title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Throw Back Thursday


Four Generations
Maternal side of the family
My mother's father(the minister), my mother, 
me (18) and my first born
Mark--6 months

Paternal side of the family (sort of)
Me, Mark, my Daddy's mother, and mother, 
who had to stand in because 
Daddy was out in the barn milking cows
and wouldn't stop long enough to get a picture.
Which was okay because my Daddy was an only child
and his mother always thought of my mother 
as her  daughter


  1. Old photos are fun to look at, especially when compared to the way young people like the 'selfie' style these days.

  2. I like old photos because they show the hair and dress styles of their times.
    Judy, I emailed the pattern to you. Let me know if it arrives.

  3. I love your photo's, Judy. So nice to see the four generations.


  4. Gorgeous then, as now. Lovely to see your family - love old photos, especially with grandmas in them.

  5. I love your dress, Judy. You look so Audrey Hepburn. Very classy, my dear.
