The high temperature today was: 66 degrees
The humidity today was: 58%
It rained all day long.
A blessing, LOL.
With the blessed rain--one did not even have to consider going out and massacring the last bushes. AND with all the clippings raked up and taken away--one did not to worry about that mess either. It is suppose to rain tomorrow and Friday--another blessing--so maybe Saturday, I can go out and get the job done. By Saturday, my back, legs and arms "may" have recovered.
Wonder of wonders--since Monday, I have awakened every morning at 7:15 - 7:35 and I am not groggy first thing. Apparently, since the gas exhaust vent has been put into place and I am no longer being euthanized, I am feeling better!
The only thing wrong with getting up so early (to me early)--I still don't go to bed until around 1:00 a.m., so--today at 2:00, after my Soap, I kicked back the recliner, cats climbed up on my lap and we slept until 5:00!!!
Tonight, there was no baseball game on TV, so I popped in my newest DVD. It is called "42" and is the story of Jackie Robinson. The first black baseball player in the major leagues. What a great movie it was. What a great player. What a great man. He died way too young. But--his jersey number is the first one to ever be retired for ALL teams. Every year, for one week, every baseball player in the Major Leagues, wear the number 42 on their back--to prove they are all alike. My favorite conversation in the movie was when Branch Rickey told his people he was going to sign Robinson. He said, "He is a Methodist. I am a Methodist. God is a Methodist!" Made me laugh.
Speaking of being a Methodist---something I read in Jean's blog tonight.
Reminded me of when Fred died. He was in St. Joseph Hospital near Ann Arbor. The large hospital where most of us around here go. Great hospital, by the way. I never gave it a thought that is was a Catholic hospital. I never saw any priests strolling around. Not even thinking that there could be women Chaplain's--even when my own daughter does that --in a lay person sort of way.
Our family and friends had been praying for Fred. The church said prayers for him. When he died, a woman came to me and asked if she could pray for him. I agreed. Then when she was done, she took some oil and made the sign of the cross on Fred's forehead. It startled me. I said, "Oh, we are Protestant's"--thinking that she had to know, in case she did something wrong. I felt like I should get a wash cloth and wipe the oil off his forehead, but she assured me it was all right--then I thought I wanted it too, but I knew, I couldn't ask her.
Anyway, after she left, his nurse came back in the room and asked me, "Is everything...are you all right?" I said, "You know--Fred and I are Protestant's."
She said, "So am I. In fact, Fred and I talked about it. I go to the same church in Saline, where his friend is the minister."
Then I said, "Well--the lady Chaplain just came in, prayed for him and made the sign of the cross on his forehead.................our Protestant friends and church have been praying for him. You know what......."
"If I could just find a Rabbi to come in and say a prayer.....Fred would have all his bases covered!"
She looked at me for a minute, then just burst out laughing.
Just one instance of the weird thoughts and things that came out of my mouth that whole week. GEEZ!! We just aren't ourselves when our nearest and dearest die. Or......maybe we are?
You know what is really cool---three months later--in church--at the end of the service, our minister came out to the front of the church and held up a small bottle and said, "In this is a bit of oil--I put some lavender oil in it too. If anyone would like to come forward for a blessing---it would be all right." My gosh! So Catholic!!! I had never seen that done in a Methodist Church in my lifetime. Of course I went forward and he made the sign of the cross on my forehead and said, "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." I cried all the way back to my pew. I LOVED IT!!! I didn't wash my face for days!!!
I wish we could make the "sign of the cross" in our church. Why not? After we take communion, why couldn't we just cross ourselves if we wanted?
Well--that's all of the weird stuff I have today, Kids. I played on the computer. I knitted on a baby blanket I am making. I cross stitched on a baby crib cover I am making. (All for a non-existent baby) and I read--and I napped! And I didn't feel a bit guilty :-)
Oh yeah--I vacuumed, dusted and a bit of that kind of stuff too.
Oh--I ordered two bras and two pair of panties today also. The bras are a size smaller and the panties, two sizes smaller. The bras were on sale--they usually cost 35.00. The panties--did you know that a pair of panties now sells for 6.00 and up? For one pair!!! Remember when we could 3 pair in a package for five bucks?
Oh--I ordered two bras and two pair of panties today also. The bras are a size smaller and the panties, two sizes smaller. The bras were on sale--they usually cost 35.00. The panties--did you know that a pair of panties now sells for 6.00 and up? For one pair!!! Remember when we could 3 pair in a package for five bucks?