title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Friday, February 7, 2014

Feeling Good

Today's high temperature was: 10 degrees

I have no idea what is wrong with me!  For the last week, without any reason, I have felt very peaceful and contented and happy.  

No snow at all today!!!  Amazing....but...there's always tomorrow and we are suppose to get a couple of inches.

I don't read very much.  I used to read a book a week--for some reason, after Fred died, I could not concentrate on reading.  It took me a long time to be able to cross stitch and crochet too, but the motivation came back in about 9 months--the reading, not until the last month.

I just finished a book that I liked called, "Final Epidemic".  If you like apocalyptic book, you'd like it.  All about a virus that hits, with no cure.   Today, I started a new book called "Mark of Evil".  It is written by the guys who wrote the "Left Behind" series--which I read all of and just loved!

I worked on the book lay-out this morning and then again tonight.  I am having a ball!!!  In between times, I watched my soap and then took my car into the service place at 2:00 to get an estimate.

When Fred came into my life, he found this service place and he got to be good friends with the owner--they shared a love of cars and dirt track racing.  When Fred was younger, he had a car that he raced with on the dirt tracks in Wisconsin.

Fred was always impressed with this guys service, so I started taking my car there too.  They have always been right with me.  Last spring when I had to have ball joints, tie rods, suspension bars and the like--after their estimate, I went on line at the Auto Zone website and got the prices for the needed parts.  On a lot of the parts, the service garage was lower.  So I trust these guys.

I was hoping I would only need a new piece of pipe--thought it probably would cost around $200.00 total--the price of labor being $80.00 an hour.  Come to find out, not only do I have a hole in the pipe right behind the manifold, but all the pipes AND the muffler have either small holes, or are so rusted, they are about to give out.  So---I need a new exhaust system from the catalytic converter back AND a muffler.

While I was waiting for them to check out the car, I met a young woman who was waiting for her car to be finished, and she started talking to me.  Her mother is in the hospital with blood clots in both legs, her groin and her lungs.  They did surgery last summer and put a screen in her groin, but she has developed new ones.  I asked how old her mother was, thinking she was probably my age......her Mom is 52!!!

52??  I have children that age!  That is awfully young to have a life threatening problem.  My Gosh!!!

After one of the repairmen looked at my car and told Rick, the owner, what was needed, Rick said he'd check out the parts and call me with an estimate.   So, I decided to drive on home.  As I was leaving, he said, "I really loved Fred!  He was a great guy!"  Man--so unexpected.  I could feel tears prick my eyes.

I stopped and got a Subway for supper and shortly after I got home, Rick called.  The estimate for all of it?  $257.68.

I was shocked and I told Rick I thought it would be twice that amount.  He said he checked three parts places and is getting the cheaper parts from each place.  

Let's face it, with a 1998 car, I don't need genuine GM parts!!

 I was thinking I might start my spring cleaning early--just for something to do.  This computer room needs a total overhaul!!  I sit here and think of how I could rearrange it, but the only solution is to put Fred's big desk over on the other wall and then my back would be to the windows and part of what I love about this arrangement, is that I can sit here and look out and see what is going on outside.  

I have three tall book shelves--all full!  I have one smaller shelf thingie that my great grandfather made--all full!  On the opposite wall from the desk, I have a long counter top--with a shelf unit on one end--full--with the litter box under part of it.  The closet is filled with plastic storage boxes with Jen's kids afghans in them and the great grandchildren baby quilts AND 1 plastic storage box with all my children's book notes, rough drafts, etc, in them, 1 box with all my yarn and crocheting supplies and 1 box filled with cross stitch fabric, patterns, floss.  Plus, my coats on the rack and boxes on the top shelf.  I just cleaned it out last fall.

I do have one cart (used to be a microwave cart) that I could get rid of as I have put all my computer paper, envelopes, discs and stuff like that in another cart the same size, but it has a roll down cover, that closes out the shelves, which I like.

If I did get rid of the empty microwave cart, I could then move my computer tower, modem, router and all that goes along with it, to the other side of my desk.  That might make the room look a little neater when people glance in as they come through the front door.

PLUS--I need new blinds for the three windows AND I need new cafe/tier curtains with the valances to match.  Can't afford both, so will just soak and wash the heck out of the curtains and look for some cheapo blinds.

I need to figure something out because this mess is getting to me!!!
Tomorrow I am going grocery shopping because Monday, after my visit to the Chiropractor, I am dropping my car off and they can have it all week if they want.  I have no place to go.

Enjoy watching the Olympics and I will see you Monday!



  1. How great is it that you have someone who gives you a good deal on the car repair! And, you know you're not getting robbed. Every penny helps us doesn't it?

    Well, Judy I know it's not the same, but as avid a reader as I've always been, I couldn't read for a couple of years after Ben passed away. Just couldn't concentrate. I'm glad that now I can and do. :)

    Have a good weekend.
    Love ya!

    1. Of course it's the same Sally--maybe even worse because he was so young--an innocent child. I think every grieving person gets into that foggy brain thingie.

  2. Before Don passed away I belonged to a book club and read a LOT. I still don't have the same concentration for reading that I had before. I get 3/4 through a book and lose interest, including the first book you mentioned above.

    I need to re-arrange my work space too and it drives me crazy trying to figure out what to do. My issues is the same as yours,,,,I love my view and don't want to loose that.

    I'm enjoying the Olympics, too.

    1. First I have to declutter this room. The last couple of months, I have just shoved stuff in here that I couldn't get out to the shed or didn't know what else to do with them.

  3. I have been what I call a chain reader (I start a new book as soon as I finish one) for many years now. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't read a book.

    1. That's a good thing! I use to be that way. It is especially good this time of year with all the snow you (we've) been blessed (?) with, LOL.

  4. hi honey, thanks for the link here. i know depression keeps you from concentrating on things and i couldn't read for a while either. i am so happy you have honest car people! rare today!

    hugs, bee

  5. Having an honest and good mechanic is a great thing. We have a guy we trust. He's never let us down.

    I stopped in the middle of this post to jump over to audible.com to buy the first book in the Left Behind Series. Can you believe I've never read them. Glad you enjoyed Final Epidemic.

  6. Glad you are enjoying reading again. I've loved reading since a child. It's my happy place! Olympics are always fun to me. So thankful you have a great mechanic. My dad used to do all my car work, so now with the newer cars, it's impossible for that. I hate the way car places treat women. Like I can't tell the difference between fuel injection and a carburator!
