title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday Moaning

Today's high temperature was: 87
Today's humidity was: 53%
Sunny and muggy

Aren't they just adorable?
Pearl and Merle

They had this picture taken for their 60th wedding anniversary, which is coming up. 

Can you even imagine, when they were dating in high school, how the other kids teased them. 
"Oh--here comes Merraall and Peraaaall".

Pearl and I were planning on going to another garden center this morning to search for a Sapphire blue Larkspur for her front garden.  She woke up with vertigo and I woke up feeling rough AND, at 9:00 the humidity was already at 51%, so we decided to, "do it another time", as she said.
I was in such pain Saturday morning when I woke up, that I couldn't straighten up.  I spent most of the morning walking around bent over at the waist.  This old body isn't used to three hours of walking up and down a hilly lawn, 15 steps up to the deck and back down and back up and....., picking up sticks with Little Boy and in general, moving almost continually.  Even my thighs, calves, feet AND hips hurt.  

Bethie had given me some Trillium and Jack-In-The-Pulpit plants and I knew I had to get them in the ground.  I took two Advil and figured, as long as I was hurting so bad, bending over and digging and planting them couldn't hurt.

That's all I did all day Saturday.

I went to bed Saturday night at 11:00 and didn't wake up until 11:00 Sunday morning!  Sciatic nerve was still giving me fits, but everything else was just sore--not painful.

So--this morning, I felt pretty good.  Still sore, but not as bad.  It is a real pity that it takes me 3 days to rest up from a 3 hour party.  GEEZ!!  This body is getting old!!

So, after I talked to Pearl, I scooted dragged around and got the bedroom cleaned, sheets and whites laundered, dried put back on the bed, or folded and put away.

Then I noticed that my toilet flusher thingie was broken again.  The cobbled up fix I put on it last fall, had rusted and broken.  So, I had to get out my tools and cobble up another fix.  It flushes now, so that's all that matters.  I sat down to watch my Soap, which is really good lately.

It was getting so hot in here, that I turned on the A/C and after my Soap, I drove on up to put some money in the bank.  I don't know what happened this month, but I do not have enough money to pay the end of month bills.  

"They" are resurfacing the road out in front of the park.  The main road to get from here to...anywhere.  Down from four lanes and a left turn lane to just two lanes.  I had one heck of a time trying to get out into traffic and turn right to get into Brighton.  Now I am worried about how I am going to get out and turn LEFT tomorrow to get into Howell and a Doctor's appointment.  

Maybe I will just turn right--go down to the next traffic light, turn right, turn around in that church drive-way and come back out with the light and head left (west).  It might just be easier in the long run.

We have had the most perfect weather all this spring.  I do not like this hot, humid weather.  I like it in the '70's with a humidity of nothing over 30%.  I hate being closed up inside and like to have my windows and doors open.  Not only that...we have some heavy weather headed this way and you know how terrified I get with the severe thunderstorms.  

I wish they made a Thunder Shirt for people, like they do for animals.

I wish this park had a storm shelter.

I wish I wasn't so scared of so many things.

Oh, BTW--Dar saw my Face Book post about my awful experience at the Brighton Meijer store where she works.  Apparently she showed it to the manager and the manager of that store called me today to hear my side of the story.  She offered me a five dollar gift card and I told her, "No thanks.  I don't want it.  I don't want anyone to lose their job either.  This isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened in your store, and so....I will just shop at the Meijer store in Howell from now on."

That gave her fits!!!  Like their store is going to miss my $250.00 a month expenditure?  Perhaps it will make for a better atmosphere of customer service in her store? 


  1. That's a nice photo of Pearl and Merle. They look like a really nice couple.

    Glad you're feeling better now.

    $5.00 - no, I'm with you - that's almost an insult!

  2. I'm glad to have faces to put to the names. Pearl and Merle do look like they belong together.

    I have a basement but I'm as scared of being trapped down there as I am of being blown away upstairs. I hope the weather coming across MI isn't as bad as they are predicting.

  3. Such a beautiful photo! :)

    Glad you are feeling a bit better / the heat and humidity are coming here as well and my problem is one son is on a honeymoon and the other one is fairly busy / not sure if I can get the window AC units in today or what. Oh well I suppose I won't really MELT / I will only FEEL as if I am, ha ha! :) Take Care :)

  4. I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm with you, I like the spring weather better than the heat and humidity. Merle and Pearl are adorable!

  5. When you read my blog and I say we had a beautiful day, the humidity is usually in the fifties. But I know it seems worse to you, as your incredible snowstorms would to me. We had such a beautiful May and even June has been nice, but it's getting nasty now.

    Pearl and Merl look nice. What a long marriage.

    So sorry the party got you down a bit. I bet the "bad" grandma felt fine the next day because she didn't do anything, but maybe she had a hangover. :)
