title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Friday, May 1, 2015

All About Me

Sorry I haven't posted much, but now--it IS all about me.

I am tackling yet another BP drug added to the mix I now take.  That's 7 new drugs tested in the last month, and 4 I used to take, taken away.  Two of those 7 new ones have been discarded.  


I have to admit that I feel really good with high BP. LOL.  When it gets us to 194/68--I feel really great.  Perhaps because it raises my pulse rate into the mid-50's?  I am a weird case for sure.

So today, I played outside a bit as it was a gorgeous day--weather wise.  I walked up to Pearl's and we chatted a bit.  Her blood sugar has been running high and our doc wants her to change her diet and lose a whole lot of weight.  She is completely unconcerned about it, saying, "Why does it matter if my blood sugar is high?"

"Because you will get Type Two Diabetes."

"Who cares?"

"YOU DO!!  It makes your pancreas non-functioning.  It will ruin your kidneys and you will have to have dialysis.  Your feet will turn black and you might have to have them amputated!  To say nothing about the coma you can go into...and die!"

"It can do that?"

"YES...and you will have to get a meter and test your blood several times a day.  I hope you don't mind needles in your fingertips and stomach!"

"I can't afford all that."

"Well then...take care of it."

So--I know I exaggerated a bit, but Fred had Type II Diabetes and I know how bad that disease can  be.  That is one disease I do not ever want to have!

Nothing I can do about her!!!
Pearl's garden of spring bulbs is so beautiful!  Mine is not as full.  I am so grateful that I live far enough north where we get Daffodils and Tulips and all the spring flowering bulbs.


  1. The tulips are so beautiful. One fallI planted 100 bulbs and I only had tulips one year then I think the moles ate the bulbs. Last fall I transplanted 50 daffodils but only 10 came up this spring. I'm giving up on bulbs. They just don't do well here.

    My husband was diabetic, too. I don't want that either! It's kind of funny, the contrast between you and Pearl's attitude towards controlling your health. You're such a take charge person, you'd write your own prescriptions if you could. Pearl just doesn't see the need to help herself.

  2. Such beautiful flowers!

    I love spring so I can look at yours since the grasshoppers take over
    this yard!

    Take care of yourself, and hoping Pearl listens to you.

  3. It does seem like those who have Type II diabetes (or are well on their way to it) have such a nonchalant attitude! IT CAN BE PREVENTED! Just lose the tiniest bit of weight (10%) and move your body for 30 minutes ... a day! People amaze me sometimes.

    Of course, I should talk! I can hear the lecture I'll be getting when I return for a check up in Oregon. May have to take my own medicine!
