Like the proverbial chicken with her head cut off, I am running around, minus my head sometimes, which results in ------not taking time to blog!
I would catch you up and tell you what I did Wednesday, but I have quite forgotten. LOL I do remember driving up to the print shop to have 2 copies made of the genealogy pedigrees I am finishing up. I do remember that when the copies came out of the Xerox machine, there were mistakes. I do remember hurrying home to fix and reprint the pedigrees so I could get back to the Print Shop before they closed.
I distinctly remember Dar walking in about a half hour later and staying for 2 hours.
"I'm so upset. I had to come over so you can calm me down!"
<Dear Lord. Who made me responsible as the guardian of the health of this woman's mental stability?>
When her blood pressure was down and she was feeling better, she left. Half an hour later, John stopped by. He is worried about his dog, Maizey and he needed reassurance that he is doing the right thing about NOT putting her down just yet and spending $800.00 to bring her back to life!
It was 9:00 by the time he left. I had had no supper. I needed to feed my Purry Furries and I was exhausted!
I swear to you--I am about to hang out my shingle and become Lucy.

I go to bed at midnight, so at 10:30, I sat down in front of the computer to fix the pedigrees so I could get them printed on Thursday morning.
For some unknown reason, my printer refused to print! I shut if off, waited, turned it back on, and it printed out some sort of gobbley-gook!
I have been having trouble with it for weeks. It's about 10 years old and I do a whole lot of printing. Last Sunday night, I got so frustrated that I got on E-bay and ordered one exactly like it--remanufactured!
I went to bed.
When I woke up Thursday to a torrential rain storm, I remembered, lunch with the Old School Gal Pals. I had to leave at noon. I finished the pedigrees by coaxing my printer along, but didn't have time to drop them off at the Print Shop.
I took off and I felt like a storm chaser! Every time I drove out of a rain storm, I could see dark clouds ahead and within a few miles, I was in another one. Wipers going 60 miles and hour, slowing down to a crawl, trying to see the edge of the road. This happened twice.
Just as I got about 6 miles from where I was going, the rain stopped and everything was dry. So dry that I noticed lawn were "July Brown". It looked like they hadn't had any rain for a month.
I was first to arrive at the little hole-in-the-wall where we were doing lunch and went in a got a table for 8 set up. 9 showed up, counting me 10. I sat on the end of the table, which I usually do anyway so I have a place to stick my long legs out to the side.
We had a great time! Even the two ladies that drive us nuts, with their competition to dominate the conversation, were rather quiet. We all got to talk and comment back and forth. No political talk--we know better than that! A tiny little pizza restaurant, I think I had the best Antipasto salad ever!!!!!
As we were about to leave, someone mentioned how they wished it would rain. I stepped to the door to go out and it was pelting down rain so hard we could barely see across the street. More than one of us stated, "I do have an umbrella with me. Unfortunately, it's in the car!" I told them they all owed me a debt of gratitude for bringing the rain with me and they gave me a rousing cheer!
A an interesting part of our meeting--one of our friends showed up with a "surprise" guest. We were all asked if we knew her. She did look a bit familiar, but none of us could come up with a name.
"She was in the band." Hm-mm. I should know her then. "She was a cheerleader."
I knew she hadn't graduated with us, so I begged to be enlightened. "It's been fifty-nine years since we graduated. We've all changed a little bit. Tell me your name!"
"Judy Streeter," she said. "I moved between eighth grade and high school."
"Oh my gosh!" I said. "That's sixty-two years ago, but I remember you!" and I gave her a hug. "You haven't grown an inch since then."
"Well, you have!" she replied. We all had a good laugh and we invited her to our class reunion in August.
Then I headed out to The Farm in the rainstorm. Chuck & Susan were ecstatic that they were getting the first rain in weeks. I once again proclaimed that I deserved the credit and Chuck bowed to me.
Susie and I chatted for about an hour and then I headed out and stopped at Pammies. She has started a new summer work schedule at the school. To work at 7:00 and out of work at 1:30 pm.
She had taken her brother Mark to his 3rd chemo treatment the day before and I asked how she handled it. Pammie can't even stand to see someone get their finger pricked, let alone IV's inserted. She said, "I turned and looked out the window while they were getting him set up and then I could look."
I found out that Jennifer is home staying with Karen and working at her old Law Office this past week and all four of the kids are headed up north to Karen's in-laws cottage for a weekend together this weekend. They will celebrate Father's Day with their Dad who only lives a few miles away.
"How wonderful!" I said. "I hope you all have a great time!"
<not a trace of bitterness in my voice>
Did they all gather around their Momma on Mother's Day? You ask. Their Mother's birthday is this Tuesday. Are they going to gather around their Mother, the woman who gave them birth? You ask.
Maybe I need to buy a cottage up north on a lake and I would see them more often?
I got home about 6:15 and Dar walked in at 6:30. EGADS & LITTLE FISH HOOKS!
Her Father was taken to the ER in the middle of the night and she was very upset that her brother hadn't called to tell her until 8:00 in the morning.
So, I listened to her rant and agreed with her on some points (because that's what a good psychiatrist does). Then pointed out to her that most probably her father didn't want her brother to call and disturb her sleep, because, "You've been going through so much lately." and she calmed down.
