title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Middle of the Week Musings

The high temperature today was: 82 degrees
The humidity today was:   55%
Sunny, getting muggy, pop-up thunder storms predicted.
Once again I woke up on my own at 7:45--what is wrong with me?

I was wrong the other day about pecans--we don't call them Pah Cons, we call them Pea Cons--heavy on the Pea.  Here in Michigan, we have that hard mid-west accent.  Especially on words starting with "D".  We don't say, "I can't dah cide,", we say, "I can't dee cide."  A lot of people say, Dee Troit, although those of us with a bit more class, still say Dah Troit.  You know, if you know me, lack of grammar and mis-pronunciation of words drives me crazy.  One thing that absolutely makes me gnash my teeth?  When someone says, "I haven't went." or "I got my hair did." or "I seen it."  "Whass up Bro."  A lot of our young white people think it's cool to speak with a black vernacular.  I cease to find it amusing.   Well, enough of that.  You can hardly say anything nowadays or you are called racist.

The problem with the fire crackers/works noise is that, we have a few veterans living in this park.  Three of them have PTSD.  When those thunder bombs go off or the rapid firing of a string of fire crackers, they get restless and frantic because it takes them back to Nam.  One guy threw his wife to the floor and yelled, "INCOMING!"  The noises startle me, but those poor guys--I can only imagine.  That is why they are prohibited in our park---but then, the people who shoot them off couldn't care less about others.

Can you imagine, at our age? That tattoo of Scooby Doo would now be a sagging Basset Hound!  Those two lovely dolphins circling our belly button would now be two distorted whales.  That majestic eagle tattooed on a man's bicep, would now have his head hanging low, looking down at the ground.  The tat would look like cartoon ink running off the underarm flab. That cute little rose you had tattooed on your young hip, is now located somewhere near the back of your thigh and that sweet tiny butterfly you had inked on the top of your perky young breast, or that flag tattooed on your manly young chest, is now residing gently on your stomach. 

It looks like a trip to the jeweler may be in my future.  My beautiful gold bracelets are way too big.  They hang on my wrist and usually reside half way up my arm, which does not make me happy.  The only thing, I hate to think of links being removed from them.

My gosh--I used to have such nice looking hands.  <sigh>
My forearm is NOT that big--must be distortion from
too close camera?

So today I had to drive through the construction zone corner to get to Wal-Mart to pick up a prescription.  You have to wait a long time at that light--it has to be long to give the traffic lines time to get through.  Some people get so frustrated.  I don't.  I pulled into the Wal-Mart parking lot and wanted to turn down an aisle and had to wait for an oncoming pick-up truck, so I stopped.  The woman behind me started blowing her horn, frustrated that I wasn't turning left in front of the pick-up, I guess?  People sure are rude nowadays!  

As I waited in line for my prescription, a woman at the counter was brow beating the clerk.

"What do you mean there are only sixty pills!  If I take two a day like MY DOCTOR said, I will run out in a month!  I need them longer then that!"

The clerk showed her the original prescription which apparently showed sixty pills, at two a day.  She nicely said, "You will have to call your doctor to get a renewal near the end of the month."

Then the woman yelled, "Seventy dollars?  I don't want them!" and tossed the bag back at the clerk.

Then she looked through the rest of her bag to make sure everything was too her liking.  The clerk asked nicely, "Do you need to speak to the pharmacist for an explanation on any of your prescription?"

The woman, who by the way had on a right red shirt and purple shorts with really fat legs, said loudly, "No!" and stomped away.

I walked up to the counter and said, "Wow, she sure was cranky."

The clerk said, "I've known her all my life.  She is always like that.  Always angry--mad about everything.  She yells at everyone."

So then as she was ringing up my prescription we talked of how we felt sorry for the woman.  What a sad life she has.  

The clerk said, "Well it sure is nice to see your smiling face this morning.  I appreciate it."

I said, "We all have had pain and hurt in our lives--we all can find something to be angry about, but...what good does it do?  Put it behind  you...face forward and smile."  Then I grinned.  

As I walked past the rest of the counter on my way out, the pharmacist and the two clerks called out, "Nice to see you Miss Judy, how are you doing?"  I said, "Just great.  Thanks for taking care of me."  and continued on my way.

Sometimes I am overly nice to clerks and service workers.  I had a six month stint in customer service where I worked--I know how tough a day can be when everyone who comes up to your desk is purple with rage.  It's not anything you have done that makes them angry, but you are the one they are going to take it out on.  

I can't ever remember being snotty or nasty to anyone when I had a complaint.  It's not the waitresses fault that your food wasn't cooked right.  It's not the cashier's fault that your new pants fell apart the first time you wore them.  It's not the customer service person's fault that your car broke down on the way home from the garage.  As my Mother always said, 'You can catch more bees with honey then you can with vinegar,"  so smile, be nice when you explain the problem--you'd be surprised how people will go over board to work with you to make it right--if you are just nice about it!

Lunch--Antipasto salad from the Rich People's Store-$3.49
I ate half for lunch and will eat the other half for lunch tomorrow.
So yummy!!

So--I DO have a beef.  Many of the blog authors I use to read on a daily basis are now on Face Book.  They share a lot of links--or they post snippets.  Apparently that takes away their impetus to post anything on their blogs.  I have no idea what is really going on in their lives.  That is not good for a voyeur such as me.  LOL

I, on the other hand, am so mouthy I have plenty to post on FB AND this blog.  I did realize last night that I haven't written a thing in my personal written journal since my birthday.  I have kept and written in a journal since 1973 and now---I've got nothing!  I guess I am putting it all out there, on here. Oh well,that means less stuff the girls will have to sort through and throw away.

