---we get to CHOOSE goodness over evil?

    Glad you're going to act on the Trusts. Don't neglect to get them notarized or whatever the forms require. If you don't those papers will be worthless.

  6. Yes, I am definitely getting tired of this winter, too! At least we're almost through January!! Stay warm, buddy!

  7. Oh, dear...you reminded me of the January thaw that we missed. Not fair of Mother Nature. She does have a wicked side.

  8. This has been a remarkable winter, especially for you guys, but it's been weird here, too. It was in the sixties yesterday and it's snowing now. I bought chicken today and will make chicken&rice soup tomorrow.

    You must be so proud of your family and their accomplishments. Take care, Judy, and stay safe & warm.
