title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Glutton For Punishment

Today's high temperature was: 65 degrees
Cloudy all day

Ernestine--Bella--Sally, are you okay?

It seems that I get myself into more dang things.  Things that I think I can do--it sounds good at the time and then realize, after I have started a project that it is going to be really hard to complete it.

My friend Chris posted on FaceBook a pair of shoes that she is making.  Crocheted.  Cute as can be. 

I thought they would be fun to make and be a nice pair to slip on for when I run down to Pearl's or wear around the house.  The soles are made of jute--coated with Silicone to make them waterproof.  The insoles are a pair of Dr. Scholl's, covered in fabric.  Simple enough?

So, I got myself a cone of cotton yarn--thought I would make them in a variegated denim color.  I was going to start them last night.  I read the first page (page 1 out of about 10 instruction pages) and I can't even understand the foundation chain to get started!!!

Will I ever get these made?
Well--ya know--
Onward and Upward
I will try!

I do not have a cell phone, but if I did--this is the one I would want.

Last year, the Hummingbirds arrived on May 1st.  I have my two feeders up and this morning, put in more sugary, sticky liquid for them.  I loved when one built a nest right out these windows last year--hoping she will return to same spot--although her old nest fell during the winter.
Another friend of a friend dropped dead in his home--yesterday--age 52.  

I got to pondering on this sort of thing and realized how many people I have known that died like that.

My (ex) son-in-law's Dad and he were out on the porch, watching the sunset and talking and the Dad, fell forward and was dead.  Age 46.

One of my Dear Friends, was sitting in bed and told her husband that her chest hurt.  She thought she was coming down with a cold.  He went into the bathroom to get her an aspirin.  When he came back, she was dead.

Five years ago, the neighbor who lived in Dar's house, walked by and we talked for a bit.  He walked into his house, took off his coat and fell over dead on his way into the kitchen.  A wife and 3 little kids left.

A friend of mine in Byron--went outside in the early morning, to check the rain gauge, came back in, sat down in his recliner to watch TV and died.  Just the evening before, my BFF had seen him riding his bike and had talked to him at a ballgame.

Another friend--was playing cards with 3 other friends--he slammed his card down to take the trick, then fell over on the table, the other guys thought he was joking.

A guy I used to work for.  Was sitting in his office and slumped over on his desk.  He was only 45.

Bethie's son.  Age 52.

Strange "something"--blood clot or something that causes a pulmonary or cardiac arrest--aneurysm and--instant death and by the time the EMT's arrive, the person has been dead for many minutes and there is nothing to do.

Never more has the phrase, "You just never know", come to mind when these things happen.
This afternoon, I went out into the shed and dumped all last years potting soils from all my planters into the wheelbarrow.  Mixed in some fertilizer and new soil and I am ready to fill up the planters--whenever it gets warm enough to plant.

I am getting ready.

I was thinking this evening about the NBA/Sterling fiasco.  Other than it being illegal to record a phone call without the other person knowing and than selling it--Mrs. Sterling owns 50% of the Clippers team.  She has done nothing to break any of the NBA rules.  If she refuses to sell her half--how can they get the team away from the Sterling's?
Got it figured out and on my way.  The toe area looks large, but it really isn't.  Of course, there is a cord along the top that pulls the shoe in to fit.  We shall see.  I may have to Frog it (ripit, rip it)

Nice gentle rain out there tonight--I don't mind.


  1. Very cute slippers; I'm glad you figured out how to make them. I tend to find the easiest patterns when I get ready to crochet.

    April went out like a lion here; yesterday the wind was terrible and today was so cold we had to build a fire in the furnace. I'm hoping the garden plants don't get killed. This week I will start raking hay and I'm glad I have a tractor with a cab, otherwise I'd be sooo cold!
    Hope you have a good night!

  2. You will figure it out, Judy. I have no doubt.

    My goodness, you know a lot of people who 'went' quickly. I've heard of one, my brother's friend, who sat down after a phone conversation and died instantly. If you have to go, quick and clean is the way.

  3. Those slippers are SO cute! I can't believe they take so many pages of instructions. I'm having trouble just reading a one page pattern for a hat.

    What cute little phone.

    If Sterling's wife is a half owner then she would have to abide by the same decisions that are voted on by the other owners. They can force a sale if a certain number of members agree by vote. There is no reason to believe he can't be forced to sell his half---if what you say is true---and she still her keep her half.

    1. If you're really interested in what the NBA can and can't do to force a sale of a team, here's a link to their by-laws: http://mediacentral.nba.com/media/mediacentral/NBA-Constitution-and-By-Laws.pdf

  4. Those slippers will be really cute!

  5. I love the slippers! Keep going, girl, you can do it!
    Wish I lived near so you could help me get started
    on a granny square. I made so many afghans years
    ago, and now can't figure how to get started (and YES
    I read the directions!)/

    I don't know anything much about the Sterling deal, but did read
    this morning that Oprah is thinking about making an offer. Yeah,
    but who really cares. :)


  6. Each year that passes I feel increasingly lucky that the people I love are still around me. As you say - you never know what's round the corner. One of Mark's Aunts died at the age of 50 after an afternoon's gardening. She got in the bath and died. It was a horrible shock for us all.
    I'm glad that you managed to work out the title of the book.....! I hope that you enjoy it!

  7. THose look really cute! You'll make them, I'm sure of it.

  8. Judy, I am fine :)
    Just enjoying these last days
    with my son.
    Oh it makes me sad
    to think he is leaving next week.
    Thank you for thinking of mej :)