January 1, 2012--
     Weight: 191  BMI: 26.6
July 1, 2013
     Weight: 160 BMI: 22.3

This cloud formation looks like it has 6 pack abs, LOL.

So my DEAR FRIEND Dar was over this evening, for a bit.  She wanted to inform me that she is NOT happy with the noise around here.  

I said, "Yeah, I know.  I don't like it either, but there is very little we can do about it."

"Well...I walked up to the office yesterday and I reported it"


"They told me I had to write out a complaint, date it and sign it and turn it back into them."

"and,...what will they do?"

"Not a damn thing most probably!  I called Rob last night."

"Who is Rob?"

"He is the manager of the park.  I have his personal home phone number."
      Rob must have been out of his mind the day he gave that to her--what WAS he thinking?


"I stood out on my front porch--it was midnight--I asked him if he could hear the noise.  He said that yes he could.  He lives in the park you know.  So, I says to him...and what are you going to do about it? "

"and...he said?"

"He said that since the new state law, there isn't much he can do.  I told him that last night wasn't the day before the holiday AND it is suppose to be unlawful in this park anyway.  I told him I wanted it stopped!"

"What did he say?"

"He asked me how and I told him, well, get in your damn truck...start back here on my road and go up and down each street until you find out who is doing it and tell them to stop or they will be evicted from living here.  That's what I told him!"

"What did he say?"

"He didn't say a damn thing.  He hung up on me!  Made me so angry...I am still shaking.  I pay three hundred and sixty dollars rent here and I expect the park rules to be upheld!"
          She took a breath---

"I don't think he could find the people doing it.  The minute they saw vehicle lights heading down their street, or where ever they are, they'd quit and hide and wait for an hour and then start in again."

"It just makes me mad.  I want park rules upheld!  I don't want Tami storing her wood by her porch.  I don't want Merle storing his lawn mower outside his shed. I don't like those kids next door leaving their toys out on the lawn!  I don't want this place to look like a trailer park!"

"Well--one of the park rules is that we have to store out garbage cans in our shed, or otherwise out of sight.  Where do you put yours?"

  She is at a loss for words---she keeps her garbage can by her          front porch

"My garbage can is where it is convenient for me to use...besides that...it is brand new and looks nice."

"Yeah, but it is against park rules............so............"

Her phone rang....................."I gotta go.  That was Sheila, she is coming down to play Scrabble."

"Okay--have fun.  Maybe you and Sheila can investigate and find out where the noise is coming from and then go to their house, knock on the door and nicely ask them if they will quit?"

"God bless.  See you later," she says as she retreats.

I was out on my porch because I always walk my visitors out and Dar no more then got to the street when Tami, from next door came storming over--waving her hands--stomping like she does when she is upset.


So I invited her in.....

"Ron's (her  live in boyfriend--the one she told me last week was leaving and she was glad because he has mental problems) ex wife is trying to turn his daughter against him.  His daughter doesn't want to come and spend the weekends with us any more.  She said Amanda doesn't like me.  I can prove she does---I have a text from her that said she did.  We are going to take her to court!"

 Good grief--this IS a trailer court and I am surrounded by white trash!!!

"I know you have had this problem before.  Amanda is fifteen.  She has a whole bunch of friends.  She probably wants to spend time with them on the weekends and just doesn't want to come way out here."

"He pays child support every month.  She can't stay away."  All this time, Tami is pacing up and down the living room--I feel like I'm watching a tennis match with my head swiveling back and forth.

"My son hasn't seen his Dad in four years.  He never paid support."

"And, you never bad mouthed your ex to your son?"

"That's different!  HE never paid support!"

"Yes...but it's still his Dad and if you want them to have a good relationship.........."

"Yeah, but you don't know what she said about me...."

        All of it true, no doubt.

"Well---you know how this goes.  Everything will be better tomorrow.  It always is.  You get riled up and by morning, it is all sorted out.  Just try and relax, keep a positive attitude about Ron and Amanda--maybe he can talk to his ex and things will be okay.  If not...there isn't much you can do about it and if you continue to get so filled with rage....you aren't going to make it better...AND...it doesn't look good for YOU to keep fighting with her on Face Book where the entire world can see!"

"But...it's so unfair......", she wails.

"Most of life is, Tami.  Most of life is."

Not ten minutes later, an old friend from Saginaw called on the phone and when I said, "Hi"--HER rant started and went on for 69 minutes.  I won't even go into her problems--something about a new kitchen and the guy she hired doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground..................

What is it about this face--this person I am that people like to come and lay their rant in my ears and mind and then leave, while I sit here thinking of some way I could help...or try and reason with them, or resolve their problems with just the right word?

Glad I had those months working in customer service!!!

I'm thinking of hanging out my shingle:



  1. You're a good listener! I doubt very much I would have that patience with Dar!

  2. I wouldn't have patience with any of them other than Pearl. And, I guess Dar doesn't have anyone else to ramble on to; I'm thinking that lady that played scrabble with her ran home wringing her hands. :)

    That salad looks good!


  3. I've just had a similar day - I think some of us are cursed with a 'stand by' face that looks interested and concerned!!!! I was very interested in your comments on accents. The british would all say Dee-cide and Dee-troit. Fascinating! Jx

  4. hahahahah I love it, hey you give me good advice,,, and I LISTEN! keep writing, fb is just so much faster in a busy life to say YEP I AM STILL ALIVE,, but I posted a little.
