title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, July 29, 2013

A Pretty Good Day--for a Monday

Today's  high temperature was:  64 degrees
Today's humidity was: 55%
Sunny, breezy, cool

I don't know why, but I didn't wake up until 10:00, a cat was kissing my nose--apparently he was hungry?  I felt kind of guilty when Pearl came down at noon and I was just heading to the bedroom to get dressed.  She scolded me because she was up at 6:30.  

"The day is half over!" she exclaimed.
"No, it's not.  My day doesn't end until midnight or later, so at five o'clock, my day is half over."
"Well, don't you have work to do?"
"Like what?"
"Oh--go around and pick stuff up.  Clean up the bathroom.  Do laundry."
"Look around.  Is there stuff sitting around that needs picking up?  My bathroom is nice and clean and...I did my two loads of laundry Saturday afternoon."
"Well--you forget.  I live with a man.  He leaves stuff laying all over."
"Well--lucky for me...I do not, so...........I can sleep in.  Besides, I have nothing to do today, so why get up early...to do nothing?"

She stayed for an hour and then went home when my Soap came on and....as usual, at 2:00, I gathered up my empty Pepsi bottles, got my list and off to the Rich People's store I went.

Today--the Rich People's store was not just for the rich!!  They had Diet Pepsi on sale at 10 for $10.  I got 10 and am going back before the end of the week to get 10 more!!  I got my gallon of milk for .99 cents because I had their rewards card.  AND I found that they do have Boar's Head meats--I got a half pound of sliced Pastrami!!  And I got tuna/macaroni salad, chicken salad, 2-antipasto salads, chef salad, small 7-layer salad, fresh water melon spears that were "imported" from a town 15 miles from here--Wal-Mart and Meijer, have the same and it is imported from Honduras!!  They make all their salads on site, so I know they are fresh.  My antipasto salad will be as fresh Friday as it is today.  Pearl got a fresh salad from the Meijer store and in two days, the lettuce was limp and slimy.  

So--I have decided that I don't have to go back to Wal-Mart again for food.  I can buy my fresh stuff at VG's Market, my other packaged stuff at Meijer's and my big bulk stuff, like bathroom tissue, at Costco.  I do like the kids that work in the Pharmacy at Wal-Mart (two of them took off work to come to Fred's funeral) and I will continue to get my prescriptions there, but...our local Wal-Mart is becoming very run down.  It smells in there--there are areas that are dirty--weird people shop there and some of their clerks appear to be not living with a full deck of cards--if you know what I mean.

The VG's is big enough for me to find everything, small enough for me not to have to walk 17 miles up and down the aisles, the clerks are wonderful, the other shoppers very nice.  There is no music playing, no loud voices over an intercom and I have never seen anyone shopping there in their flannel pajama bottoms.  It is a peaceful, quiet, wonderful shopping experience there.
As I was leaving, I saw what appeared to be a small cat in Jackie's driveway.  After I got to the front of the park, I called Pearl to ask here what she thought it was.  When I got home, I stopped at her place and she said she went over to look and it was a young cat--she tried to bend down to look at it and it got up and ran away.  She said it looked like it was almost dead.  That really upset me--years ago, it wouldn't have.  It's just an animal--a feral cat we have here.  I know I can't afford another cat--nor a vet bill--nor a spade/neuter bill, but it just broke my heart to think about that poor animal.  I would like to sneak some cat food outside for the feral cats--but the park would not like that.  They try and discourage them from the area.    It just makes me sad, because at one time, Buddy and Maggie were living on the street, and someone got them and took them to the shelter and then I found them and now they are my furry kids!!!  I look at Buddy's sweet face and I just can't stand the thought of him having to fend for himself out in the world.
I worked some more on my 2013 Christmas card--I know, it's a bit early, but...I am in the mood.  This is the front--what do you think?

I didn't send any Christmas or letters in 2012, so I need to start again.  To out of state friends or people I never see anymore (co-workers--old friends from my other life), I will enclose a short note.  It will say in red, 'MERRY CHRISTMAS   FROM OUR HOUSE   TO YOURS' on the front above the picture.  It will be a half-fold card for those that get the note (inside) and just the one piece of this picture for people I see all the time.

I also worked on my funeral plans.  OCD seems to be in full mode today, LOL.

