title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Thursday, February 9, 2017

February Missions............

February is the month when I get all my medical stuff taken care of.

I am still harboring the cold and luckily, today was my doctor's appointment for what is now called, "The Medicare Well Check."  Two pages of stupid questions to answer, one of which was; "Do you suffer from any sexual dysfunctions?"  With choices of :Often", "Sometimes", I decided to be a smart a** and in large letters wrote, "NA".  HAH!  Got my weight, blood pressure checked, and all meds renewed and then the doc came in all aglow about my blood work.

I decided to throw him a curve, because I love to do that.

"These blood tests don't really show you much, do they?


"I mean, they wouldn't show if I had a cancer cell growing somewhere.  They wouldn't show if I had congestive heart failure.  Not just these normal CBC tests.  You would run a more specific blood test then.  Right?"

"True, but we have found a certain significance if someone were starting to have a kidney failure, on the kidney function blood work."

"SO--do I have to go through this torture twice a year?"

"Okay--in your case, these blood tests show nothing--that's true, and you probably only need them once a year--unless you start feeling unwell...something like that."

"I have a couple of questions I need to ask, so you gotta give me more than five minutes."

"I always give you half an hour, Judy....although most of the time we don't need that long."  He smiled.

"Okay--I still have this cold,  Can you check my throat?  It's still sore."  So he did and it was red and inflamed.

"I can give you something to help that, if you will take it."

"Okay.  Now--in August your office girls said I was too old to get the preventative low-dose CT scan of my lungs.  I called Medicare and they told me, "once a year, between the ages of 55-77, for ex smokers, or current smokers, who have smoked at least a pack a day for 30 years."

"How old are you?"


"I thought the cut off was seventy-five."

"I know you did...that's why I called Medicare."

"Okay, when will you be seventy-eight?"

"In June, so I'd like the referral paper work so I can get it done now."

"Okay.  Anything else?"

"Yes, I also need a referral paper so I can start physical therapy on my neck and shoulder.  I have put it off way too long."

"Okay.  Got it.  Anything else?"

"Yes.  Do you use those new Colo-Guard hemaoccult testers?"

"How long has it been since you've had a colonoscopy?"

"Never and I'm not going to start now.  Those testers come in the mail and you mail the sample back to the lab.  They test the DNA for cancer cells.  I'm all into DNA testing."

"Okay.  I'll fill out the form and you'll get it in the mail.

"Anything else?"

"Yes--do I need a mammogram every year.  Last year they told me I am at very low risk assessment."

"You don't need to get one ever again--unless you want too.  You don't need PAP tests anymore either."

"Good because I haven't had one of those since I turned seventy."

"You're doing great!  Anything else?"  

"Yes--can I still come in every six months instead of the four month check-in you like for your......what do you call us?  Oh yes......seasoned citizens?"

He laughed.  "Yes.  Six months for you, but you have to promise...if you have a problem...get in here."

"Okay.  I promise."

"Yeah, I bet.  You'd wait three months to see if it went away and then you'd come crawling in here and expect me to cure you.  By the way, I noticed your tremors seem to be worse.  In both hands now?"


" Do they interfere with your normal daily functions?"

"Yes.  I have a hard time brushing my teeth.  I have a hard time moving the computer mouse and getting the cursor in the right spot.  I have a hard time eating with a spoon, a hard time doing my crochet or cross stitch, and a hard time writing anything."

"I can give you something to help that.  Inderal."

"Okay, let me think about it.  That's also used for high blood pressure, isn't it?  A beta blocker?"


"Well, I'm on a beta blocker now and sometimes my blood pressure gets too low as it is and I have dizzy spells, so.............I think I'll wait on that."

"Okay.  I'll get a script for your throat.  Prednisone.  That will get you well quickly."

"Wait...wait...that's a steroid and I don't like them---they aren't good for my heart."

"You are only going to take it for five days.  That inflammation isn't good for your throat either!"

So I stopped and got my Prednisone--ARGGH--he said to spread the three pills out over the day, taken after a meal and not to take it too late or it would hinder my sleep and "Be sure you take all fifteen pills, even if you start to feel better."

Other then the CT scan, the colon cancer stool sample and starting PT, my February medical needs are taken care off.  

So--I am healthy as a horse ( my father's ancestors are credited for my good genes) healthy as a horse, but still when I talk--I still sound like a horse--a hoarse horse.  

I'll see how good these dang steroids work!!!


