Today's high temperature was: 83
Today's humidity was: 69%
Humid! Rainy! Blech!
Cold front coming tonight.
I honestly thought it was Saturday most of the day!!! Geez kids--I'm losing it fast!!!For the last two weeks, I have had swelling in my feet and ankles--especially the right one. I also have what looks like a red rash. No pain--no marks from a spider bite, that I can see. I do not have a fever and no "warm" places on my legs--in fact, I feel great! I have also gained 10 pounds in 14 days! I take a water pill and HBP meds and my blood pressure is not high.
Three weeks ago, I started that new medicine the shrink gave me. I am not taking any tonight--nor forever, I don't think, because that is the only new thing I have done. I go back to see him next Thursday and we shall see--unless it gets worse, then get in to see the primary doc on Monday.
I can't get my shoes on, I could my moccasins, but someone took them, so I haven't gone anywhere today. I need to take some stuff back to Wal-Mart and I need to "browse" Lowes to check on my paint and supplies. So---today, I worked on my "job" for a full three hours and I did laundry and I cross stitched.
We are getting there. One more arm.
I also watched a DVD on Muhammad--his life and the religion, Islam, that he created. Very interesting and very enlightening. The whole religion is based on non-violence, tolerance and kindness. Quite a bit different then what we see by the Radical Jihadist's that quote the Quran (wrongly I might add) and think it is their God given duty to kill all pagans/infidels--those that do not practice Islam. Just reminds me of how so many take scripture, turn it around to mean what they want it to mean and then quote it as if it were truth.
Tonight, I might have time to watch the DVD on The Amish--who I pretty well think are the most non-violent people here!!!!!
Those sound like interesting DVDs that I would enjoy too.
ReplyDeleteLove the way cross-stitch turned out. Very cute.
Stopping the medication was a wise thing...just in case that's the cause of your foot issue. Have you researched adverse reactions online? The weight gain could be fluid retention from many things include a drug. Please don't take any chances if it doesn't look better in a day or two! You can always call the prescribing doctor before you appointment day.
I don't kow Judy...I think that I would call the doctor now and just tell him what's going on. .
ReplyDeleteHope you are OK.
Glad you will see the doctor and maybe he can shed some light on the swelling in your feet and legs. That doesn't sound good or very comfortable....I bet those cute guys took your mocs....they're hoping you will hunt them down. LOL
ReplyDeleteHave a great day.
It's troubling that your feet are swelling... and the rash. I'll be glad when you talk to the doctor. We really have to keep an eye open when new meds are introduced. I hope the swelling disappears.
ReplyDeletePlease call your primary Monday; that doesn't sound good. :(
Just caught up with your news. Sending loads of 'bloggy' best wishes. I hope that you've been able to sort things out. It all sounds rather scary. Jx
ReplyDeleteDon't wait to long to see the dr. Hope that you at least called today - and check about side effects of the Meds too! Take care.
ReplyDeleteI echo other people's concerns. I hope some answers surface, so you can return to normal. Please be careful and kind to yourself, O.K.?