A thought I had today--about the mess our country is in---I don't think it's a matter of race, nor of financial status--it seems to be a complete break down of our morals and our culture.  The President isn't too blame for that.  I know I will get flak for this, but I can see how the Woman's Movement back in the early '70's caused a lot of our problems.  At the time, "we" were quite content to stay at home and raised our children.  Then Gloria and others started telling us we were unfulfilled and we needed more out of life; some of us wanted a "career".  Then, our kids came home from school to an empty house, all the better to get into trouble. If our husband's resisted our new found freedom, we divorced them--break down of the family.  I know this is simplistic, but to me, the best career in this world is raising the next generation.  I enjoyed that a whole lot more then my second "career". 
There was no baseball game on tonight so, I watched the DVD of "The King's Speech"--nice movie.  

Tomorrow--tomorrow--I have another huge outside maintenance job--cutting down the 8' Privet hedge to it's normal height of 4'.  It is going to be hard, painful work.  I may only be able to do one bush at a time, but that's all right.  In the end, it will once again look neat and nice.  I also need to trim back my Forsythia and Wegelia bushes.  

A little warmer tomorrow--mid-70's, which will be nice to work in.  If I live through it--I will have pix for tomorrow's night post.



  1. Oh my, your getting up time was almost my lunch time :) up really early this morning as I have a 8:00 dental appt almost an hour away. Really do not want to go but have to. Calling for rain later today and seemed like yesterday everything was so wet and now it is so dry. I still love to cook and bake and like my food best. Make a gallon of sweet tea a week and drink that with my meals....
    Take care and have a good day.

  2. I love not getting dressed until noon. Thankfully, I don't have a Pearl in my life to call me out for doing that.

  3. I know what you mean about Wal-Mart. Our nearest one is about 60 miles and when we go off-Cape we would stop once in awhile and it has become very dirty, low stocked and the food quality is awful. I hate to say it but you are right about the shoppers there, too. Pretty strange. Very disgruntled workers, too. I am much happier shopping in my local market, run by local residents, and they have very high quality food. Nice you have a great market, too.
    Loved "The King's Speech" - such a great movie.
    Being the crazy cat person I am, I adore your Christmas card! it shows a lot of love.
    Good luck with your big outdoor project today. We did one of those on Sunday.

  4. You know, I just get up when I wake up unless it's 2 in the morning. :)

    You probably didn't get to sleep 'cause you were typing that whole list for me, which I hope you realize I appreciate.

    Well, Merry Christmas to you also!! Now you don't have to send us cards. That looks amazing. You know I have to ask what program do you use for the "frame"?

    Hey Judy, no wonder you're skinny; all those salads! But, you eat very well and I don't except for my fruit smoothies and that's probably gonna wear off like all my other "vises" usually do.

    Love ya, girl.

  5. Hi Judy! sorry its been awhile since is stopped by.. sounds like you are keeping busy and christmas season comes fast so its good to get a start on things! i do love your card so far! makes me smile.. its a bit cooler here today so heading out in the yard for a bit. your store you have been shopping at sounds nice. i love salads! we really only have a walmart and one other grocery shop here.. there is one i like to go to when i travel to a town about 22 miles but i like to have a list a mile long for a few places over there.. im not much of a shopper and like to get it all done at once..enjoy your day judy!

  6. Love the card...very nice.

    I am home alone today and I slept late because nothing was pending. I need to rest after getting two ultrasounds yesterday and then having blood drawn later in the day. I feel like I was beat up with all that prodding and poking.

    It is 73°here today ~ sunny and breezy and just plain nice.

    I shop at two different stores...you have to in these days. One has great every day prices and the other has great sales now and then.

    My daughter was a latch-key kid and she turned out decent. I divorced my first husband when my daughter was 7 and not because I had a new-found freedom. I just didn't like him anymore. lol

  7. Your Christmas card will be a hit.

    We had ferrel cats when I was a kid. My mother used to feed them scraps. Probably not the best idea, but...

    Take it easy on that hedge. Don't injure anything.

    You are such a night owl. I was asleep by 9:00 last night, but up by 4:30 this morning. It's crazy.
    Bella Rum

  8. With the outbreak of illness from produce...I have stopped buying bagged salad greens.I didn't buy them often, but wanted more variety in my salads without having to buy so many. I grow my own in big containers in the summer. I just heard on TV that they have found that bagged salad greens are the culprit.
    Your Christmas card will be so cute. You did such a good job...framing and everything.
    Be careful tomorrow...How are you going to reach the top of that 8' hedge?
    Take care,