Now she is having a problem because she told her son he had to move out by month's end and the other day he mentioned, "I guess we'll have to live in our van again."
"I feel sorta bad for them."
"Well, they lived in their van for three months before they showed up at your house. You have offered to go with him to find government housing. You have offered to get him on Welfare. You have done all you can."
"Plus, Daddy wants to come live with me in July. And, my sister-in-law told my brother she is done and wants "the old man out of my house!'"
"I just wish your Dad would consent to go and look at the beautiful senior living places they have around here. He can afford the best and they are beautiful places. He wouldn't be lonely and he would get so much attention from all the women residents...he'd be in heaven!"
"Well, he won't. He told me I am going to retire and he will pay all my bills and we will go places and have a great time."
"Okay. I thought you wanted to stay working."
"I do!"
"Well, you better get all that settled before he moves in or you will start to resent him when you have to stay home all day."
She left.
John stopped by within minutes. Thankfully, now that it's summer he is only coming by once a day--usually in the evening.
I got up this morning and got my genealogy pedigrees done and off to the Print Shop to get them copies and then up to Walmart to get cat food.
My new "old" printer arrived this afternoon. I set it up and got both genealogy books finished. One is in a three ring binder and the other I will take up to the Print Shop Monday to be bound into a book and then mail them off Tuesday.
This is what my living room looks like when I am working on putting the final touches on a genealogy book.
Tomorrow will be clean up day---until my next project.
Wow! I must say, your day totally exhausted me! ;) However I've absolutely no doubt you distinctly remember Dar's 2 hour visit. ( You know she should pay by the hour for you to listen and reassure her. She'd probably apply your advice better since she had to pay, and you could buy several new printers!)
ReplyDeleteIs my $20.00 in any danger of being taken, or was her son supposed to have been out in May? I really do feel bad for Dar... is her son "all there?" Or should I Dar "all there!"
Poor Maizie and John! I know he doesn't know quite the best thing to do. When do we ever get that right, until our pets let us know.
I like your long table --- it looks so neat.
I think you do really well with the "kid stuff" now, if I may say so. I've read your blog for a few years, and I know it hurts. Still, I think you've made a certain peace with it -- much more than back three or four years. You have your own life and they have theirs, and there is no forcing a real relationship with anyone, really. Best to have your own interests, your own friends, your own best life.
Anyway, I wish you the very best!
Her son is to be out end of June. Dar is NOT all there, neither were her parents, thus, neither are her kids, nor their kids. I just goes on, generation after generation, unless and until someone breaks the cycle. Yes--I am at peace, with everything in life now.
DeleteWhoa - Judy, I don't know how you drive in that "driving" rain. I just can't do it anymore. :)
ReplyDeleteI think I've missed that Mark is on chemo although I did know that he had cancer. I hope the chemo does its job well for him.
Glad that you don't feel bitter anymore about your kids. So, your birthday is coming up on Tuesday? Happy Happy Birthday to one of the smartest and nicest person I know. You're what I'd call "true grit" Judy. And, your school reunion in August? I hope you're going and have a great time.
Well, you know how I feel about Dar - no words.
He has chemo every three weeks now, Sally. The oncologist told him they could probably give him 8 good years if he went through the treatment. The first in our family to ever have cancer. I don't know how or why he got it.
Deletedar...what an interesting character, you should write a book!!! your genealogy work is amazing i'm sure, i think for you and also for the people you prepare the books for. i am sure they appreciate all the information and all your hard work!!!
ReplyDeleteyou are a good friend!!!
She is interesting and a character. I have never known anyone like her in my long life. I sometimes just stare at her with wonderment because, she is so emotionally weird. LOL
DeleteHappy Birthday ahead of time in case you "forget" to blog while it's taking place.
ReplyDeleteI would absolutely hate Dar coming down and wasting so much of my time the way she does. I'd be parking on the next street and walking in the back door so she couldn't see me come home. LOL
I never thought of that! There IS an over-flow parking space just behind my shed! I could do that.
DeleteFor someone who thinks she is NOT busy, you are VERY busy!! I have been busier than usual (house guest) but head to my room at 9 with my glass of wine and watch Netflix. Fortunately a friend of hers came for Thurs-Sat so my guest has been gone all day and night.
ReplyDeleteI, for one, could not tolerate having Dar visit. I'd worry about MY blood pressure!! I like to know my neighbors well enough to notice anything amiss, but don't want to be best friends or daily friends. In fact, I never answer my door! I prefer people to let me know if they are coming. I do accept "drop ins" depending who it is!!
I can't wait til next week! That's MY genealogy sitting on that table! Tell everyone how many HOURS you have invested!
70 counted hours. :-)
DeleteThere are hours I do not put on the Time Sheet, because they are hours used to rearrange my info, or setting up the format, etc., hours for my own organization. :-) I AM MAILING IT TUESDAY come hell or high water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't doubt it for a minute. Family history is time consuming and I was wondering how you went about setting a fee.
DeleteHi Judy.....may I ask, what is your fee for doing a genealogy for someone????
ReplyDeleteHi Dawn. E-mail me and we can chat about it:-)