title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I. M. H. O.

The verdict was correct--legally.

The State did not have enough evidence beyond doubt so the jury had only one way to go.  Legally.

There was not enough evidence to begin with, for prosecution, that is why the sheriff didn't arrest George Zimmerman at the time. Legally.

Then the racists got all involved.  Sharpton, Jackson and the President?  Since when does a President give an opinion like that--he shouldn't have.

Then the DOJ got involved and turned it into a racial crime.  (I have heard reported the reason they did was that the black racists and the President thought it would appease the black people that feel their young men are arrested unfairly--which they are.)

Then--they called for GZ's arrest and he turned himself in.  Then they fired the sheriff.

Well--get this, GZ is bi-racial, his grandfather is black.  He is a registered Democrat.

The way the Florida law stands, if you feel the slightest bit threatened for your life, you can defend yourself, shoot the person, hit them upside the head with a baseball bat--whatever.  What a great excuse!!  "My neighbor said that he was going to beat me up someday, so I shot him."  "My husband raised his hand to me, so I stabbed him to death."  Stupid law in my opinion. Too far reaching.

IF GZ was black, there never would have been a trial.  IF Trayvon was white, there never would have been a trial.

The media turned it into a circus, as usual.  So much coverage you could watch the trial all day long, if you wanted to.

Now Sharpton and his idiot squad will probably put Trayvon's poor parents through another heart wrenching trial by telling them they ought to sue Zimmerman in a civil trial.  Have you ever seen classier people then the Martin's?  To go through that day after day and remain passive?  I wouldn't have been able to.

Should he was gotten out of his car?  NO

Should he have confronted the kid?  NO

Did he take his position as Neighborhood Watchman too seriously?  Probably.

Will there be race riots?  If the Black Panthers have their way and Sharpton stirs them up.  YES

This should not be about race at all!!!

Was the verdict correct?  Based on the evidence, or lack thereof,  presented--yes.

You cannot be on a jury and make your decision based on emotions or your feelings--that's why I hope I am never on a jury for murder trial because if someone confessed, "Yes.  I shot him."  I'd say, "then off to jail you go for life."

I think probably GZ needs to move to Canada or Mexico, because, unless he gets facial reconstruction, or goes into Witness Protection, he is a dead man.  Someone will go up to him, he will turn and raise his hand and they will shoot him--in self defense--you can do that in Florida.

You remember how Casey Anthony got away with murder?  I think they need better prosecutors in Florida courts.


  1. Hey, Judy,
    I agree that the prosecution did not make their case.

    Did you hear about the mother who fired a warning shot at her allegedly abusive husband in Florida and was sentenced to 20 years. Stand your ground didn't work for her. No one was even hurt. She fired the shot into the wall.


    I don't think 'stand your ground' is working the way it was intended. It works for some and not for others. Maybe the system can't work all the time, but this seems inequitable to me.

  2. I don't think stand your ground should include a kid being shot dead because he tried to protect himself with his fists, and the attacker having a gun. GZ didn't need to shoot him. That's my opinion and all I'm gonna say.
