title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Today's high temperature was: 75
Today's humidity was: 64%
Rain/Severe Thunderstorms/Rain/More storms

I could not stay asleep last night--I don't know why.  It was quite weird.  I'd fall asleep and then wake up twenty minutes later.  I did this three times.  Sat up and read for awhile.  Got back on the computer to check out the weather.  Took a Benedryl to help me sleep.  Last time I looked at the clock, it was 3:42.

I must have slept because I heard the storms that came in and just rolled over, put the pillow over my head and went back to sleep.  Another storm, when it was just getting light and I rolled over the other way and back asleep.

The alarm went off at 8:00.  I turned it off.  The phone rang at 9:00 to let me know that the A/C inspector guy wasn't coming.  I struggled out of bed and felt like my head was two feet wide--and it hurt--and my neck hurt.  I had a hard time walking and thought, "Did I have a stroke?"  NO.  I could still smile and talk and walk--I was just so wobbly from no sleep.

Then--I remembered.  Yesterday, I had promised Pearl that I would take her up to the other garden center to look for a Sapphire Blue Larkspur plant,  Since the A/C guy wasn't going to come, I called her and she answered the phone all chipper.  

"We don't have to go if you don't feel well," she said.

"No.  We might as well.  I won't feel any better sitting here in my chair.  I need to get out and move.  I'll be to pick you up at 11:00".

We drove up about half a mile and went on our search.  We told the kid what she wanted and he looked around, but they had none.  We were in the car, backing out, when he ran up to my window.  

"I think I found one for you.  It's dark blue...just like you wanted."  and he ran back toward the store and came back, lugging a pale blue Delphinium.

"NO! That's not what I want!" growled Pearl  "I want an L-something Delphinium."

"Larkspur," I said to him and then described it for him.

"I'm sorry," he said.  "We don't have any of those."

"Thanks so much for looking," I said and started to back out.  I thought he was such a nice young man.

"What's he doing...working in a garden center when he doesn't know the difference between Sapphire blue and pale blue!  He doesn't even know a Delphinium from an L-something Delphinium!"

"I didn't either when you were first talking about them."

"I saw the tag.  There was a word that started with L, before the word Delphinium."

"Was the word, Larkspur?"

"I don't know, but that picture you showed me is a Larkspur and that's what I want."

<okay, then>

"Maybe next spring we can find one."
I came home, did my Wednesday chores, watched my soap and fell asleep in my chair.

It seemed like just minutes, but it was 90 minutes later, I hear this BEEP   BEEP   BEEP coming from the TV.  Severe thunderstorm WARNING for Livingston County.

I ran into the room to look out and YOWSER--the clouds were roiling and moving fast--then the wind hit and the thunder crashed and we were in it for about 10 minutes.

I was having a heck of a time...trying to get my ear plugs in and tie the storm door to the inside door and the rain was slashing sideways onto the porch and in through the front door.  Maggie The Cat took off to hide under the bed and Buddy, just sat there and when I sat down in my chair to watch the TV warnings, he jumped up on my lap and promptly went to sleep.

It rained so hard for so long that the street out in front looked like a river!  
Much to my chagrin, Maddie is interested in Mick.  They are "just friends"--yeah right.  He is a computer geek--does a lot of animation.  When I met him, I didn't hear his name so i repeated it.


"No.  Mick...like Mickey Mouse."

<that's for sure>

Guess who he reminds me of?
Her Dad, who is also a computer nerd. 

That is probably why she is attracted to him?

When she could have this?

The girl is nutz!!!



  1. This was definitely not boring!
    I've been having weird, disturbing dreams; too much world news I think.
    I don't really understand why stores put their flower seeds, bulbs, etc. away before spring is over.

  2. I was once told that if you want flowers that bloom in a certain part of the year---like late summer or early spring---then you have to shop during that time period. The garden seasons won't carry what isn't showy at a certain shopping period.

    We had black clouds over the city that the weather man said looked like a giant whale, and it sure did...black as it could be and fish shaped. It's going to be a wet week.

  3. I had to laugh about Maddie - just remember, even though girls mature faster than boys, their frontal lobes are still not fully developed (the Decision making/logic area) until they are over 20.

    1. That explains a lot of my problems!!! Perhaps my frontal lobe still is behind in its maturation? HAH

    2. LOL That explains A LOT. Well, at least one part of me is a teenager!

  4. Oh that Pearl. She's something, isn't she. Well, I don't even know what a larkspur is. :)

    I'm sorry you had such a terrible night; it messes up everything. I spent the night with the girls, and slept with Hunt on the lower bunk; oh my word. Today I've been walking in my sleep, I think.


  5. We've had bad thunder showers the past few days because of the heat. Today is better and we're headed into some nice 80s in a couple of days. Can't wait.

    I can't believe I missed this post when you posted it, but I ran across it just now in my reader. As for Maggie, they never choose the one we want them to choose. Arranged marriages are a thing of the past, unfortunately, because you know that we know best.
