Today's high temperature was: 56 degrees
Today's humidity was: I don't know--quite low.
Sunny and nice
Let's catch up---I stopped taking the new med Friday night. By Saturday night, I could get shoes on and the swelling seems to be going down. I woke up Sunday morning--I had lost 6 pounds and my socks and shoes fit just fine!!! This morning, all evidence of swelling is gone, the red rash is subsiding and I have lost another 2 pounds. Apparently, that is one med I will not be taking ever again. Actually, I don't know what to think. I even feel better then I did taking it. For the last three mornings--I have awakened at 7:00 a.m.!!! Now you know, that is a wonder and a miracle to me--who was dragging out of bed at 10:00 and not being able to sleep until 1-2 in the morning. So far, no impulsiveness and................I don't want to go back to him on Thursday, but I will. Pftt.======================================
Saturday, I did very little--couldn't go out because I couldn't get my shoes on. I took my ceiling fan apart and gave it a good washing and cleaning--even cleaned the light bulbs. It needed it!!!
I watched college football games and baseball game, watched a couple of DVD's, cross stitched on Elmo and had my supper.
perfect supper--that is only one tomato on that plate--huge, tasty tomato. As was the sweet corn. Big kernels so one row filled up my whole mouth.
Then Pammie called to say she went to Arlene's and pick-up the library table and got to chat with her "cousins"--not really blood cousins, but...................she loves the table. We all love the idea that it home where it originally started life. I figured it out--the table is 93 years old! Pammie is going to clean it up and put some dark polish on the scratches, but leave it with it's 93 years worth of bumps and bruises.
I worked on Elmo and only had a little bit left when......................(of course) I ran out of floss.
I went to check my stash and.....(of course) out of the million bobbins of floss I have,
I didn't have that color.
Sunday--now Sunday was a glorious day!!!!
I was awake at 7:00, so I had no problem getting to 10:30 church--it was great. The choir was back from their summer hiatus and they sang beautiful--I almost cried. We have about 40 members in our choir and that is good for a small church.
Then, on the way out of town, I decided to stop at a Face Book friends house. I go right by every Sunday on the way to and from church. She and her family have been going through a bit of trouble--husband's job loss, things like that. She has three boys two already graduated and working and one, a Junior. They are football players and very nice young men. I just wanted to stop and give her a hug. She is Jennifer's age and is pretty devastated by all that is going on, but has a really good attitude. When I was her age, I was going through the devastation of divorce--losing the nice income I had been use to, along with a teenager, trying to find how to support us. I just wanted to let her see that here I am---and old woman and I MADE IT!!! As I look back, my divorce was not the worse of what life would throw at me, these last 30 years, but.......
I got to meet her husband and their two wonderful Schnauzer's. Got kisses from the pups--wonderful little furry balls of energy. The visit helped me too--I just felt more buoyant. I don't get to interact too much with people that age. I see such promise in her life and I am very assured that all of this problem isn't going to make her marriage go down the drain. They are a very sturdy couple in their life.
I stopped at Wal-Mart to pick up some stuff and my prescription. I was also going to go next door to Lowe's and check out the paint and supplies I need to get for my HUGE porch project.
I picked up a new door mat for my porch and treads for the steps.
I looked for the color floss I needed--Wal-Mart doesn't carry much and they did not have the color I needed. I need 606--they had 605, 607, 608. Weird, Huh?
THEN--Ta Dah--I wanted to get another pair of moccasins. All the women's sizes were too big. 9-10. Or too small. 7-8. I needed an 8-9. I was mulling this who conundrum over in my head, when a cute clerk walked up and asked, "Are you finding everything?" So I told her my problem and she walked me back to the men's shoe section and handed me a pair of 7-8, "Try these." THEY FIT--perfectly. Kathy--I adore you!!!
Then I went over to the soft drink area and stocked up on Diet Pepsi--they have had it at 1.00 a jug for this entire month!!! I didn't buy any food or anything--I don't really like Wal-Mart, but I pick-up my prescription. I DO like the pharmacy staff!!
I was tired by now, so headed out of the store to go to Lowe's. There was a man, sitting on the bench on the way out. He had an Air Force cap on and I wanted to thank him for his service, so I went over.
"Did you serve in Korea?" I asked.
"Yes..Korea AND World War Two. I was in the air force engineers. We built all the roads so our planes could get in."
"Well, I just wanted to thank you for your service."
(I should have walked away at this point in time, but....................)
"Yahup--we were in India. Been there. Have you ever heard of the road to Burma? Yahup--built that damn thing too."
....and for the next forty minutes, I learned all about the Air Force Corp of Engineers, how the "japs" were worse to fight against then the Germans, where he was born, ninety-three years ago, where he went to school, his move to Detroit to work in the factory, at $1.00 a day. How these "damn young people nowadays are spoiled, disrespectful brats," how "we don't live in the united states of American anymore. There isn't any united states!" "I don't mind people coming here, that's how my great grandparents got here, it legally--not like them wet backs coming in here and then wanting the government to support this. Hell! They ain't even citizens!" How, "the damn government is taking us down the road to hell." "That son-of-a-bitch in the White House won't be happy until we all are under government support and control,"--on and on.
I realized that he doesn't get to relate to many people either during the day, so-----it was a nice visit.
I was very weary, so I just walked out to my car, loaded up my stuff and came home. Too tired to go to JoAnn's for floss, or to Lowe's for browsing painting information.
No more then walked in the door and my sister called--she and a friend, visiting from Binghamton, NY were out driving and wanted to stop in. We had a great visit.
Monday--today--woke up at 7:00--did the morning routine, laundered my nice, Egyptian cotton sheets--I love those things, worked a bit and then got ready to get outside and to some trim work. Got the Rose of Sharon bushes topped and trimmed up a bit and that was all for this morning.
Ate, watched my soap and off to the Chiropractor. Then to the Rich People's store for some salad and cake--always cake. Then to Meijer's and then to JoAnn's and then to Taco Bell for a couple of soft taco's for supper.
Then home to bag up the trimmings from this morning, as the yard waste people come tomorrow. I hope tomorrow to get up early enough to get the rest of the annuals pulled and out to the curb before they arrive.
I wanted to post this early, as I know you kids were worried. Not to worry--I figured it out, as I usually do and---it's all good!!
You're going to find your old moccasins now that you've bought a new pair. LOL
ReplyDeleteThat tomato is incredible! I wish I could find some like that around here.
I totally understand that 93-year-old man. He tells the truth. And many people my age will say the same thing. These young'uns today look at us cross-eyed when we talk like that. They just don't understand. But give them 50 years under their belt and they will think the same way.
ReplyDeleteHappy to hear this news....isn't it almost always a case of what we are putting in to our bodies that is causing the problem? Our bodies are very good at sending us messages, and the wise listen!
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
Glad you're feeling better. What a day you had! Nice that you took time to listen to that Vet. You were maybe the only person who would listen to that day.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Jean R. You will probably find your moccasins now.
I thought exactly what Jean did - You will find the old ones now! Haha. Glad you are feeling better. You are such an inspiration to me. So so glad your body is healing itsel!
ReplyDeleteyour post made me smile
ReplyDeleteso happy you are doing good...
I am very glad that you're feeling so much better! And, I loved that you paid it forward for the gentleman; listened to him. God bless them all!!