  1. Hope you continue to feel better and meds work for your throat. FWIW if you're hoarse, recommend you use breathy Marilyn Monroe type voice to speak rather than a whisper which is much harder on vocal cords which often surprises most people to learn.

    I've long believed being involved and knowledgeable about my medical care was very important. The addition of good information sources with the internet now has been a real boon.

  2. Sounds like everything is shipshape other than what you were already aware of! Keep it up.

  3. I love Predisone. If I could take it all the time, I would. But Inderal about killed me, and that's no joke. I want to talk my doctor into the by-mail colon cancer test. I'm do this year.

    My doctor has not asked me about the sexual dysfunction question on my wellness test. Either he's too embarrassed to ask or your doctor is making up questions to spice up his day. LOL

    1. The test was a question and answer paper I filled out myself. LOL

  4. OH BABY! Those dang steroids are gonna' work like "gang busters"! You need them, to knock out that inflammation, like he said. Prednisone rocks! ,-)))) Inflammation is the 'devil'. I've said this before.

    You are a highly informed patient! Good for you!!! Excellent for you!

    With me, I need those every 4 month blood tests, for what they need to keep showing. So I'm not against them.

    Plus, where I have them done, at our local hospital, the blood drawers (there is a fancy name but I can't remember it) there, do it all day long. And they are very competent.

    Again, good for you!!!!!!!!!

    All, should be this well informed!!! By searching. I know I love searching, myself!

    Happy Full Snow Moon tonight,
    Luna Crone

  5. "Phlebotomists are medical professionals who draw blood from patients..."

    Seeeee! I can search for the correct spelling, of that word! LOL

  6. I'm also glad you're feeling better, Judy. So happy to say I'm about over the "whatever they're calling it this year".

    It's great that you are your own medical advocate! I keep forgetting about the Medicare wellness check. However, when I had the first one it was downright ridiculous. You have an excellent doctor. As far as prednisone, it's good for short term, but when my daughter was going through the removal of her colon, she was on it for so long she became unrecognizable even for me. But she needed it and thank goodness after the last few years hasn't.

  7. You are the classic example of why some doctors don't like to see Medicare patients. They don't like dealing with medicare and it takes much longer to see older patients. They've lived longer and have a longer medical history. Good for you and your good report. Keep living!

    1. My doc started out as a emergency room doc and then went on to be the head doc at our local nursing home. I was his first patient when he started his practice and he does have a lot of older patients. My medical history is short and the Wellness Check I had to fill out, I did while in the waiting room. Besides, I was his next to last patient, so neither one of us felt rushed. I do not like the medical group thingies--where you have several doctors. That's why I like him. He and his PA and any medical students he has occasionally working with him.

  8. I know your doc doesn't make a lot off you but laughs!
    They put David on Prednizone after he was diagnosed w/Crohn's in November. Almost time to wean him off now for a good while---it can damage organs, but he's put on 14 pounds and shot up nearly 3 inches since mid November! His cheeks are rosy right now, and although he looks a little puffy from the steroids, it looks wonderful to us!
    His favorite veggie is corn, tho, and that's not good for him. I wish his parents would forbid it. A kid, even knowing what it'll do to his body...still will eat his favorites no matter how much trouble he has after, right now. He'll even sneak things when he has the chance.
    And I could just pull my hair out when his mother tells him, "Go ahead and eat it---don't blame me if you get sick!" (Maybe pull her hair out, too?) This doesn't just have effects like vomiting and diarhea, it will do more long term, irreversible damage to his system!
    A 12-year-old boy is just a kid still. He gets straight A+'s, he's very smart,but he's not wise about starting to monitor his own diet.
    Whew! Drives me nuts---if he could only know how Jeff,(son of Sissie at Sissie's Shabby Cottage), has suffered and he's only 30! See below---I've collected all the change in our house and I'm going to send a check for his GoFundMe page.


    I was so glad to hear your son is either cured or in remission! That is wonderful news!
    Trudy in VA

  9. i have no idea how in the world you remember all of this. i read the entire thing, no skimming, and i probably only remember half.

    you rock judy, be careful with the shakie hands, so you can continue to do the things that make you happy!!

    i am a prednisone junkie - for me, it all depends on the dose i'm on for how long it takes to see a change. i usually start on it i.v. and i see an impact immediately. i don't think i have ever started with an oral dose. but i do know this...there is no sleeping on steroids and my house is always immaculate!!!!
