title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Weekend and Ground Hogs


Then Dan came and took it all away.


You cannot trust a Wood Chuck!!

Weird ball game.  I don't follow professional football so, it mattered not to be who might win.  I knew that Denver was favored to win and I like Peyton Manning.  When Seattle started pouring on the points, I thought it was cool--the underdog.  The National Anthem was good.  Most of the commercials were weird--what was that one about the little dog with the big head--YIKES!!  I didn't watch the half-time, and then turned on Downton Abbey, which was really good.  


I have an appointment at the Chiropractor's this afternoon and I will get back with you later.


  1. Wow, you got a lot once again....now it is here....Dab did a great job. Love your untrustworthy groundhog. Massachusetts has a groundhog named Ms G!! I personally think my Ms G is offended to have a woodchuck with the same name!!
    Back to work for me today....doing much better. I have no computer now....only at work. New one will be here by the end of the week.

  2. I watched - so to speak - the first half of the game and half time (you didn't miss much). There were only a couple of commercials that really stood out. Maybe our expectations have gotten too high. I don't know. You snow is relentless. Hope things worked out with the chiropractor.

  3. I'm loving Downton Abbey this season! That particular scene between Anna and Mr. Bates made me cry!
