title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Reading and Writing and Math

Today's high temperature was: 88 degrees
Today's humidity was:  54%
While the rest of the world goes about its business, I am cooped up here in the air cooled and dried house.  Nothing to do but spend hours on the computer, or writing down lists.

An interesting read--not on the computer--that took up some of my time.  You know how the Liberals like to blame Global Warming on us humans?  I have maintained all along that it is a naturally, geological cycle, that occurred before, and will occur again--much like the Ice Age--which will also occur again.

Now, I don't presume to understand a lot of what I read, but, in essence:

The Earth's axis completes one full cycle of precession approximately every 26,000 years. At the same time the elliptical orbit rotates more slowly. The combined effect of the two precessions leads to a 21,000-year period between the astronomical seasons and the orbit. In addition, the angle between Earth's rotational axis and the normal to the plane of its orbit (obliquity) oscillates between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees on a 41,000-year cycle. It is currently 23.44 degrees and decreasing.

Similar astronomical theories had been advanced in the 19th century by Joseph Adhemar, James Croll and others, but verification was difficult due to the absence of reliably dated evidence and doubts as to exactly which periods were important. Not until the advent of deep-ocean cores and a seminal paper by Hays, Imbrie, and Shackleton, "Variations in the Earth's Orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice Ages", in Science (1976) did the theory attain its present state

A NASA brief that basically said, the advance/retreat of the glaciers and the cycles of the last 7 ice ages have to do with the earth's rotation on its axis. The NASA paper also said that a mini ice age ended a little less than 1000 years ago.

Climate Change is part of The Plan and it cycles through periods of gradual Warming and Cooling.  

Oh, BTW--something else I read, a Prius car uses more energy and causes more pollution than driving a Ford F150 truck.

That doesn't mean it's illogical to put up fields of solar panels and acres of wind propellers--other than, the wind farms cause more deaths of the once protected Bald Eagle than any other means.

So--do what you want.  It isn't going to make that much difference either way.
Did some laundry and cleaned the bathroom--right on my schedule.  Watched my Soap and then off to the doctor's appointment.

I had quite a time getting out the drive, through the construction and out into traffic, but I made it.

I was last seen by my doc in October.  He wanted me to come back in February--3 months.  I told him, I'd be back in six months--it has been eight months.

There is nothing wrong with me.  I can't see the sense of taking up his time and mine to go every three months--just his protocol for Seasoned Citizens, as he calls us old guys.

He wasn't too pleased that I had changed my meds without consulting him.  I told him I was just experimenting and had found the dosages that worked best to keep my pulse rate up, BP down and dizzy spells away.

So--we talked and figured and haggled and I consented to taking the water pill--again (because my BP has gone up a bit)--but half what I took before and he lowered my Lisinopril from 30 mg twice a day to 20 mg twice a day.

He listened to my heart, lungs, carotid arteries and then said,
"Hit the road, Toad."  I got up to follow him out of the room,
"I'll be back, Jack."
"Be back in three," he said as he walked into his office.
"I'll see you in six."  I replied.
The nurse, Michelle was just coming out of another exam room and I saw Merle and Pearl sitting inside.  I knew they were going to be there for a 3:00 appointment.

Pearl yells Hi and Michelle opened the door a bit.  "C'mon in and sit with us," said Pearl.

Just then,the doc came out of his office and I said, "Nope.  Can't.  I think there is some kind of HIPPA law against that sort of thing."

"There sure is!" he said.  "She'd probably try and diagnose you!"

As he closed the door, I heard Pearl say, "She already does that."



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love, love, love your doctor office exchanges.

    As for global warming, I don't feel smart enough to even read up on the topic so I don't weigh in on whether it is man made or natural. HOWEVER, I think there is an even more important reason why we should invest in clean energy and lessen our carbon foot print, like solar and windmill fields---they have learned to built more bird friendly in reason years. We need to get less dependent on the world oil supply so don't have reason to keep sticking our noses in the Middle East conflicts. If we had spent the money we spent on the wars in the last decade on developing alternative energy sources we would be all be better off today with money left over to rebuild our infra-structure. Instead, we make Halliburton even richer.

  3. Glad you got a clean bill of health.

    I kind of feel like whether we are experiencing Global Warming or just normal changes that cycle, we should all do whatever we can to mitigate the damage we're doing to our planet.

    Which means we should all be driving Ford F- 150 pick ups, I guess.

  4. Good news is always welcome!

    My sis--in-law and I are really good (bad) at diagnosing. LOL

  5. Your doctor's visit made me laugh. You guys are hilarious. I bet you gave your doctor a laugh.
    I'd like to see more resources directed to developing clean energy, whether or not man is responsible for heating up the planet. I'm so tired of oil spills and polluted air and water. I'm hoping that if we keep trying we will improve. I like that you bring up these topics, Judy. It makes everyone think and it creates conversation.
