title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Warm Wednesday

Today's high temperature was:  59 degrees
Sunny all day--so pleasant

I know our friends in the south think we are nuts talking about 59 degrees being warm, but...oh it is delightful.  I was running out and about with just a light shirt on--no jacket.  I imagine Ms. Sally down in Florida would be digging out her winter jacket, with weather like we had today.  :-)
Well--I had one hellava night last night!  I went to the Chiropractor on Monday--he never makes me hurt, but his massage girl just about kills me every time.  Yesterday, I had pain in my neck, shoulder, upper arm, collar bone and coming down into the left upper part of my chest.  Now--this is not  unusual, but it is very annoying.

I guess I could go back to the doc and get the pain injections like I had in my back (which never worked very well), but the Depo-Medrol/Cortisone they use in those injections are steroids and I don't like putting steroids in my blood stream!!!

I rubbed down really good with my horse liniment before I went to bed, but I woke up at 3:00 a.m. with such a horrible pain in my chest and left arm--and my left arm was numb.  It was almost like a throbbing pain--pulsating, but at 3:00 a.m., coming out of a bad dream, I would have bet you a hundred dollars that I was having a heart attack.

My pulse was going fast, I felt nauseous, I was sweating, but the whole trunk of my body was icy cold inside.  Scared me good.

I got up and went potty, then walked around a bit.  I remembered that I had left a twenty dollar bill laying on my desk in here.  So, I came in and got it and put it in my wallet--then I unlocked the front door so the EMT's could get in and not have to break down the door.  I walked around and looked outside--completely dark and of course, all neighbors/friends/family members would be sleeping. 

I sat in my rocker/recliner and realized that the pain was receding a bit.   My pulse rate had quieted down a bit too.  I went into the bathroom and got one of my teeny Ativan tabs and swallowed it down.  Then I sat some more and finally crawled back into bed at around 4:00.

I woke up at 10:00 this morning feeling great!

I think perhaps I had a panic attack--I have had them in the middle of the night before and woke up with pulse racing, sweating, but feeling cold and scared to pieces.  Of course, this is all complicated by the fact that I am all alone.  I might have awakened in the same condition, but if Fred were here, even though I wouldn't have awakened him, at least I would know that if I needed help or died, someone would be here to lend me aid or at least call the EMT's.   There is nothing more lonely and scary then a pitch black world at 3:00 a.m.
Pearl came down today and I told her of my night.  She thinks I am silly to get so scared.

"I get up in the middle of the night almost every night.  Sometimes I am in a lot of pain, but I'm never scared."

"But...you have Merle there."

"Yeah--but he sleeps like he's dead."

"But...you could wake him, if you had too!"

She just doesn't get it and never will unless or until she is all alone.  
It was so gorgeous out and I had to run to the bank--again.  I got home from there yesterday, picked up my mail and there was the refund check from the gas company for my new furnace.

I have been thinking that I want some plants in my house again.  Maggie shredded and ate my big Peace Lily AND a new Philodendron AND a little ivy I had.  I decided to make a Terrarium--I love them and have had many.  I remembered that I had a really large glass drink dispenser stored out in the shed.  It was fancy--had it since I lived in Saginaw and use to entertain from time to time in the summer.  So, after my Soap, I went out and dug around and found it.  I had purchased it at Pier One Imports (love that store).  I cleaned it up and took off the spigot, plugged the hole with a cork and then decided to go look for something to put in it.

On the way home, I stopped at the Tractor Supply place and got 80# of bird seed to put in my big metal bin.  I had help loading it into the cart and then into my car trunk and Merle got it out when I got home and we dumped it into the metal container with two pouches of my Squirrel deterrent, mixed it up good and then I filled up all my feeders.  I think hope this seed will last through most of summer.  

Then--I came in a started playing around the the terrarium.  No way Maggie can get at these to eat them, unless she tips it over--and I really wouldn't put it past her!!!

Only one problem--I have a couple of succulents in there and...
they do NOT like moisture.  
I don't know if it is going to say in this spot on the floor--it is
rather too large to put up on an end table--we shall see
All I know, it makes me feel good to see something growing.

I was outside checking on my spring bulbs--all coming up quite nicely--after being buried under 5 feet of hard packed snow and ice.  I even have some Snow Glories coming up.  I have them planted all over my front lawn.

They are a lovely carpet when they bloom and
will be gone before it is time to mow the front lawn.

I think I will sleep well tonight.  Nothing is hurting and if I can keep my sub-conscious from trying to figure out life's struggles--maybe...just maybe...................I'll let you know for sure.


  1. What a cleaver way to have plants safely around cats! The terrains look great.

    What do you use for squirrel deterrent that you mix in birdseed? I didn't know there was such a thing. I've always loved squirrels but the dog barks so much at them that it would be nice to keep them out of a couple of my feeder that are up close to the windows. This is the first year I've had this problem, though, and I don't know if it was because of the bad winter driving the squirrel in or if someone moved who used to shoot squirrels.

    I've only woke up once in the middle of the night thinking I had a serious medical problem like you just did. It's VERY scary and I did the same thing with unlocking the door and going through a list of who'd I'd call in the middle of the night and walking the floors. Do you keep aspirin in the house---the real thing? If you think you're having a stroke or heart attack, taking one can save your life. Don't take my word for it, google "what to do if you're having a heart attack." I'm so glad you're feeling better now. Sounds like it was a panic attack. Have you checked to see if any of the medications or over the counter stuff you take have night terrors or night sweats as a side effect? Some drugs do.

  2. i understand about being alone and the feeling. scary. i am glad you feel better honey.

    hugs, bee

  3. Oh, I hope you slept better last night. I can only imagine how terrifying it is to wake up all alone and in such pain. Are you sure that was caused by the massage therapist? I sure hope so. Perhaps you could ask her/him not to be so rough!

    Love your little project; hopefully too heavy for Maggie to tip over.

    Yes, I didn't need a jacket yesterday but the weather (everywhere) is so fickle, so who knows? :)

  4. So very glad you are finally getting warm temperatures!

    I think this cold winter has stimulated plants (even those in these parts) to really grow and be beautiful this year! Azeleas around here are blooming their hearts out.

  5. I love your terrarium! That's a perfect container.

    I would have been afraid too if I'd had that experience in the middle of the night all alone. I'm glad you were able to slowly begin feeling better, but how scary!

  6. Wasn't it great to be without a coat!! Loved the weather. Hopefully with all this rain, things will be green soon.
    It does sound like you had a panic attack - i've done the same and it is SO scary to me too. Have a great day today - love the terrarium.

  7. I love your terrarium. It's beautiful. Those naughty cats.

    I wake in the night with a deep dread sometimes, much less since Dad died. It was too much stress, I think. It's a horrible feeling, but you're right. I have H here and it really makes it better just knowing he's here... even if he is asleep. I know I can wake him if I need to, and I'm sure it's much worse for anyone who's alone. The middle of the night can be a lonely and scary place.

    Take care, Judy.
